marcuskwan / webapi-challenge

Web API Sprint Challenge

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Sprint Challenge: Express and Node.js - Home Chores


In this challenge, create a web API to manage the following resources: People and Chores.


Read these instructions carefully. Understand exactly what is expected before starting this Sprint Challenge.

This is an individual assessment, please work on it alone. It is an opportunity to demonstrate proficiency in the concepts and objectives introduced and practiced in preceding days.

If the instructions are not clear, please seek support from your TL and Instructor on Slack.

The Minimum Viable Product must be completed in three hours.

Follow these steps to set up and work on your project:

  • Create a forked copy of this project.
  • Add your Team Lead as collaborator on Github.
  • Clone your forked version of the Repository.
  • Create a new Branch on the clone: git checkout -b firstName-lastName.
  • Implement the project on this Branch, committing changes regularly.
  • Push commits: git push origin firstName-lastName.

Follow these steps for completing your project.

  • Submit a Pull-Request to merge firstName-lastName Branch into master on your fork, don't make Pull Requests against Lambda's repository.
  • Please don't merge your own pull request.
  • Add your Team Lead as a Reviewer on the Pull-request
  • Your Team Lead will count the challenge as done by merging the branch into master.


Commit your code regularly and use descriptive messages. This helps both you (in case you ever need to return to old code) and your Team Lead.

Self-Study/Essay Questions

Demonstrate your understanding of this Sprint's concepts by answering the following free-form questions. Edit this document to include your answers after each question. Make sure to leave a blank line above and below your answer so it is clear and easy to read by your Team Lead.

  • Mention two parts of Express that you learned about this week. quick way to add crud functionality using res.status, post get put delete

  • What is Express Middleware? functions that intervene in the middle in the middle of your request/response? super cool since you can validate stuff and write your if statements on the client requests there are custom ones too

  • How can a client send data to an API? they can do crud operations to specific endpoints by a backend?

  • What can the API return to help clients know if a request was successful? a response status code of 200?

  • What Express feature can we use to partition an application into sub-applications? the router express package, i'm not really sure what this does, but docs say this "Use the express.Router class to create modular, mountable route handlers. A Router instance is a complete middleware and routing system; for this reason, it is often referred to as a “mini-app”. dont know what it means though

Minimum Viable Product

  • Configure an npm script named "server" that will execute your code using nodemon. Make nodemon be a development time dependency only, it shouldn't be deployed to production.
  • Configure an npm script named "start" that will execute your code using node.
  • Write endpoints to manage (CRUD) chores.
  • Hard code an array with a few people. No need to write endpoints to manage them.
  • Write an endpoint that accepts a person's id and returns the list of chores for the person. if a person with that id does not exist in the people array, the endpoint should return a 404 status code and a message. If the person exists, but has no chores assigned, return an empty array.
  • Add support for a query string parameter called completed to the endpoint that returns the list of chores. When the client sends this query string parameter, and the value is true, the endpoint should return the list of completed chores. If the value of the query string parameter is false, the endpoint should return chores where completed is false. If the query string parameter is not sent, the endpoint should return all chores.
  • Deploy the API to heroku and send the URL to your TL.

Resources (People and Chores)

Store the data about people and chores using arrays.

For people store the following information:

Field Data Type Notes
id number write code to increment the id every time a person is added to the people array
name string when saving a person, validate that the client sends a name.

For chores store the following information:

Field Data Type Notes
id number write code to increment the id every time a chore is added to the chores array
description string when saving a chore, validate that the client sends a description
notes string this field is optional, it is ok if the client does not provide a value for it
assignedTo number required, stores the id of a person from the people array.
completed boolean used to indicate if the chore has been completed, if not provided by the client, make it false by default

When saving a chore, check that there is a person with an id that matches the number provided in this field. Example: if trying to save a chore and assignedTo has the value: 3, check that the people array has an object with an id that has the value: 3. If there is no person with that id, do NOT save the chore to the array and return a 400 status code with a message.

Stretch Goal

  • Write endpoints to manage people.
  • Write an endpoint to find a person by id that returns an object with all the chores assigned to that person. Example:
  id: 1,
  name: 'Frodo Baggins',
  chores: [
      id: 1,
      description: 'take the ring to Mordor',
      notes: 'make your way to Mount Doom',
      assignedTo: 1, // the id of Frodo,
      completed: true
      id: 2,
      description: 'destroy the ring',
      notes: 'cast the ring into the fire inside Mount Doom',
      assignedTo: 1,
      completed: false
  • Use create-react-app to create an application in a separate folder (outside the API project folder). Name it anything you want.
  • From the React application show a list of people using the API you built.
  • Add functionality to show the details of a person, including its chores, when clicking a person name in the list. Use React Router to navigate to a separate route to show the person details.
  • Add styling! Perhaps with styled-components or emotion


Web API Sprint Challenge


Language:JavaScript 100.0%