marco-m / lanterna

Collect the IP addresses of the host on which it is running and publish them to a remote sink (instant message chat).

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

🏮 Lanterna - a small light in the dark 🏮

Lanterna collects the IP addresses of the host on which it is running and publishes them to a remote sink (instant message chat).

If you want to connect to a remote host and:

  • the host has a dynamic IP address (that is: it can change, for example DHCP)
  • the host doesn't have a DNS name
  • the host is directly reachable (no NAT)
  • the host can reach an always running destination (eg: a chat system)

then you can use lanterna to get the current IP address of the host and thus you will always be able to connect to it.

Once configured to run as a service, it will send a message each 24h.


$ lanterna -h
Usage: lanterna [--config PATH] <command> [<args>]

  --config PATH          Path to configuration file [default: ./config.json]
  --help, -h             display this help and exit

  collect                Collect IP addresses and print them
  init                   Create a configuration file
  run                    Collect IP addresses and send them

Then explore each command with:

$ lanterna <command> -h

Sink types

Currently, the only supported type is gchat (Google Chat).

The message contains enough information to distinguish which host it is:

A message from lanterna

Supported platforms

Tested on Linux and macOS, should run on any UNIX-like system. Should also run on Windows, but I have never tried.


  1. Install Go.
  2. Install Task.
  3. Build (output will be in the bin/ directory):
    task build

Create a room in Google Chat

  1. Create a room, for example lanterna-checkins-<USER>, where <USER> is your name.
  2. Click on "Manage webhooks", create one.
  3. Name it lanterna-bot (or anything you prefer).
  4. Copy the webhook URL. Keep it secret!

Configure lanterna

  1. Run lanterna init; it will create the configuration file in the current working directory
  2. Edit the file with proper values; paste the webhook from the previous section.


sudo cp ./bin/lanterna /usr/local/bin/lanterna

Add to systemd

  • Start with the sample lanterna.service unit file and edit it if needed.
  • Create a user dedicated to run lanterna (security best practice):
    sudo useradd -r -s /usr/bin/nologin lanterna
  • Add yourself to the lanterna group, so that you can edit the configuration file without having to use sudo:
    sudo gpasswd -a $(whoami) lanterna
  • Install the lanterna unit file:
    sudo cp doc/lanterna.service /etc/systemd/system/
  • Install the lanterna configuration file:
    sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/etc/lanterna &&
    sudo mv config.json /usr/local/etc/lanterna/ &&
    sudo chown lanterna:lanterna /usr/local/etc/lanterna/config.json &&
    sudo chmod 0660 /usr/local/etc/lanterna/config.json
  • Verify permissions:
    ls -l /usr/local/etc/lanterna/config.json
    -rw-rw---- 1 lanterna lanterna    /usr/local/etc/lanterna/config.json
  • Enable lanterna to start at boot
    sudo systemctl enable lanterna.service
  • Start lanterna
    sudo systemctl start lanterna.service

Security notice

  • The unit file runs lanterna as the lanterna user.
  • The configuration file /usr/local/etc/lanterna/config.json contains secrets (the credentials for the webhook), this is why we set it so only user lanterna and group lanterna can read it.

Troubleshooting / looking at logs


systemctl status lanterna.service


sudo journalctl -e -u lanterna.service


Collect the IP addresses of the host on which it is running and publish them to a remote sink (instant message chat).

License:MIT License


Language:Go 100.0%