mapleFU / QQGroupBot

QQ Group Bot for acg chating.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


By mwish


This application allow user to manage QQ Group by QQ robot. Before using this application, you should have a robot QQ number. This application can help you search image/pull message or chating with robot. The application use web technology. It uses coolq-http-api to intereact with QQ, uses golang http package gin-gogic to intereact with the coolq-http. The application uses vue.js as front-end frameworkand Vuetify library as UI framework.


The program use:

  • Node.js 10.5.0
  • coolq-http-api 4.5(latest)
  • Golang 1.10.3

The program use docker-compose to manage our application. But you should do some extra operations.

git clone

cd QQGroupBot

In config directory, you can create qq-number.ini file, like:

post_url = http://httpserver:8085
serve_data_files = yes

And you can build your service

docker-compose up

After building, enter localhost:9005,


Enter it with MAX8char and login your qq number. Now the program is started.


Now you can visit our http server at http://localhost:8083/


Now you can manage your group.

Web Apis


Coolq-http is a plugin for coolq, it report the event in coolq via http or websocket.

When we get a message in QQ, we will receive that:

    "message": [
            "type": "text",
            "data": {"text": "这是第一段"}
            "type": "face",
            "data": {"id": "111"}
            "type": "text",
            "data": {"text": "这是表情之后的一段"}

The data is just like this:

上报类型 说明
message 收到消息
notice 群、讨论组变动等通知类事件
request 加好友请求、加群请求/邀请

The most import data is message, we can see the definition of it:


字段名 数据类型 可能的值 说明
post_type string message 上报类型
message_type string private 消息类型
sub_type string friendgroupdiscussother 消息子类型,如果是好友则是 friend,如果从群或讨论组来的临时会话则分别是 groupdiscuss
message_id number (int32) - 消息 ID
user_id number (int64) - 发送者 QQ 号
message message - 消息内容
raw_message string - 原始消息内容
font number (int32) - 字体
sender object - 发送人信息

其中 sender 字段的内容如下:

字段名 数据类型 说明
user_id number (int64) 发送者 QQ 号
nickname string 昵称
sex string 性别,malefemaleunknown
age number (int32) 年龄

So, when we receive a private chat like this, you may receive:

    "time": 1515204254,
    "post_type": "message",
    "message_type": "private",
    "sub_type": "friend",
    "message_id": 12,
    "user_id": 12345678,
    "message": "你好~",
    "raw_message": "你好~",
    "font": 456,
    "sender": {
        "nickname": "小不点",
        "sex": "male",
        "age": 18

And there are many different data types in coolq, There are “at”(when you are ‘@‘), “text”, “image”. “icon”.

If you receive an image, the message will like:


The image will be store in dir /Users/fuasahi/coolq/data/image as cqimg file like


so, you get get the image in url field.

Send Message

You can send message by yourself via http.



The api is as:

/send_private_msg 发送私聊消息


字段名 数据类型 默认值 说明
user_id number - 对方 QQ 号
message message - 要发送的内容
auto_escape boolean false 消息内容是否作为纯文本发送(即不解析 CQ 码),只在 message 字段是字符串时有效


字段名 数据类型 说明
message_id number (int32) 消息 ID

/send_group_msg 发送群消息


字段名 数据类型 默认值 说明
group_id number - 群号
message message - 要发送的内容
auto_escape boolean false 消息内容是否作为纯文本发送(即不解析 CQ 码),只在 message 字段是字符串时有效


字段名 数据类型 说明
message_id number (int32) 消息 ID

So, we can use it api to intereact with qq via http.

Image Reverse Search for Anime Scenes

Use anime screenshots to search where this scene is taken from.

It tells you which anime, which episode, and exactly which moment this scene appears in Japanese Anime.


Seach request should be POST as JSON or FORM

Content-Type: application/json

  "image" : "......"
Fields Value Notes
image String (Required) Base64 Encoded Image
filter Number (Optional) Limit search to specific anilist ID.

