If you have setuptools you can use
$ easy_install -U pycorreios
Otherwise, you can download the source from GitHub and run
$ python setup.py install
Some simple examples of what pyCorreios code looks like:
from pycorreios import Correios
# with a dictionary paramenter - the field order doesn't matter
fields = {"cod": Correios().SEDEX,
"GOCEP": "44001535",
"HERECEP": "03971010",
"peso": "2",
"formato": "1", # caixa/pacote
"comprimento": "18",
"altura": "8",
"largura": "24",
"diametro": "12"}
test = Correios().frete(**fields) # remember to call with **
# or with positional parameters - same result as above
test = Correios().frete(Correios().SEDEX,'44001535','03971010',2,1,18,8,24,12)
if test['Erro'] != '0':
print 'Deu erro! :('
print test['Erro']
print test['MsgErro']
print "Valor: R$%s\nPrazo de Entrega: %s" % (test['Valor'],test['PrazoEntrega'])
other_test = Correios().cep('03971010')
for tag_name in other_test.keys():
print tag_name + ': ' + other_test[tag_name]