marcoandre1 / TitlecaseConverter

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Setting up a Java Development Environment

This README keeps my personal notes from the PluralSight course Setting up a Java Development Environment by __

Writting and Running Java Code

You write code in java files ( This code is compiled with javac into class files (Hello.class) which is byte code. The class files can be executed with the java command.

Actually, the java command calls the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) and the Java Standard Edition (SE) APIs.

The combination of java and javac is called the JDK for Java Development Kit.

Installing the JDK

  1. Download the latest JDK: <>
  2. Extract the zip file into the C:\Program files directory.
  3. Change the systemd variables: add JAVA_HOME -> C:\Program Files\jdk and update Path -> C:\Program File\jdk\bin.
  4. Open a cmd and type java --version to make sure.

Using IntelliJ for Java Development

  1. Donwload IntelliJ and install it.
  2. Create new project
  3. Add a Java Class named com.github.marcoandre1.Main to the src folder (which creates a file).
  4. Add a second Java Class named com.github.marcoandre1.TitlecaseConverter to the src folder.

Refactoring (Move code to a package)

  1. Select both classes and right click on Refactor and chose Move Classes....
  2. To package com.example (It is common use, to choose your reverse website for example).
  3. Click on Refactor.
  4. com.github.marcoandre1.Main and com.github.marcoandre1.TitlecaseConverter are now in the com.example package.

Creating JAR files

  1. Java applications are packaged into JAR files (for Java ARchive) which are basically zip files (you can unzip it).
  2. A jar file contains the packages and a manifest.
  3. Add a TC-MANIFEST.MF file with the following content: com.github.marcoandre1.Main-Class:
  4. Create a jar file: jar cvmf TC-MANIFEST.MF com.github.marcoandre1.TitlecaseConverter.jar .
  5. Run the jar file with the following command: java -jar com.github.marcoandre1.TitlecaseConverter.jar.

Creating JAR files with IntelliJ

  1. File menu -> Project structure...
  2. Artifacts -> + -> JAR -> From modules with dependencies...
  3. Choose com.github.marcoandre1.Main Class -> OK
  4. Check Include in project build and OK
  5. Build and jar file should be in out folder.



Language:Java 100.0%