Mansi Jain's repositories
Gift It! is a free gift exchange platform to help you make your wishlist come true while completing other's wishlists. It helps you make your holiday & someone else's holiday better at the same time by enabling you to donate to people in need. Each time someone donates something they receive some credit points, which they can use to shop from their favorite platforms
Live Object Detection App
Materials to build your own fake boyfriend/boss/sibling/co-worker call with Azure & Twilio
Green Stems is an application built with AI capabilities for disease detection, health detection, flower species identification and soil identification for better care and nourishment of our plants.
Generate certificate locally or automatically send the generated certificate via email with custom message
🖍️ LabelImg is a graphical image annotation tool and label object bounding boxes in images
This repo contains the source code for the MLH Localhost workshop, How to Collaborate on Code Projects with GitHub.
Timestamp Organizer helps students easily navigate and find information in online video lectures. It makes note-taking more efficient and effective. You can create well-organized, timestamped notes that make it easier to revisit and review the key information from online videos efficiently & significantly improves one’s retention ability.
GirlScript Winter of Contributing, a three-month enthusiastic program organized by🧡GirlScript Foundation to create the world's largest multilingual content repository that will be available to everyone.