mapsam / rva

Team Richmond's writing & project information

Home Page:

Repository from Github https://github.commapsam/rvaRepository from Github https://github.commapsam/rva

the team

Welcome to Team Richmond's website! This repository serves two purposes. It is a...

  1. website for the 2015 Richmond, VA Code for America Fellowship Team to document our time spent as fellows and share what we've learned, and a
  2. space for us to discuss our process as a team in the issues section.

It is built on Jekyll. If you'd like to contribute to our work please follow these installation instructions.

Design Biases

  • Mobile first
  • Keep CSS minimal
  • Generally, grayscale first, color later
  • Typography is important

Team Process Principles

  • Make things
  • Get feedback often
  • Do pair designing or programming sometimes
  • Testing takes precedence over opinions
  • When in a stalemate, defer to a trusted third party, such as someone on the tech team.


Team Richmond's writing & project information


Language:HTML 87.3%Language:CSS 11.7%Language:JavaScript 1.0%