Example Response

  "RawDocsCount": 3555648,
  "RawDocsSearchTime": 14056,
  "ReRankSearchTime": 1182,
  "CacheHit": false,
  "trial": 1,
  "limit": 9,
  "limit_ttl": 60,
  "quota": 148,
  "quota_ttl": 85899,
  "docs": [
      "from": 663.17,
      "to": 665.42,
      "anilist_id": 98444,
      "at": 665.08,
      "season": "2018-01",
      "anime": "搖曳露營",
      "filename": "[Ohys-Raws] Yuru Camp - 05 (AT-X 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4",
      "episode": 5,
      "tokenthumb": "bB-8KQuoc6u-1SfzuVnDMw",
      "similarity": 0.9563952960290518,
      "title": "ゆるキャン△",
      "title_native": "ゆるキャン△",
      "title_chinese": "搖曳露營",
      "title_english": "Laid-Back Camp",
      "title_romaji": "Yuru Camp△",
      "mal_id": 34798,
      "synonyms": [
      "synonyms_chinese": [],
      "is_adult": false
Fields Meaning Value
RawDocsCount Total number of frames searched Number
RawDocsSearchTime Time taken to retrieve the frames from database (sum of all cores) Number
ReRankSearchTime Time taken to compare the frames (sum of all cores) Number
CacheHit Whether the search result is cached. (Results are cached by extraced image feature) Boolean
trial Number of times searched Number
limit Number of search limit remaining Number
limit_ttl Time until limit resets (seconds) Number
quota Number of search quota remaining Number
quota_ttl Time until quota resets (seconds) Number
docs Search results (see table below) Array of Objects
Fields Meaning Value
from Starting time of the matching scene Number (seconds, in 2 decimal places)
to Ending time of the matching scene Number (seconds, in 2 decimal places)
at Exact time of the matching scene Number (seconds, in 2 decimal places)
episode The extracted episode number from filename Number, "OVA/OAD", "Special", ""
similarity Similarity compared to the search image Number (float between 0-1)
anilist_id The matching AniList ID Number
mal_id The matching MyAnimeList ID Number or null
is_adult Whether the anime is hentai Boolean
title_native Native (Japanese) title String or null (Can be empty string)
title_chinese Chinese title String or null (Can be empty string)
title_english English title String or null (Can be empty string)
title_romaji Title in romaji String
synonyms Alternate english titles Array of String or []
synonyms_chinese Alternate chinese titles Array of String or []
filename The filename of file where the match is found String
tokenthumb A token for generating preview String



RSS (originally RDF Site Summary; later, two competing approaches emerged, which used the backronyms Rich Site Summary and Really Simple Syndication respectively)[2] is a type of web feed[3] which allows users and applications to access updates to online content in a standardized, computer-readable format. These feeds can, for example, allow a user to keep track of many different websites in a single news aggregator. The news aggregator will automatically check the RSS feed for new content, allowing the content to be automatically passed from website to website or from website to user. This passing of content is called web syndication. Websites usually use RSS feeds to publish frequently updated information, such as blog entries, news headlines, audio, video. RSS is also used to distribute podcasts. An RSS document (called "feed", "web feed",[4] or "channel") includes full or summarized text, and metadata, like publishing date and author's name.

In our program, I build a rsshub app So that we can get message from weibo/pixiv/wechat/douban...



Hitokoto api is very easy...

参数名称 类型 描述
c 可选 Cat,即类型。提交不同的参数代表不同的类别,具体:
a Anime - 动画
b Comic – 漫画
c Game – 游戏
d Novel – 小说
e Myself – 原创
f Internet – 来自网络
g Other – 其他
其他不存在参数 任意类型随机取得
encode 可选
text 返回纯净文本
json 返回不进行unicode转码的json文本
js 返回指定选择器(默认.hitokoto)的同步执行函数。
其他不存在参数 返回unicode转码的json文本
charset 可选
utf-8 返回 UTF-8 编码的内容,支持与异步函数同用。
gbk 返回 GBK 编码的内容,不支持与异步函数同用。
callback 可选
回调函数 将返回的内容传参给指定的异步函数。



返回参数名称 描述
id 本条一言的id。 可以链接到[id]查看这个一言的完整信息。
hitokoto 一言正文。编码方式unicode。使用utf-8。
type 类型。请参考第三节参数的表格。
from 一言的出处。
creator 添加者。
created_at 添加时间。

Design and implementation

0. dockerlize

version: '3'

    image: richardchien/cqhttp:latest
#    links:
#      - httpserver
      - "9005:9000"
      - "5700:5700"
      - "5911:5911"
      - COOLQ_ACCOUNT=3187545268
      - CQHTTP_POST_URL=http://httpserver:8085
      - CQHTTP_USE_WS=yes
      - CQHTTP_USE_HTTP=yes
#    you should set your config in this dir
      - ~/coolq:/home/user/coolq
      = ./config:/home/user/coolq/app/io.github.richardchien.coolqhttpapi/config
#      debug with host mode
#    network_mode: "host"
#    extra_hosts:
#      - "httpserver:"
      - ~/coolq:/home/user/coolq
      - ./log:/home/user/log
      - cqhttp
#    environment:
#      - GIN_MODE=release
    build: ./qqbot
      - "8085:8085"
      - cqhttp

      - httpserver
      - "8083:80"

We use docker-compose and docker to simplize our deployment. cqhttp is coolq http service, it provides service for QQ data. httpserver is our golang logic server. It intereact with cqhttp to handle qq robot logic, and intereact with front-end to manage state of robot. Front-page is frontend server. It compile vue project and use nginx to show the page.

