mar10 / grunt-yabs

Collection of tools for grunt release workflows.

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Built with Grunt GitHub version npm

Collection of tools for grunt release workflows (using git).

Npm Downloads

Yet Another Build Script. <sigh>, why? you ask...

  • It comes with a set of useful tools like 'check', 'bump', 'commit', 'tag', 'push', 'run', 'npmPublish', 'githubRelease', 'replace', ...
  • Also any other tasks from your Gruntfile may be called.
  • It allows to define mini-workflows by running these tasks in arbitrary order with individual options.
  • It's a multi-task, so multiple different workflows can be defined.


NPM version

Production - Should Work.
Let me know if you find bugs or have suggestions.
Review the code if you like.

Note: Especially option defaults may change, so use dry-run mode after updating this plugin.

Annotated Sample Workflow

A typical workflow definition may look like this:

  yabs: {
    release: {
      // Define defaults for all tools in the 'release' workflow:
      common: {
        // We want to update two manifest files (first is 'master')
        manifests: ['package.json', 'bower.json'],
      // Define the activities of the 'release' worflow. The following tools are
      // run in order of appearance.
      // If an activity fails, the workflow is stopped.
      // Every tool type has its own set of options and defaults.
      // Since keys must be unique, we have to append '_something' if a certain
      // tool type appears more than once. For example `bump` and `bump_develop`
      // are both tools of type 'bump'.

      // Run the jshint task with target 'dev'. (This assumes, that there is a
      // jshint task configured in this Gruntfile.)
      run_jshint: { tasks: ['jshint:dev'] },

      // Assert that we are on the main branch, and everything is commited
      // Do a dry-run push and make sure, that we are not behind the latest tag
      check: { branch: ['master'], canPush: true, clean: true,
        cmpVersion: 'gt' },

      // Bump and synchronize `version` info in the manifests listed above.
      // 'bump' also uses the increment mode passed like
      // `$ grunt yabs:release:MODE`
      bump: {},

      // Run some compile task (build, compress, LESS, ...) and jshint the
      // result.
      // Any complex build task from your Gruntfile can be triggered here:
      run_build: { tasks: ['compile', 'jshint:dist'] },

      // `git commit` the changes
      commit: {},

      // Create an annotated git tag
      tag: {},

      // `git push --follow-tags`
      push: { tags: true, useFollowTags: true },

      // Submit to npm repository
      npmPublish: {},

      // Use the GitHub API to publish a release
      githubRelease: { repo: 'mar10/grunt-yabs', draft: false },

      // Bump again for post release (e.g. 1.2.3 -> 1.2.4-0)
      bump_develop: { inc: 'prepatch' },

      // Commit and push the post release info
      commit_develop: { message: 'Bump prerelease ({%= version %}) [ci skip]' },
      push_develop: {},

The above workflow is triggered like this:

$ grunt yabs:release:patch

where patch is the increment mode that would bump 1.2.2 -> 1.2.3. (There is also minor, major, and others. See below.)

Example output for ui-contextmenu:

$ cd <your project>
MacMoogle:jquery-ui-contextmenu martin$ grunt yabs:release:patch
Running "yabs:release:patch" (yabs) task
>> OK: Current branch "master" in allowed list: "master".
>> OK: Repository is clean.
>> OK: "git push" would succeed.
>> OK: Current version (1.18.1-0) is `gte` latest tag (1.18.0).
Run task "test": starting...
Running "jshint:files" (jshint) task
>> 2 files lint free.

Running "jscs:src" (jscs) task
>> 2 files without code style errors.

Running "qunit:all" (qunit) task
Testing test/index.html ....OK
>> 4 tests completed with 0 failed, 0 skipped, and 0 todo.
>> 504 assertions (in 15354ms), passed: 504, failed: 0

>> Run task "test": done.
>> Updated config.pkg.version to 1.18.1
Bumping version in package.json from 1.18.1-0 to 1.18.1...OK
Bumping version in bower.json from 1.18.1-0 to 1.18.1...OK
Run task "build": starting...
Running "exec:tabfix" (exec) task

Modified 0/3820 lines, 0/22 files in 79 folders, skipped: 0
         133111 bytes -> 133111 bytes (+0%), elapsed: 0.030 sec

Running "jshint:files" (jshint) task
>> 2 files lint free.

Running "jscs:src" (jscs) task
>> 2 files without code style errors.

Running "qunit:all" (qunit) task
Testing test/index.html ....OK
>> 4 tests completed with 0 failed, 0 skipped, and 0 todo.
>> 504 assertions (in 15284ms), passed: 504, failed: 0

Running "uglify:build" (uglify) task
File created (source map).
File jquery.ui-contextmenu.min.js created: 19.93 kB → 9.4 kB → 3.35 kB (gzip)
>> 1 sourcemap created.
>> 1 file created.

