manugupt1 / certmanager

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Welcome to CertManager!

System requirements

  • Docker
  • Docker compose
  • Bash
  • Go


  • Run the following executable ./build in the root folder This will take care of building images and the volumes and finally migrating the database

NB: If you build again, it will drop the database, but won't remove the volumes.

Running the app

docker-compose up certmanager

Run it on browser at


NB: Right now, we run it in development mode as we are forcing SSL on production. If the browser automatically redirects to https, this stackoverflow post can be useful

Running tests


Turning down the app to check persistence

docker-compose down certmanager

API documentation

Get all customer

	GET /customer/

Create a customer

	POST /customer/

Delete a customer


Get all, active, deactivated certificates for a given customer

	GET /customer/{cust_id}/certificates"

Get the key as a blob for a given customer

	GET /customer/{cust_id}/certificate/{cert_id}/key"

	Allows download of only active certificate key

Get the body of the certificate as a blob for a given customer

	GET /customer/{cust_id}/certificate/{cert_id}/body

	Allows download of only active certificate body

Activate or deactivate a customer

	PATCH /{cust_id}/certificate/{cert_id}?active=true/false

NB: PATCH cannot be included as a payload in buffalo which is what we are using right now.



Language:Go 53.9%Language:JavaScript 30.9%Language:HTML 11.0%Language:Dockerfile 2.1%Language:Shell 1.1%Language:CSS 1.0%