marcomoura / cnab150

Parser for Return Bank File CNAB-150

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

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Client of cnab-150 return file.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'cnab150'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install cnab150


  • The examples are using these registries
 string_cnab150 = ['A20000111111111       PREF MUN XXXXXX-XYZ 341BANCO ITAU S.A.     2015101600131203                                                                     ',
                   'G982300210019        20151015201510168166000000005092477201510160000000000000007500000000050900000803120000701594   2                                 ',
                   'G982300210019        20151015201510168169000000023012477201510310201200230228200100000000230100000803120001183477   2                                 ',
                   'Z00000400000000001533612                                                                                                                              ']

  • The parser_registries method needs an array os strings, it'll return an array of Cnab150::Registry
> registries = Cnab150.parse_registries(string_cnab150)
 => [ Cnab150::Registry, Cnab150::Registry, Cnab150::Registry, Cnab150::Registry ]
  • To select a kind of registry, call the select method with the type and an array os strings
> g_registries =, string_cnab150)
 => [
       { registry_code: 'G',
         account: '982300210019',
         payment_date: '20151015',
         credit_date: '20151016',
         barcode: '81660000000050924772015101600000000000000075',
         value: '000000000509',
         service_value: '0000080',
         registry_number: '31200007',
         agency: '0159',
         channel: '4',
         authentication: '   2',
         payment_type: '',
         filler: '' },
       { registry_code: 'G',
         account: '982300210019',
         payment_date: '20151015',
         credit_date: '20151016',
         barcode: '81690000000230124772015103102012002302282001',
         value: '000000002301',
         service_value: '0000080',
         registry_number: '31200011',
         agency: '8347',
         channel: '7',
         authentication: '   2',
         payment_type: '',
         filler: '' },
  • There is methods to select just the Header, Trailer and Details registries This method will return a Cnab150::Registry. The detail method return any other registries diferent from Header and Trailer
> h = Cnab150.header(registries)

> h.registry_code
 => 'A'

> h.registry_type
 => '2'
  • To change the keys to hash
> h = Cnab150.header(registries)
> h.to_hash
 => {:registry_code=>"A",
     :organization=>"PREF MUN XXXXXX-XYZ",
     :bank_name=>"BANCO ITAU S.A.",
  • To create a new layout add a YML file with the column names and positions
    registry_code: 1
    registry_type: 1
    agreement: 20
    organization: 20
    bank_code: 3
    bank_name: 20
    file_date: 8
    file_number: 6
    version: 2
    service: 17
    filler: 52

And override the default layout by setting the layout_path_file in the configure

Cnab150.configure do |config|
  config.layout_file_path = 'absolute/path/to/your/layout.yml'


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at


Parser for Return Bank File CNAB-150


Language:Ruby 99.2%Language:Shell 0.8%