>> Run task "build": done.
Replace task "jquery.ui-contextmenu.min.js": starting...
>> Replaced 1 occurences in jquery.ui-contextmenu.min.js:
    /@VERSION/g => "1.18.1"
>> Replaced 1 matches in 1 / 1 files.
>> Commited "Bump version to 1.18.1"
>> OK: Current branch "master" in allowed list: "master".
>> OK: Repository is clean.
>> Created tag v1.18.1: "Version 1.18.1"
>> Pushed  (with tags).
>> Created GitHub release mar10/jquery-ui-contextmenu v1.18.1.
>> Published to npm.
>> Updated config.pkg.version to 1.18.2-0
Bumping version in package.json from 1.18.1 to 1.18.2-0...OK
Bumping version in bower.json from 1.18.1 to 1.18.2-0...OK
>> Commited "Bump prerelease (1.18.2-0) [ci skip]"
>> Pushed  (no tags).
Running 14 tools took 59.54 seconds.

MacMoogle:jquery-ui-contextmenu martin$

See also grunt-yabs, ui-contextmenu, persisto, and Fancytree for real-world examples.

Getting Started

This plugin requires Grunt >=0.4.0

If you haven't used Grunt before, be sure to check out the Getting Started guide, as it explains how to create a Gruntfile as well as install and use Grunt plugins. Once you're familiar with that process, you may install this plugin with this command:

npm install grunt-yabs --save-dev

Once the plugin has been installed, it may be enabled inside your Gruntfile with this line of JavaScript:


Now go and configure the yabs section in your package.json file (see next section).

After that you are ready to use it inside your script or run it directly from the command line:

$ grunt yabs:WORKFLOW:MODE

Valid modes are major, minor, patch, prerelease to increment the version number according to semver.
premajor, preminor, prepatch can be used to prepare post-release versions.
Use zero to not bump the version number, but only synchronize the current fields with secondary manifests.

I highly recommend to use the dry-run mode first, to make sure you got your worflow definition right:

$ grunt yabs:myworkflow:patch --no-write

If something goes wrong, increase the debug level to investigate:

$ grunt yabs:myworkflow:patch --no-write --vebose

Available Options

Available tools and their default options:

  yabs: {
    options: {
      // Common default options for all targets (i.e. workflows)
      common: {
        // Defaults for all tools in all workflows may go here
      // Default options for a specific tool in all targets (i.e. workflows)
      bump: {
        // For example 'bump' and 'bump_...' tools should  use this options as
        // default in all workflows...
    // Define a workflow named 'release':
    release: {
      // Options used as default for all tools in the 'release' workflow
      common: {
        manifests: ['package.json'], // First entry is master for synchronizing

      // The following tools are available. They are executed in the order
      // as they are added to the workflow object.

      // 'bump': increment manifest.version and synchronize other JSON files
      bump: {
        // bump also requires a mode argument (yabs:target:MODE)
        inc: null,              // Override 'yabs:target:MODE'
        space: 2,               // Indentation used when writing JSON files
        syncVersion: true,      // Only increment master manifest, then copy
                                // version to secondaries
        syncFields: [],         // Synchronize entries from master to
                                // secondaries (if field exists)
        updateConfig: 'pkg',    // Make sure pkg.version contains the new value
      // 'check': Assert preconditons and fail otherwise
      check: {
        allowedModes: null,     // Optionally restrict yabs:target:MODE to this
                                // value(s). Useful for maintenance branches.
        branch: ['master'],     // Current branch must be in this list
        canPush: undefined,     // Test if 'git push' would/would not succeed
        clean: undefined,       // Repo must/must not contain modifications?
        cmpVersion: null,       // E.g. set to 'gt' to assert that the current
                                // version is higher than the latest tag (gt,
                                // gte, lt, lte, eq, neq)
      // 'commit': Commit modified files
      commit: {
        add: [],                // Also `git add` these files ('.' for all)
        addKnown: true,         // Commit with -a flag
        message: 'Bumping version to {%= version %}',
      // 'githubRelease': Create a release on GitHub
      githubRelease: {
        repo: null,             // 'owner/repo'
        auth: {usernameVar: 'GITHUB_USERNAME', passwordVar: 'GITHUB_PASSWORD'},
        name: 'v{%= version %}',
        body: 'Released {%= version %}\n' +
            '[Commit details]({%= repo %}/compare/{%= currentTagName %}...{%= lastTagName %}).',
        draft: true,
        prerelease: false,
      // 'npmPublish': Submit to npm repository
      npmPublish: {
        message: 'Released {%= version %}',
      // 'push': Push changes and tags
      push: {
        target: '',             // E.g. 'upstream'
        tags: false,            // Also push tags
        useFollowTags: false,   // Use `--folow-tags` instead of `&& push --tags`
                                // (requires git 1.8.3+)
      // 'replace': In-place string replacements
      // (Uses
      replace: {
        files: null,              // minimatch globbing pattern
        patterns: [],             // See
        // Shortcut patterns (pass false to disable):
        setTimestamp: "{%='isoUtcDateTime') %}",
                                  // Replace '@@timestamp' with current datetime
        setVersion: '{%= version %}',  // Replace '@@version' with current version
      // 'run': Run arbitrary grunt tasks
      run: {
        tasks: [], // (Tasks must be defined in the current Gruntfile)
        silent: false,          // `true`: suppress output
      // 'tag': Create an annotated tag
      tag: {
        name: 'v{%= version %}',
        message: 'Version {%= version %}',


In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint and test your code using Grunt.


Collection of tools for grunt release workflows.

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 100.0%