mann015 / epubReader

epubReader is a standalone fluid infusion component. This project is about implementing a web based ePub reader component based on open web technologies for infusion framework

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epubReader is a standalone fluid infusion component. This project is about implementing a web based ePub reader component based on open web technologies for infusion framework. Current version of ePub reader developed is a accessible screen reader utilizing tools for customizing user experience. Having a highly customizable reading experience on the web will contribute to a growing number of new learning tools in the educational domain. It is finalized version of Google Summer of Code 2012 Project for Inclusive Design Institute. Development logs can be found at

Quick Demo

You can see the current epubReader in action by deploying it using a local server. Just get the component from here and place it in a server and visit epubReader/html/epubReaderDemo.html in browser.


To instantiate a new Image Editor on your page:

var epubReader = fluid.epubReader(container, options);
Returns: A epubReader component object.


####container The container is a CSS-based selector, single-element jQuery object, or DOM element that identifies the root DOM node of the epubReader markup.

####options The options object is an optional data structure that configures the epubReader, as described in the Options section below.


uiOptionsTemplatePath - Relative path to UI options html template directory.
KeyboardShortcut    - Customizable shortcut keys for reader to be used with shift + key.
	bookmarkKey        - To add bookmark. Defaults to B (66).
	noteKey            - To add Note. Defaults to N (78).
	nextNavigationKey  - To navigate next. Defaults to Down Arrow (40).
	previousNavigationKey  - To navigate previous. Defaults to Up Arrow (38).
	nextChapterNavigationKey   - To navigate to next chapter. Defaults to Right Arrow (39).
	previousChapterNavigationKey   - To navigate to previous chapter. Defaults to Left Arrow (37).
	editKey            - To activate WYSIWYG editor. Defaults to E (69).
	uiOptionShowText:  - Button string for Personalize tab when closed. Defaults to '+ Personalize'
	uiOptionHideText:  - Button string for Personalize tab when closed. Defaults to '- Personalize'
	navigationShowText - Button string for manage tab when open. Defaults to '+ Manage'
	navigationHideText - Button string for manage tab when closed. Defaults to '- Manage'
	epubPath           - Path to epub file.
	isBase64           - True if epub file is Base64 encrypted else False. Defaults to False.
	maxImageHeight     - Maximum allowed height of images contained in the book. Defaults to 400.
	maxImageWidth      - Maximum allowed width of images contained in the book. Defaults to 400.


onReaderReady - Event fired at the end after initializing epubReader component and parsing ePub file.


contentTitle    - The book title. Defaults to '.flc-epubReader-chapter-title',
remaining       - The split mode chapter progress indicator. Defaults to '.flc-epubReader-progressIndicator-completed',
remainingWrapper- The split mode chapter progress indicator background Defaults to '.fl-epubReader-progressIndicator',
chapterStyle    - Element to contain parsed styles from ebook. Defaults to '.flc-epubReader-chapter-styles',
chapterStyleElement- The styles to be applied to reading region. Defaults to '.flc-epubReader-chapter-StyleElement',
chapterContent  - Element to contain book text and images. Defaults to '.flc-epubReader-chapter-content',
tocSelector     - The table of content input. Defaults to '.flc-epubReader-toc',
tocContainer    - The container for table of content input. Defaults to '.fl-epubReader-tocContainer',
bookmarkContainer-The container for bookmark component. Defaults to '.fl-epubReader-bookmarkContainer',
bookmarkRow     - Element to be used with each bookmark. Defaults to '.flc-epubReader-bookmark-tableRow',
bookmarkTitle   - The bookmark title. Defaults to '.flc-epubReader-bookmark-title',
bookmarkChapter - The bookmark chapter. Defaults to '.flc-epubReader-bookmark-chapter',
bookmarkEdit    - The bookmark edit button. Defaults to '.flc-epubReader-bookmark-edit',
bookmarkDelete  - The bookmark delete button. Defaults to '.flc-epubReader-bookmark-delete',
bookmarkGoTO    -  The bookmark navigation button. Defaults to '.flc-epubReader-bookmark-goTo',
addBookmarkButton- The bookmark add button. Defaults to '.flc-epubReader-addBookmark',
notesContainer  - The container for notes component. Defaults to '.fl-epubReader-notesContainer',
noteRow         - Element to be used with each note. Defaults to '.flc-epubReader-note-tableRow',
noteId          - The note identifying title. Defaults to '.flc-epubReader-note-id',
noteChapter     - Th note chapter. Defaults to '.flc-epubReader-note-chapter',
noteEdit        - The note edit button. Defaults to '.flc-epubReader-note-edit',
noteDelete      - The note delete button. Defaults to '.flc-epubReader-note-delete',
addNoteButton   - The note add button. Defaults to '.flc-epubReader-addNote',
bookContainer   - The container for bookhandler component. Defaults to '.fl-epubReader-bookContainer',
uiOptionsContainer- The container for integrated UI Options component. Defaults to '.flc-epubReader-uiOptions-container',
uiOptionsButton - The personalize tab toggle button. Defaults to '.fl-epubReader-uiOptions-button',
navigationContainer - The manage tab container. Defaults to '.fl-epubReader-navigationContaniner',
navigationButton    - The manage tab toggle button. Defaults to '.fl-epubReader-navigation-button',
epubControls        - Element which contains epub personalization options. Defaults to '.flc-uiOptions-epub-controls',
slidingTabsSelector - Element which contain all section buttons for personalize tab. Defaults to '.fl-epubReader-tabsPanel',
nextButton          - The next navigation button. Defaults to '.flc-epubReader-nextButton',
previousButton      - The previous navigation button. Defaults to '.flc-epubReader-previousButton',
nextChapterButton   - The next chapter navigation button. Defaults to '.flc-epubReader-nextChapterButton',
previousChapterButton  - The previous chapter navigation button. Defaults to '.flc-epubReader-previousChapterButton',
editorSaveButton    - The save button for WYSIWYG editor. Defaults to '.flc-inlineEdit-saveButton',
editorCancelButton  - The cancel button for WYSIWYG editor. Defaults to '.flc-inlineEdit-cancelButton',
editActivationButton- The activation button for WYSIWYG editor. Defaults to '.flc-epubReader-editor-activateButton',
downloadButton      - Button to download current ebook including bookmarks and notes. Defaults to '.flc-epubReader-downloadButton',
searchForm          - The search form container. Defaults to '.fl-epubReader-search-form',
searchField         - The search text box. Defaults to '.flc-epubReader-search-field',
searchButton        - The search button. Defaults to '.flc-epubReader-search-button',
searchResult        - Style applied to highlight search result. Defaults to '.flc-epubReader-highlighted',
currentSearchResult - Style applied to highlight current search result. Defaults to '.flc-epubReader-highlighted-current'


