marccoup / blog

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


How it works

Content goes in /content (by default) as markdown files.

Supports the following YAML front matter options in content files

title: My Post/Page Title
date: 1970-01-01
updated: 1970-01-02
exclude_from_blog: false

The site will be generated from those files, the filenames being their slugs. Nested directories will generate files, but they will not currently be included in the front page posts list.

Property Use Format/Type Required
title It's the title string
date Shown as published date on individual pages. Also used to sort the front page posts list string (yyyy-mm-dd)
updated Shown as updated at on individual pages. string (yyyy-mm-dd)
exclude_from_blog Exclude from front page posts list if set to true. bool


There are a few configuration options, they're all optional.

Any of the options can be overwritten by setting them in a config.php file in the root directory of the project. An example of this file is below with all the default values:

return [
    'site_title'            => 'Website',
    'base_url'              => '',
    'layout_file'           => '/src/layout.php',
    'content_template_file' => '/src/content.php',
    'routes_dir'            => '/src/routes',
    'content_dir'           => '/content',
    'static_dir'            => '/static',
    'out_dir'               => '/docs',
    'image_manager_driver'  => 'gd',
    'image_font_file'       => null,

Additionally, specific values may be set for builds run in the local environment:

return [
    // ... Primary configuration (Used for production builds)
    'environments' => [
        'local' => [
            'base_url' => 'http://blog.test'

Support for other environments may be added in the future

Building the site

Run the build with production config:


Run the build with local config:

./build --env=local



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