Emmanouil (Manos) Giortamis (manosgior)


Geek Repo

Company:Technical University of Munich

Location:Munich, Bavaria, Germany

Home Page:https://www.linkedin.com/in/manosgior/

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Emmanouil (Manos) Giortamis's repositories


A++ Programming Language based on Delta (https://projects.ics.forth.gr/hci/files/plang/Delta/Delta.html), implemented as an interpreted language in C++. It was created as the main project of the graduate course CS-540 (Advanced Topics in Programming Languages Development) project: https://www.csd.uoc.gr/~hy540/description.html The language is basically the Alpha language developed in https://github.com/manosgior/Alpha-Programming-Language, but modified to be interpreted and also support metaprogramming features, such as the ability to change the source code at runtime and parse strings into executable code. It also features a simple debugger. The team consisted of three members (Emmanouil Giortamis https://github.com/manosgior, Georgios Lydakis https://github.com/geomlyd and Anastasios Livanidis https://github.com/AlivasGR) and the work was more or less equally distributed. This repo is a public read-only copy of the original, created for showcasing examples of our work for CV purposes.



Alpha Programming Language based on Delta (https://projects.ics.forth.gr/hci/files/plang/Delta/Delta.html) implemented in C++. It was created as the main project of the undergraduate course CS-340 (Languages and Compilers, https://www.csd.uoc.gr/~hy340/). The languge resembles a subset of Javascript, and runs on a virtual machine (the coding of which was the last part of the project). The team consisted of three members (Emmanouil Giortamis https://github.com/manosgior, Georgios Lydakis https://github.com/geomlyd and Anastasios Livanidis https://github.com/AlivasGR) and the work was more or less equally distributed. This repo is a public read-only copy of the original, created for showcasing examples of our work for CV purposes.



Simple client-server application utilizing a concurrent hashtable with read/write locks, communicating via shared memory



Manos Giortamis



A version of the game "Mortal Kombat" coded in C++ using the Allegro graphics library (featuring characters Subzero and Scorpion). The game was created as the main project of the undergraduate course CS-454 (Development of intelligent interfaces and games: https://www.csd.uoc.gr/~hy454/). The team consisted of three members (Emmanouil Giortamis https://github.com/manosgior, Georgios Lydakis https://github.com/geomlyd and Anastasios Livanidis https://github.com/AlivasGR) and the work was more or less equally distributed. This repo is a public read-only copy of the original, created for showcasing examples of our work for CV purposes.



Java.Util.Concurrent with MCS, CLH, TTAS locks and two concurrent stack implementations: Simple and Elimination



Simple malloc & free implemented with sbrk syscall.



Trivial access control system for system calls. This program restricts an executable from invoking certain syscalls.



A really simple user space threading library
