marcosbarbero / airline-booking

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Airline Booking Flights

It' an airline ticket reservation system. All it' documentation can be found in the docs dir.


This project was built with the following technologies:

Adding Project Lombok Agent

This project uses Project Lombok to generate getters and setters etc. Compiling from the command line this shouldn't cause any problems, but in an IDE you need to add an agent to the JVM. Full instructions can be found in the Lombok website. The sign that you need to do this is a lot of compiler errors to do with missing methods and fields.


This application will generate an executable jar file, to build and run ensure you have Java 8 and Maven 3 installed and execute the following command on the terminal:

$ mvn clean package

Note: Make sure you're on project root dir.


This project will be using MySQL - 5.7.14 as database. There will be two available schemas: oauth and booking. The database scripts is located at dir docs/database:

  • oauth_schema.sql
  • oauth_data.sql
  • booking_schema.sql
  • booking_data.sql

First execute the scripts with _schema.sql.

Note: To access the database use your favorite SQL client and configure properly the connection params.

Code Coverage

This project uses JaCoCo for code coverage. To check it's result execute:

$ mvn clean package

When the tests finishes the result you'll see a message like this:

[INFO] Airline Booking .................................... SUCCESS [  0.679 s]
[INFO] auth-service ....................................... SUCCESS [ 17.671 s]
[INFO] backoffice-front-ui ................................ SUCCESS [ 13.575 s]
[INFO] booking-service .................................... SUCCESS [ 16.881 s]
[INFO] config-service ..................................... SUCCESS [ 12.269 s]
[INFO] customer-service ................................... SUCCESS [ 12.101 s]
[INFO] discovery-service .................................. SUCCESS [  9.955 s]
[INFO] gateway-service .................................... SUCCESS [ 13.826 s]
[INFO] search-service ..................................... SUCCESS [ 15.255 s]
[INFO] storefront-ui ...................................... SUCCESS [ 13.028 s]
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------

The JaCoCo result will be available on dirs: $module-name\target\site\jacoco\index.html.

Note: change the module-name to each module name in this project to find out the JaCoCo result.

API Docs

All backend services have a built-in documentation that can be accessed by the uri /docs/api.html.

- search-service
- customer-service
- booking-service
- auth-service - `missing docs`

Distributed configuration

This project is built under microservices architectural styles and use a distributed configuration server to provide applications config by environment. Those configurations will be storage in a git repository like this and should be pointed to the file in config-service\src\main\resources\bootstrap.yml on property:

Any additional information can be found on it's official docs.
You can find a config-repo sample files under the dir docs\config-repo.

Note:It's not mandatory to use the configserver to run this project. You can change manually each project configuration under in the file src\main\resources\application.yml

Not done in this project

- Customers interface
- Back office inventory system
- Back office API
- Staff team interface
- Email alerts

Issues faced

The major issue here was the time frame proposed to complete this challenge with a good quality. Once I figured out I could not complete that I've focused to delivery the backend API, so any developer can build it's interface in any spec or device.


I assumed that this system should be made as an API once one of it's non-functional requirements is to the core must be ready to serve mobile apps in future without any modification. Taking that in count I've also built it securely using OAuth2 so any kinda of client can consume that without a major issues.
Once the system core must be ready for mobile apps and single page apps I choose to make it under a microservices architectural style to ensure it's scalability and high availability.
For last but not least, I assumed also that the inventory system was already built.


This section will cover how to run the services by hands in a local machine. I could not complete the cloud deployment doc requirement.
After the project build you can run this project with a simple java -jar in the following sequence.

  1. config-service
$ java -jar target/config-server.jar
  1. discovery-service
$ java -jar target/discovery-service.jar
  1. gateway-service
$ java -jar target/gateway-service.jar
  1. auth-service
$ java -jar target/auth-service.jar
  1. booking-service
$ java -jar target/booking-service.jar
  1. customer-service
$ java -jar target/customer-service.jar
  1. search-service
$ java -jar target/search-service.jar

Once all projects are running you can check it's list on Eureka's dashboard in http://localhost:8761/, the application names will become a route in the gateway-service that's running in port 8080. Now you can reach any service documentation just reaching the following URIs.

To consume the APIs you will need to generate an access_token and add it to the request header. The default clientId is booking-app and it' secret is secret.

Sample request:

$ curl -u booking-app:secret http://localhost:8080/uaa/oauth/token -d "grant_type=client_credentials"

Note: Before run this project remember to configure properly the datasources in the configserver or in each project's application.yml file.


It's a good approach to evaluate the architectural knowledge of a candidate because it goes in almost all layers of a real application. The bad part here is the time frame established to complete, I think that most of the appliers are currently working in any other job, with that in mind the time frame becomes very tight due the project size.



Language:Java 95.3%Language:HTML 2.4%Language:JavaScript 2.3%