manuka / braintree-elixir

Native elixir client for Braintree

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Build Status


A native Braintree client library for Elixir. Only a subset of the API is supported and this is a work in progress. That said, it is production ready and any modules that have been implemented can be used.


Add braintree to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:

def deps do
  [{:braintree, "~> 0.6"}]

Once that is configured you are all set. Braintree is a library, not an application, but it does rely on hackney, which must be started:

def application do
  [applications: [:braintree]]

Within your application you will need to configure the merchant id and authorization keys. You do not want to put this information in your config.exs file! Either put it in a {prod,dev,test}.secret.exs file which is sourced by config.exs, or read the values in from the environment:

config :braintree,
  environment: :sandbox,
  merchant_id: System.get_env("BRAINTREE_MERCHANT_ID"),
  public_key:  System.get_env("BRAINTREE_PUBLIC_KEY"),
  private_key: System.get_env("BRAINTREE_PRIVATE_KEY")

Furthermore, the environment defaults ot :sandbox, so you'll want to configure it with :production in prod.exs.

You can optionally configure Hackney options with:

config :braintree,
  http_options: [
    timeout: 8000,     # default, in milliseconds
    recv_timeout: 5000 # default, in milliseconds


The online documentation for Ruby/Java/Python etc. will give you a general idea of the modules and available functionality. Where possible, which is everywhere so far, the namespacing has been matched.

The CRUD functions for each action module break down like this:

alias Braintree.Customer
alias Braintree.ErrorResponse, as: Error

case Customer.create(%{company: "Whale Corp"}) do
  {:ok, %Customer{} = customer} -> do_stuff_with_customer(customer)
  {:error, %Error{} = error}    -> do_stuff_with_error(error)


You'll need a Braintree sandbox account to run the integration tests. Also, be sure that your account has Duplicate Transaction Checking disabled.


MIT License, see LICENSE.txt for details.


Native elixir client for Braintree

License:MIT License


Language:Elixir 100.0%