There are four basic steps to adding the Image Editor to your application: Setup: Download epubReader standalone component Step 1: Prepare your markup Step 2: Write the script Step 3: Add the script to your HTML

####Step 1 - Prepare your HTML markup similar to epubReaderDemo.html and apply styles.

<div class='fl-epubReader-container fl-container-auto' align="center">
    <div class="flc-uiOptions-optionPanel fl-uiOptions-optionPanel">
        <div class="flc-epubReader-uiOptions-container flc-slidingPanel-panel"></div>
        <div class="fl-epubReader-navigationContaniner  fl-epubReader-tabsPanel">
            <ul class="fl-tabs fl-tabs-left fl-clearfix fl-inverted-color">
                <li><a href="#tabg" class="fl-tab-general">General</a></li>
                <li><a href="#tabb" class="fl-tab-bookmarks">Bookmarks</a></li>
                <li><a href="#tabn" class="fl-tab-notes" >Notes</a></li>
                <li><a href="#tabe" class="fl-tab-edit" >Edit</a></li>
            <div id="tabg" class="fl-clearfix" >
                <ul class="fl-clearfix">
                    <li class="fl-epubReader-tocContainer">
                        <label for="toc">Table of Content</label>
                        <select class="flc-epubReader-toc" id="toc">
                        <button type="button" class="flc-epubReader-previousChapterButton fl-rounded-corners" >Previous<br/> Chapter</button>
                        <button type="button" class="flc-epubReader-previousButton fl-rounded-corners" >Previous</button>
                        <button type="button" class="flc-epubReader-nextButton fl-rounded-corners" >Next</button>
                        <button type="button" class="flc-epubReader-nextChapterButton fl-rounded-corners" >Next<br/> Chapter</button>

                        <form class="fl-epubReader-search-form">
                            <input class="flc-epubReader-search-field" type="text" value="Search..." onfocus="if (this.value == 'Search...') {this.value = '';}" onblur="if (this.value == '') {this.value = 'Search...';}" />
                            <input class="flc-epubReader-search-button" type="button" value="Go" />
            <div id="tabb" class="fl-clearfix">

                <button type="button" class="flc-epubReader-addBookmark fl-rounded-corners" >Add<br/> Bookmark</button>

