marcellodesales /

Browse packages, users, code, stats and more the public npm registry in style.


Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Browse packages, users, code, stats and more the public npm registry in style.


This app must have Internet connection to Nodejitsu, and other servers to be able to render packages information.

Optionally, you can run all the depending sub-systems in Docker, as described below.

Docker Container

Running this on a container requires the following containers:

Based on the documentation, you can start it with persistence and storing the data in a desired volume.

docker run -d --name='redis' -v /app/npm-redis-volume:/data redis redis-server --appendonly yes

This is running the private registry, Kappa and CouchDB server. Again, you can just follow the documentation and set the Couchdb credentials, expose port numbers, etc.

docker run --name='npm-registry' -d -e 'COUCHDB_ADMIN_LOGIN=intuit' -e 'COUCHDB_ADMIN_PASSWORD=intuit' -p 5984:5984 -p 80:80 -v /app/npm-volume/:/var/lib/couchdb burkostya/npm-registry:2.5.5

Where the COUCHDB and volumen values are based in your environment.

This app can start and link to those containers using the following command:

sudo docker run --name browsenpm-server -d -p 8081:8081 --link npm-registry:couchdb --link redis:redis --link npm-registry:private_npm marcellodesales/browse-npm

After the server is running, you might have the following container running:

$ sudo docker ps
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                               COMMAND                CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                                        NAMES
035e83d07a7f        marcellodesales/browse-npm:latest   bin/server             11 seconds ago      Up 2 seconds        80/tcp,>8081/tcp               browsenpm-server                                                                                                                                                 
cc93d42c8bbc        burkostya/npm-registry:2.5.5        /app/init app:start    26 minutes ago      Up 26 minutes>80/tcp,>5984/tcp   browsenpm-server/couchdb,browsenpm-server/private_npm,grave_yonath/couchdb,grave_yonath/private_npm,jolly_carson/couchdb,jolly_carson/private_npm,npm-registry   
3f129cde98c3        redis:latest                        redis-server --appen   37 minutes ago      Up 37 minutes       6379/tcp                                     browsenpm-server/redis,grave_yonath/redis,jolly_carson/redis,redis 

You can inspect the "browsenpm-server" container and make sure it is running:

$ sudo docker logs browsenpm-server is now running on http://localhost:8081

Installation has several dependencies to run locally for development purposes.

sudo apt-get install redis-server couchdb
npm install

After update the configuration in development.json and provide the details needed. Note that your database might require authentication credentials.


npm start

# Or run the server by specifying a configuration file.
bin/server -c

Providing a custom configuration is optional. By default development.json will be used.


Both Redis and CouchDB should be running to cache data for certain pagelets. Make sure you run them locally or provide a server that runs either.

CouchDB will be used to cache all the data of npm-probe. The views in plugins/couchdb.json should be available on the database to ensure the pagelet can fetch the data. These views will be added to the browsenpm database on startup.

Status npm-mirrors

The current registry status is provided via npm-probe. Several probes are run at set intervals. The publish probe requires authentication with npm-probe. These credentials can (and are) provided to the configuration of the npm-probe instance.

npm-probe is provided with a CouchDB cache instance. All data is stored in the database browsenpm.

When running multiple instances of accessible via balancers, make sure to only start npm-probe once. Set the environment variable PROBE=silent to prevent an instance from collecting data.


During development it might be useful to destroy cached data, simply set any of the following environment variables to flush cache.



Most components have debug statements to help debugging, shortlist:

Module Description Statement
bigpipe all components DEBUG=bigpipe:*
bigpipe server DEBUG=bigpipe:server
bigpipe pages DEBUG=bigpipe:page
bigpipe pagelets DEBUG=bigpipe:pagelet
npm-probe statistics DEBUG=npm-probe
dynamis cache layer DEBUG=dynamis
ALL every module DEBUG=bigpipe:*,dynamis,npm-probe


Browse packages, users, code, stats and more the public npm registry in style.

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 95.9%Language:Shell 2.5%Language:CSS 1.7%