This is a Ruby CLI Program that receives a file with records of the amount of knocked down pins achieved on every launch in a 10-pin bowling game. The program computes the score and builds the scoreboard for you.
Clone this repository
git clone
cd to the project's folder
cd ten-pin-bowling
Install dependencies
bundle install
To run the program, you have to execute the following command
bundle exec ruby ./bin/main.rb <file_path>
The input file must use the following format:
- Two values per row: Name and Amount of Knocked down Pins. Values are tab-separated.
- The amount of knocked down pins can be an integer between 0 and 10, and can also be an F for fault.
- The amount of rows must correspond to exactly 10 frames played.
- There must be at least 2 Players.
In this repo, in ./data/
you will find some sample files
Run bundle exec ruby ./bin/main.rb ./data/test_set1
You'll get the following output:
Frame 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Pinfalls X 7 / 9 0 X 0 8 8 / 0 6 X X / 8 1
Score 20 39 48 66 74 84 90 120 148 167
Pinfalls 3 / 6 3 X 8 1 X X 9 0 7 / 4 4 / 9 0
Score 16 25 44 53 82 101 110 124 132 151
This project uses RSpec for testing.
To execute the tests, run:
rspec spec
Also, you can use Guard to automate testing execution while programing:
bundle exec guard
- Ruby ~> 2.5
- RSpec