No. | User Story | Implementation Status |
1. | Create a screen to display the list of pokemon. | ✅ |
2. | Save the pokemon data locally into room database | ✅ |
3. | Show the primary information about a pokemon when the user clicks on the item. | ✅ |
4. | Show primary info about the pokemon | ✅ |
5. | Implement Clean Architecture. | ✅ |
6. | Implement Modularization. | ✅ |
Architecture: MVVM
Language: Kotlin
Clean Architecture: Yes
Network Requests: Retrofit
Local Data Storage: Room
Asynchronous Data Streams: Kotlin Flow
Dependency Injection: Dagger 2
Communication: LiveData
UI Updates: Data binding
Navigation: Navigation Component
Concurrency: Coroutines
Database: Room
Image Loading: Glide
UI/UX: Material Design Components