mannysoft / PayMaya-iOS-SDK-v2

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


The PayMaya iOS SDK is a library that allows you to easily add credit and debit card as payment options to your mobile application.


iOS 12.0 or later


via CocoaPods

If you use CocoaPods, then add these lines to your podfile:

pod 'PayMayaSDK'
via Swift Package Manager
.package(url: "")


Initialize the SDK by specifying intended environment either sandbox or production, an optional level of console logging (off by default) and your API key for a specific payment method you want to use (it can be more than one). We recommend you to do this in your app delegate's didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: method

import PayMayaSDK

func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {
	PayMayaSDK.setup(environment: .sandbox, logLevel: .all, [
        .checkout: "pk-Z0OSzLvIcOI2UIvDhdTGVVfRSSeiGStnceqwUE7n0Ah",
        .payments: "pk-MOfNKu3FmHMVHtjyjG7vhr7vFevRkWxmxYL1Yq6iFk5",
        .cardToken: "pk-Z0OSzLvIcOI2UIvDhdTGVVfRSSeiGStnceqwUE7n0Ah"

Using Checkout

  1. Create a CheckoutInfo object with total amount, items, redirection urls, an optional buyer information and optional request reference number (by default it will be auto-generated).
let itemsToBuy = [
    CheckoutItem(name: "Shoes",
                 quantity: 1,
                 totalAmount: CheckoutItemAmount(value: 99)),
    CheckoutItem(name: "Pants",
                 quantity: 1,
                 totalAmount: CheckoutItemAmount(value: 79)),

let totalAmount = CheckoutTotalAmount(value: { $0.totalAmount.value }.reduce(0, +), currency: "PHP", details: AmountDetails(shippingFee:150))

let redirectUrl = RedirectURL(success: "", 
                              failure: "", 
                              cancel: "")!
let checkoutInfo = CheckoutInfo(totalAmount: totalAmount, items: itemsToBuy, redirectUrl: redirectUrl, requestReferenceNumber: "1551191039")
  1. Call PayMayaSDK.presentCheckout method passing the controller on which the checkout process will present itself and the CheckoutInfo object with the transaction details. NOTE: The callback will be called first when id is created and second time once the process is finished, error occured or the user dismisses the controller.
import PayMayaSDK

class SomeViewController: UIViewController {
    func buyButtonTapped() {
        PayMayaSDK.presentCheckout(from: self, checkoutInfo: checkoutInfo) { result in
            switch result {
            // Called once the checkout id is created
            case .prepared(let checkoutId):
            // Called once the transaction is finished
            case .processed(let status):
                // The transaction status with your redirection url provided in the CheckoutInfo object
                switch status {
                case .success(let url):
                case .failure(let url):
                case .cancel(let url):
            // Called when user dismisses the checkout controller, passes the last known status.
            case .interrupted(let status):
            // For error handling
            case .error(let error):

  • (if needed) Checking status for a checkout id
import PayMayaSDK

func getStatus() {
    PayMayaSDK.getCheckoutStatus(id: "someCheckoutId") { result in
        switch result {
        // Status for that checkout id
        case .success(let status):
        // For error handling
        case .failure(let error):

Using Pay with PayMaya

Single Payment

  1. Create a SinglePaymentInfo object with total amount, redirection urls and an optional request reference number (by default it will be auto-generated).
let redirectUrl = RedirectURL(success: "",
                              failure: "",
                              cancel: "")!
let totalAmount = SinglePaymentTotalAmount(currency: "PHP", value: 199)

let singlePaymentInfo = SinglePaymentInfo(totalAmount: totalAmount, redirectUrl: redirectUrl, requestReferenceNumber: "6319921")
  1. Call PayMayaSDK.presentSinglePayment method passing the controller on which the payment process will present itself and the SinglePaymentInfo object with the transaction details. NOTE: The callback will be called first when id is created and second time once the process is finished, error occured or the user dismisses the controller.
import PayMayaSDK

class SomeViewController: UIViewController {
    func payButtonTapped() {
        PayMayaSDK.presentSinglePayment(from: self, singlePaymentInfo: singlePaymentInfo) { result in
            switch result {
            // Called once the payment id is created
            case .prepared(let paymentId):
            // Called once the transaction is finished
            case .processed(let status):
                // The transaction status with your redirection url provided in the SinglePaymentInfo object
                switch status {
                case .success(let url):
                case .failure(let url):
                case .cancel(let url):
            // Called when user dismisses the payment controller, passes the last known status.
            case .interrupted(let status):
            // For error handling
            case .error(let error):

  • (if needed) Checking status for a payment id
import PayMayaSDK

func getStatus() {
    PayMayaSDK.getPaymentStatus(id: "somePaymentId") { result in
        switch result {
        // Status for that payment id
        case .success(let status):
        // For error handling
        case .failure(let error):

Creating a Wallet Link

  1. Create a WalletLinkInfo object with redirection urls and an optional request reference number (by default it will be auto-generated).
let redirectUrl = RedirectURL(success: "",
                              failure: "",
                              cancel: "")!
let walletLinkInfo = WalletLinkInfo(redirectUrl: redirectUrl, requestReferenceNumber: "123456")
  1. Call PayMayaSDK.presentCreateWalletLink method passing the controller on which the wallet link creation process will present itself and the WalletLinkInfo object. NOTE: The callback will be called first when id is created and second time once the process is finished, error occured or the user dismisses the controller.
import PayMayaSDK

class SomeViewController: UIViewController {
    func createWalletButtonTapped() {
        PayMayaSDK.presentCreateWalletLink(from: self, walletLinkInfo: walletLinkInfo) { result in
            switch result {
            // Called once the wallet link id is created
            case .prepared(let walletId):
            // Called once the wallet link is created
            case .processed(let status):
                // The transaction status with your redirection url provided in the WalletLinkInfo object
                switch status {
                case .success(let url):
                case .failure(let url):
                case .cancel(let url):
            // Called when user dismisses the controller.
            case .interrupted:
            // For error handling
            case .error(let error):


Using Payment Vault

Payment Vault provides merchants the ability to store their customer's card details and charge for payments on-demand

Create Payment Token

Call PayMayaSDK.presentCardPayment method passing the controller on which the card payment process will present itself.

import PayMayaSDK

class SomeViewController: UIViewController {
    func payButtonTapped() {
        PayMayaSDK.presentCardPayment(from: self) { result in

            switch result {
            // Called once the payment token is created
            case .success(let token):
            // For error handling
            case .error(let error):

Optional styling

Call the method and choose between .dark / .light with your custom font, logo and the Pay Now button styling. All parameters are optional, so you can change only the ones you want.

let tintColor =
let font = UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 18)
let logo = UIImage(named: "myLogo")
let buttonStyling = PayButtonStyling(title: "Pay with card", backgroundColor: .blue, textColor: .white)

PayMayaSDK.presentCardPayment(from: self, styling: .dark(buttonStyling: buttonStyling, font: font, logo: logo)) { result in


License:MIT License


Language:Swift 99.7%Language:Ruby 0.3%