marcelomgarcia / multiplot

Plot multiple rrd files

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Tools like Ganglia are very important in system administratrion because it allows us to see trends in resource utilization, but sometimes, can be useful have the freedom to manipulate the graphs, like ploting more than one graph together.


The script plot up to 6 rrd files in a single graph. It accepts the width and height of the graph as parameter.

For example generating a graph 600 x 200 pixels with user and system CPU utilization

mgarcia@mordor:~/Documents/Work/multiplot$ ./ \               
> -w 600 \
> -g 200 \
> data/teta1/cpu_user.rrd \
> data/teta1/cpu_system.rrd
mg: size: 600 x 200
Have a nice day.

At the moment, the graph is put in graph directory with the name multiplot.png. The legends for the graph is the name of the data source.


Next steps:

  1. Legend for the graphs.

  2. Path and name for the output graph.


Plot multiple rrd files

License:MIT License


Language:Shell 100.0%