marcmunro / volumed-hack

Hack for moode audio player to improve responsiveness of volume control

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Volume daemon hack for moode audio

This hack adds a volume daemon webservice for moodeaudio and modifies moode to make use of it.

The volume daemon allows much more responsive control of volume from the moode web interface. This transforms drag and drop control of volume from being barely usable on a pi-based moode player into a fast, responsive and pleasant experience. It also provides timely feedback when volume or mute is changed by other actors.

User Visible Changes

The volume knob display has been split into into two parts. The selector knob, itself which now appears as a notch, and the rotary slider volume display. When changing the volume through the UI, the notch moves in real time with no lag whatsoever. The slider catches up as the selected changes are made on the player.

If volume is changed by some other cause (eg another user on a separate UI), the rotary slider quickly shows the change, and the notch will catch-up a little later. Whenever the notch and the rotary slider are out of step, the numeric volume display will be shown in green. When they are in step, the numeric display changes to white (the same colour as the playback time indicator).

Lost Functionality

Volume curve correction is not currently implemented. See Future Directions below.

Architectural Changes

Volumed is now responsible for directly controlling mpd and/or amixer. It accepts volume changing commands and asynchronously applies them to the hardware. When the volume, or mute status, changes it sends notifications back through the websocket. It is also responsible (currently - see Future Directions below) for updating the sqlite3 database to record such changes.

Volumed also implements muting through the amixer mute mechanism if hardware volume control is being used.

The javascript client interface has been changed to make use of volumed. This means it no longer has to deal with database updates or directly manipulate amixer or mpd. If it cannot maintain contact with the volume daemon it falls back to its old behaviour (though with the notched volume control).

Dependencies and Installation and are implemented in python. The following extra packages are required:

  • python-gevent Installed using apt-get install python-gevent

  • ws4py' Not available as a debian package so installed from git. The version I used was from commit 641d3c6d073d9c7ebd738c68359417c7b088d6a5`.

    Copy the ws4py directory into: /usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages and are currently located in /var/www. This will be corrected when (if) volumed is properly packaged.

The service files for systemd are volumed.service and volumec.service. Copy these files to /lib/systemd/system/ and then run:

# systemctl enable volumed.service

# systemctl enable volumec.service

The volumed protocol

Commands are sent to volumed and the current status is returned. Commands may internally be aggregated (eg vol +1, vol +1, vol +1, may be aggregated into a single vol +3 which is sent to the hardware). In such a case, only the last command will result in a response. Also responses will be sent whenever volumed detects that the volume or mute status has changed.

This means that although sending a command will usually result in a single response, this is not guaranteed. Volumed is intended for asynchronous use.

The commands accepted by volumed are:

  • vol A volume query, which will illicit a response, though multiple queries may be aggregated resulting in only a single response.

  • vol +n Increase volume by n percentage units. A response is illicited. Volume is limited to the max percentage set in the database.

  • vol -n Increase volume by n units. A response is illicited. Volume cannot decrease below zero.

  • vol n Set volume to n%. A response is illicited.

All reponses are in the form:

Vol: 99, Mute: off

The volume value is a percentage from 0 to 100. The values of mute are "off" and "on".


In addition to the volumed daemon, there is another executable, This is a volumed client, allowing a command-line user interface to volumed. It can be used as a one-shot command, interactively through stdin, through a named-pipe, or as a daemon lirc client. This allows infra-red remote controls to be easily set up with good responsiveness.

Single-shot (command) usage:

$ -c "command"

(where command will be vol, vol +N, etc)

Interactive usage:


commands may be typed interactively, responses will be shown when they are received.

Through a named-pipe (fifo)

$ mkfifo my-named-pipe $ -f my-named-pipe -o

And then to send a command, simply echo it to the named pipe:

$ echo "vol +3" my-named-pipe

As an lirc client (called volumec):

$ -d -q

In this mode button presses from an infra-red control will be passed to volumec, which will in turn pass them on to volumed. This is much faster and more responsive than using irexec to execute shell commands.

Example lines from an lircrc file follow:

    button = KEY_VOLUMEDOWN
    repeat = 1
    prog = volumec
    config = vol -1
    button = KEY_VOLUMEUP
    repeat = 1
    prog = volumec
    config = vol +1
    button = KEY_MUTE
    prog = volumec
    config = mute 
    config = unmute

Future Directions (and critique)

The volumed daemon should not access the moode database. This limits its usefulness to moode audio, though the general mechanism should work well for volumio, runeaudio and others.

The proper way to do this would be to use a configuration file to configure max_pct, hardware volume control, etc, and to create a websocket client to manage database access. Different clients could then be built for moode, volumio, runeaudio, etc.

It might also be appropriate to allow configuration to be performed by sending special configuration commands.

Volume curve correction should be added. Note that this needs to be done for both reading and writing the volume.

Ideally both volumed and volumec would be re-implemented using a compiled language, as the current python implementation is far less efficient than is ideal.

Volumed should become a debian package.


Hack for moode audio player to improve responsiveness of volume control


Language:PHP 71.0%Language:JavaScript 11.7%Language:CSS 10.4%Language:HTML 4.6%Language:Python 1.3%Language:Shell 1.0%Language:Smarty 0.0%