1. httpserver

Servicer and Manager

When we add functions like “image search”/“hitokoto”, we add a “servicer” in servicer manager. We have a manager to manage these services:

type Manager struct {
	serviceMap map[string]Servicer
	requester Requester.Requester
	receiver chan group.ChatResponseData
	strReceiver chan group.StringRespMessage
	// 管理的群组
	managedGroups []string
	// 同步的 lock
	serviceLock sync.Mutex

It can add and remove service. And you can believe that the Manager is thread-save.

unc (manager *Manager) AddService(servicer Servicer, name string)  {
	defer manager.serviceLock.Unlock()

	manager.serviceMap[name] = servicer
	go servicer.Run()

func (manager *Manager) RemoveService(name string) bool {
	defer manager.serviceLock.Unlock()
	_, ok := manager.serviceMap[name]
	delete(manager.serviceMap, name)
	return ok

Also, we have different servicers, and the servicers are like:

type Servicer interface {
	// Generate Message Channel
	GetChan() (out chan<- *group.ChatRequestData)
	IfAcceptMessage(Request *group.ChatRequestData) bool
	PutRequest(Request *group.ChatRequestData)
	SetOutchan(respChan* chan group.StringRespMessage)
	SendData(data *group.StringRespMessage)

//	logic

type BaseServicer struct {
	InChan chan *group.ChatRequestData
	// it might be nil
	OutChan *chan group.StringRespMessage

So, the servicer can:

  1. Decide whether this service receive the message
  2. Accept the message.
  3. Send data to QQ

So, when the program receive an request, it will ask every servicer in its list whether it can receive the request.

func (manager *Manager) RecvRequest(request *group.ChatRequestData) {
	defer manager.serviceLock.Unlock()

	for k, v := range manager.serviceMap {
		if v.IfAcceptMessage(request) {
			fmt.Println("Call service " + k)

And when we add a servicer, we will start a goroutine to run it:

func (manager *Manager) AddService(servicer Servicer, name string)  {
	defer manager.serviceLock.Unlock()

	manager.serviceMap[name] = servicer
	go servicer.Run()

And when we remove it, the service will be closed.

func (manager *Manager) RemoveService(name string) bool {
	defer manager.serviceLock.Unlock()
	servicer, ok := manager.serviceMap[name]
	delete(manager.serviceMap, name)
	return ok


As we talked before, we have “image search” “subscirbe rss” service. The service will be classified as:

  1. query
  2. subscribe

Subscribe like rss will refuse all the input, just run and output.

func (*Subscribe) IfAcceptMessage(Request *group.ChatRequestData) bool {
	return false

func (self *WeiboService) Run() {
	fp := gofeed.NewParser()
	feed, err := fp.ParseURL(self.ServiceUrl)
	if err != nil {

	newest := feed.Items[0]
	title := feed.Title
	// InChan 被 close 会终止
	for true {
		// 10 分钟一次
		time.Sleep(time.Minute * 10)
		feed, _ := fp.ParseURL(self.ServiceUrl)
		if feed.Items == nil {
			fmt.Println("Feed.Items is nil!")

		for _, item := range feed.Items {
			if item == nil {
				fmt.Println("item is nil here")
			if item.Title == newest.Title {
				newest = item
			} else {
				Resp := buildService(item, title)
				*self.OutChan <- Resp

It will run and fetch news.


Golang use json and tag to parsing data, for example, as for the message we talked above, we can define the data structure like that:

type ArrayRespMessage struct {
	GroupID string `json:"group_id"`
	Message message.Message `json:"message"`
	AutoEscape bool `json:"auto_escape"`

// 定义的 QQ 消息的数据结构, 表示单条的消息
type MessageData struct {
//	field for file
	File string `json:"file,omitempty"`
	Url string `json:"url,omitempty"`
//	field for text
	Text string `json:"text,omitempty"`
//	field for face
	Id string `json:"id,omitempty"`
//	field for at
	QQ string `json:"qq"`

type MessageSegment struct {
	Type string `json:"type,omitempty"`
	// may be message type ?
	Data MessageData `json:"data,omitempty"`

type Message []MessageSegment

Golang will automatically parsing the data for you.


QQ Group Bot for acg chating.


Language:Go 94.1%Language:Makefile 5.2%Language:Dockerfile 0.7%