manzil-infinity180 / social-feed-application

Node js api + testing with JEST & supertest (in progress ....)

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Starting the Server

To start the backend server, follow these steps:

Step 1: Install Dependencies

  • Run npm install to install the required dependencies for the backend.

Step 2: Start the Server

  • Run npm run dev to launch the server using Nodemon, which automatically restarts the server when changes are made. If you don't have Nodemon installed, you can do so globally by running npm i -g nodemon. This will install Nodemon globally on your PC.

These two steps will initiate the backend server, allowing you to access the APIs and services provided by the Social Media App Backend. Ensure that your environment variables are correctly set to enable seamless server operation.

  • Running test , run npm run test or if you want to see the test in tabular form run npm run test:ci

Environment Variables

To run and deploy the backend successfully, you need to configure the following environment variables based on your deployment environment (Development, Preview, Production): You can edit below enviroment variable in the sample .env file present in the code base

// config.env

JWT_SECRET = american_elite_market_12222222


JWT_SECRET_TEST = american_elite_market_1222222


Where Server =

Method: POST- Create/Signup

  • URL - ${Server}/api/user/create
Create your account by mentioning these data no need to fill the uuid(unique id for identification) we will generate it automatically by timestamps

    "bio":"i am 2nd year ug student",

Method: POST - Login to your account

  • URL : ${Server}/api/user/login

Login through your "username"

Method: GET - View Profile View your profile - your profile data

  • URL : ${Server}/api/user/profile

Method: PATCH - Update your profile

  • URL : ${Server}/api/user/update

Method: DELETE - Delete a profile

  • URL : ${Server}/api/user/delete

Method: GET View Your all post From these Route we can see all the post of user that were created

  • URL : ${Server}/api/post

Method: POST - Create a Post

  • URL : ${Server}/api/post/create
  • Create your post there is no need to mention the userid because we can easily get it from the logined user

Note That : For creating you have to be authenicated (Logined in)

    "text":"Today i have learned how to use Docker and more about containers"

Method: GET - View a Post

  • URL : ${Server}/api/post/:id
  • Like id ("65ecb025284a1d79abb2a6df") of post
  • For getting any specific post you have to mention the id field into the api endpoint and we can get the data using

Method: PATCH - Update a Post

  • URL : ${Server}/api/post/update/:id

We have to mention the id whose you want to update the data 


Method: DELETE - Delete a Post

  • URL : ${Server}/api/post/delete/:id Same goes with these also - Delete the post using the id

Method: GET - Follow Other

  • Follow the Other by their id - Just by mentioning the id of that user you want to follow we can handle the case

  • URL : ${Server}/api/user/follow/:id

Method: GET - Unfollow Other Same as Follow routes - Unfollow the other with the help of id

  • URL : ${Server}/api/user/unfollow/:id

Method: GET - List of All followers/following
User can see the full list of follwer and following list No need to mention any id - we are checking for the authencated user

  • URL : ${Server}/api/user/list

Method: GET - List of Other followers/following

  • Get the list of user whose he following and also the follower
  • URL : ${Server}/api/user/other/:id

Method: GET - get your all followers get all the data whom you follow and who is following you

  • URL : ${Server}/api/user/other/65ecad557bab7de578eb23c5


Node js api + testing with JEST & supertest (in progress ....)


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