                <table class="fl-epubReader-bookmarkContainer" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
                        <th>Bookmark Identifier</th>
                        <th colspan="3">Manage</th>
                    <tr class="flc-epubReader-bookmark-tableRow">
                        <td class="flc-epubReader-bookmark-title"></td>
                        <td class="flc-epubReader-bookmark-chapter">
                            <a  class="flc-epubReader-bookmark-edit"></a>
                            <a  class="flc-epubReader-bookmark-delete"></a>
                            <a  class="flc-epubReader-bookmark-goTo"></a>
            <div id="tabn" class="fl-clearfix" >
                <button type="button" class="flc-epubReader-addNote fl-rounded-corners" >Add<br/> Note</button>

                <table class="fl-epubReader-notesContainer" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
                        <th>Note Identifier</th>
                        <th colspan="2">Manage</th>
                    <tr class="flc-epubReader-note-tableRow">
                        <td class="flc-epubReader-note-id"></td>
                        <td class="flc-epubReader-note-chapter">
                            <a  class="flc-epubReader-note-edit"></a>
                            <a  class="flc-epubReader-note-delete"></a>
            <div id="tabe" class="fl-clearfix" >
                <ul class="fl-clearfix">
                        <button type="button" class="flc-epubReader-editor-activateButton fl-rounded-corners">Edit
                        <button type="button" class="flc-epubReader-downloadButton fl-rounded-corners">
                            Download Book
        <div class="fl-panelBar">
            <button class="fl-epubReader-uiOptions-button flc-slidingPanel-toggleButton fl-toggleButton"></button>
            <button class="fl-epubReader-navigation-button flc-slidingPanel-toggleButton fl-toggleButton" ></button>
    <div class="fl-epubReader-bookContainer fl-container-800 fl-rounded-corners">
        <h1 class="flc-epubReader-chapter-title"></h1>
        <div class="fl-epubReader-progressIndicator" align="left">
            <div class="flc-epubReader-progressIndicator-completed"></div>
        <div class="flc-epubReader-chapter-styles"></div>
        <div class="flc-epubReader-chapter-content flc-inlineEdit-text flc-epubReader-chapter-StyleElement" ></div>
        <div class="flc-inlineEdit-editContainer">
            <button class="flc-inlineEdit-saveButton">Save</button> <button class="flc-inlineEdit-cancelButton">Cancel</button>

####Step 2 - Write script to add custom UI options parameters and instantiate epubReader component

   fluid.staticEnvironment.uiEnhancer = fluid.uiEnhancer(".fl-epubReader-bookContainer", {
        components: {
            pageMode: {
                type: "fluid.uiEnhancer.classSwapper",
                container: "{uiEnhancer}.container",
                options: {
                    classes: "{uiEnhancer}.options.classnameMap.pageMode"
            settingsStore: {
                options: {
                    defaultSiteSettings: {
                        pageMode: "split"
        classnameMap: {
            "pageMode": {
                "split": "fl-font-uio-times",
                "scroll": "fl-font-uio-times"

    var epubReader = fluid.epubReader(".fl-epubReader-container", {
        book: {
            epubPath : "../tests/epubs/the_hound_of_the_baskervilles_igp_epub3_sir_arthur.epub"


####Step 3 - Include all dependencies and script created in step 2 in HTML markup.


  • UI Options Component stylesheets

  • TinyMCE

  • Infusion

  • Wait For Images - jQuery Plugin

  • QTip - jQuery Plugin

  • JSZip

  • ePubReader Component - JS Files

  • ePubReader Component - stylesheets

      <script type="text/javascript" src="../lib/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/tiny_mce.js"></script>
      <script type="text/javascript" src="../lib/infusion/InfusionAll.js"></script>
      <script type="text/javascript" src="../lib/jquery.waitforimages.js"></script>
      <script type="text/javascript" src="../lib/jquery.qtip-1.0.0-rc3.custom/jquery.qtip-1.0.0-rc3.min.js"></script>
      <script type="text/javascript" src="../lib/JSZip/jszip.js"></script>
      <script type="text/javascript" src="../lib/JSZip/jszip-load.js"></script>
      <script type="text/javascript" src="../lib/JSZip/jszip-deflate.js"></script>
      <script type="text/javascript" src="../lib/JSZip/jszip-inflate.js"></script>
      <script type="text/javascript" src="../js/epubReaderUtils.js"></script>
      <script type="text/javascript" src="../js/epubUIOptions.js"></script>
      <script type="text/javascript" src="../js/epubReaderFileFacilitator.js"></script>
      <script type="text/javascript" src="../js/epubReaderNavigatorChilds.js"></script>
      <script type="text/javascript" src="../js/epubReaderNavigator.js"></script>
      <script type="text/javascript" src="../js/epubReader.js"></script>
      <script type="text/javascript" src="../js/epubReaderDemo.js"></script>


epubReader is a standalone fluid infusion component. This project is about implementing a web based ePub reader component based on open web technologies for infusion framework