marcopaganini / angel

Angel Network Monitor -- An old (and not supported) simple program to monitor hosts and services.

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The Angel Network Monitor

© Mar/1998 by Marco Paganini (

Before anything else, please read this

This is very outdated software, writen two decades ago to scratch an itch. It's not supported and should be considered orphaned. I decided to make it available on github for archaeological purposes, and for the few people who are still using it. There are no plans to provide any fixes or create new versions. Twenty plus years is a long time in this industry and I'd be surprised if it works out of the box at all.


Angel is a simple yet useful tool to monitor the services on your network. Technically speaking, it's a Perl program that runs every 'n' minutes (usually fired from your cron) and calls different perl subprograms (referred as "plugins" from now on) to do the actual testing. It will then generate an HTML table containing the status of your network.

Main features

  • Administration is centralized. Adding hosts and/or services involves editing only one file, usually.

  • The program uses the 'plug-in' concept, meaning it's easy to customize and enhance.

  • HTML output. You can monitor your hosts/network from anywhere

  • Support for the excellent LEDSign Java applet.

  • Javascript support. The browser will popup a child window with alerts, if you choose this option

  • SSH Support.

  • It's Free :)

The inspiration for this program (and for the name) came from the Excellent "Big Brother" package. Big Brother is "watching you", just like your "Guardian Angel". :)

Program Basics

The core of the program is the angel perl script. It's meant to be run from your cron every "N" minutes. Once run, the program will read the conf/hosts.conf and conf/angel.conf files, test the specified conditions and generate the HTML output containing the status of your hosts, detailed error messages (returned from your plug-ins, etc).

Installation Procedures

Finding a place for the files

The first step (as always) is to find a suitable place for Angel. It's mostly a matter of personal taste, and Angel will make its best to find its "home" directory and proceed accordingly. I like putting custom things under the /usr/local directory. If you do not object to that, you could do:

mkdir /usr/local/angel
cd /usr/local/angel
tar zxvf angel.tar.gz

This assumes your file is called angel.tar.gz.

Configuring your web server

Angel generates HTML code but you need a web-server to see the results. If you don't have a Web Server on the computer Angel is running, you won't be able to see the output from the outside world (from other computers, I mean). Of course, if your workstation runs Linux, you won't need an HTTP Server (Just fire your browser and point to the place where Angel writes its files).

However, it would be healthy to have a running server, since it allows you to watch your servers from anywhere. For now, I suppose you're running Apache.

What you have to do is configure your Apache server so you can "see" the files generated by Angel more easily:

  • Edit your srm.conf file.
  • Add the line: Alias /angel /usr/local/angel/html to this file.
  • Restart your webserver.
  • From now on, you should be able to see the Angel output pointing to: http://yourwebserver/angel/

Configuring The Program

Before you run the program, it would be a good idea to take a quick look at the sample conf/angel.conf file. Some default variables can be changed to modify the behaviour of the program. The most important ones are:


These variables control the main HTML file generation. Index_html_header is sent to the html file before anything else. Index_html_footer is the last thing sent to the file.


Angel uses the HTML TABLE construct to format its output. This variable controls the default table width (in pixels) for each element. If you change this value, please remember that your red, yellow, green and black gifs should fit inside the table cell! If you have a large number of services, it could be a good idea to reduce this value. Please remember that the total width of your table is (Number of services + 1) * Index_column_width. Currently, this value is also used for the host part of the table (yes, it will be changed soon). Setting this variable to "-1" will cause Angel not to generate width info at all in the html output.


How thick (in pixels) should be the table borders. Some people love table borders, others do not. The default is 0, or, no border.


Angel generates an html file containing all the errors found on the last cycle. The table columns contain:

  1. The host name
  2. The label (service) where the error was found and
  3. The error description. These variables control the width of each of these columns.

If you set $main::Use_ledsign, Angel will include support for the excellent Ledsign Java Applet from Darrick Brown. $main::Ledsign_html_header contains the applet call. Do not change this unless you know exactly what you're doing. Please, consult the included Ledsign package for more details.


This tells the plugins which program should be used to do remote execution. Linux normally uses rsh. HPUX uses remsh and SCO rcmd. It's a good idea to enable SSH on your site and use SSH, since the "r" commands are insecure by nature.

Editing Your Configuration File

Everything Angel does is based on the contents of the conf/hosts.conf file. Following the good Unix tradition, this is a pure ASCII file and should be edited using your preferred editor. Every host and service you want to monitor must be listed in this file.

For each key pair host/service, there must be one line in the configuration file. If you want to check, say SMTP and HTTP from the same host, you must have two different lines in the configuration file.

The basic format of this file is:




Name of the host to be checked. This host must be locatable from the computer where angel is running.


The plugin name. Each plugin does a different thing and require different plugin_options (see next definition).


These options are passed directly to the plugin. You must check the plugin documentation, since each plugin requires specific options.


Angel always creates a table containing hostnames in the rows and labels in the columns. But what is a "label"? Usually a label is a service. That's it. I called it "label" just because it can be any string you wish. Internally, the program will group using the pair hostname/label. For instance, you may choose to label your http column as "Web" to make it easier for non-computer people to understand the program output. Which service is effectively checked depends on what you pass to the plugin using the plugin_options field.


These options control some aspects of the core Angel script. They are not related to the plugins and apply equally to all plugins. Currently, the valid options are "alertyellow","alertred","alertblack". These options will cause Angel to generate javascript code which in turn will open an auxiliary window in your browser, warning you when a yellow, red or black condition happen, respectively. Options are separated with a "!" (bang) sign.

It's a good idea to check the hosts.conf.example file that comes with this package to make sure you understand the syntax. Also, check the Plugin specific documentation below to customize Angel to your needs.

Plugin Specific Documentation

This section discusses the basic options for each plugin. This is where you should expect to find the plugin_options for each plugin.

Writing your own plugins

Please take a look at the existing plugins to understand how things work. Mail me if you have any questions about how the plugins interact with the main program.

After your plugin is complete, please send me a copy so I can include it on the next Angel release (with the due credits, of course).

If you feel like it (it would be veeeery cool), also change the documentation and add the particulars of the newly created plugin.

If you complete any of the previous steps, my sincere thanks. :)

Things to do

As you know, a software project, no matter how small, generates a lot of work. In fact, only this documentation took almost the same time as the code. Count the debugging sessions (and the fact that I'm doing this in my spare time) and you'll understand why bugs are very likely to exist.

If you feel like helping, know that I would love to receive emails with comments, corrections and ideas for Angel. You can also send me PRs on github or open issues.

Here's a (partial) list of things I know should be changed or improved:

My special thanks and credits to:

  • Norbert Gruener (nog@MPA-Garching.MPG.DE) - for his ideas, improvements and bug corrections. Thanks to Norbert, you're going to see a whole different version of Angel soon.

  • Philippe Charnier ( for many patches to the Check_disk plugin.

  • Adam Soltan ( for patches to the Check_disk plugin.

  • Michael Schilli ( - for the great Proc::Simple perl module.

  • MacLawran Group for "Big Brother". Big Brother gave me the idea for Angel (and for the "Angel" name too. :))

  • Graham Barr for IO::Socket. It's much better than the regular socket module.


Angel Network Monitor -- An old (and not supported) simple program to monitor hosts and services.

License:GNU General Public License v2.0


Language:Perl 69.1%Language:HTML 27.0%Language:Shell 3.8%