marcospb19 / termite-install

Termite terminal emulator Installation script for ubuntu/debian-based systems.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Termite Install

This is a script for installing Termite Terminal Emulator on Debian-based systems. It is necessary because Termite cannot be installed from apt's repositories.


Installing termite breaks gnome-terminal because of VTE's patched version dependencies

Termite on Linux Mint (you may want to zoom):

Termite Image

More about Termite:

Arch Wiki
Github Repository

Why I use Termite:

  • It has no unnecessary bars
  • Fits perfectly with a windows manager (e.g. i3wm)
  • Looks very clean (Similar to a customized URxvt, if you know about it)
  • Have 3 selection modes that helps copying text without the mouse
  • Also, I can right click links to insta-copy
  • Slightly faster than most "loaded" terminal-emulators
  • Clean configuration file at .config/termite/config
  • More little details I really like that don't fit in this list

Script tested on:

  • Mint Cinnamon 19 - 19.1
  • Ubuntu 16.04 - 18.10
  • Debian 9

This repo is a fork

The original script was made by Corwind. But he abandoned it by the time I was interested. So i made this fork to maintain it.


Termite terminal emulator Installation script for ubuntu/debian-based systems.

License:GNU General Public License v2.0


Language:Shell 100.0%