manishekhawat / grunt-w3c-html-validation

W3C html validaton grunt plugin. Validate all files in a directory automatically.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

grunt-w3c-html-validation Build Status

W3C html validation grunt plugin, Forked from html-grunt-validation. Validate all files in a directory automatically.

This version has below additions on top of original plug-in:

  • This plug-in has been extended to generate the W3C error's source code context/reference from validated code. This will help users to find the error easily by just copy/paste from validated page source.
  • Original plug-in was skipping validation for all files/URL after any Error-Free file/URL. This will not skip files after a error free file/URL and will validate all configured files/URLs.
  • This plug-in has also been extended for generating W3C reports in HTML format and now has some extra settings.

Getting Started

This plugin requires Grunt ~0.4.1

If you haven't used Grunt before, be sure to check out the Getting Started guide, as it explains how to create a Gruntfile as well as install and use Grunt plugins. Once you're familiar with that process, you may install this plugin with this command:

npm install grunt-w3c-html-validation --save-dev

Once the plugin has been installed, it may be enabled inside your Gruntfile with this line of JavaScript:


And add to your task list using validation:

grunt.registerTask('default', ['validation']);

The "validation" task


In your project's Gruntfile, add a section named validation to the data object passed into grunt.initConfig().

validation: {
    options: {
        reset: grunt.option('reset') || false,
        stoponerror: false,
        remotePath: '',
        remoteFiles: ['html/moving-from-wordpress-to-octopress/',
                      'css/site-preloading-methods/'], //or
        remoteFiles: 'validation-files.json', // JSON file contains array of page paths.
        relaxerror: ['Bad value X-UA-Compatible for attribute http-equiv on element meta.'], //ignores these errors
        generateReport: true,
        errorHTMLRootDir: "w3cErrorFolder",
        useTimeStamp: true,
        errorTemplate: "w3c_validation_error_Template.html"
    files: {
        src: ['<%= %>/*.html',
              '!<%= %>/index.html',
              '!<%= %>/modules.html',
              '!<%= %>/404.html']


New Options


Type: Boolean
Default value: 'true' Flag to get the W3C errors to be generated in form of HTML files, if set to false then it will will not generate HTML report of errors.

Note: Error HTMLs files will be generated only if file/URL has some errors, in case of no error it will not generate the error file.


Type: String
Default value: w3cErrorFolder Sets the name for Root Folder which will contain W3C error HTMLs wrapped by another folder.


Type: String
Default value: 'false' If set to true sub folder inside options.errorHTMLRootDir folder will have a Timestamp with format - 'w3cErrors-Month-Date-Year-Hours-Minutes', an example can be 'w3cErrors-3-23-2015-09-37'. If set to false then it will overwrite the error sub folder and will not have the Timestamp, folder name will be 'w3cErrors'.


Type: String
Default value: w3c_validation_error_Template.html Expects name for 'Handlebar' template to generate the error's HTMLs. Sample template is provided with plug-in in root folder.

Regular grunt-html-validation Options


Type: Boolean
Default value: 'false'

Resets all the validated files status. When want to revalidate all the validated files - eg: sudo grunt validate --reset=true


Type: String
Default value: null

Setup your proxy when you are behind a corporate proxy and encounters ETIMEDOUT.

proxy: 'http://proxy:8080'


Type: String
Default value: null

Supply a different validator server URL, for instance if you run a local server. Eg: http://localhost/w3c-validator/check


Type: String
Default value: 'validation-status.json'

Default file for storing validation information.


Type: String
Default value: validation-report.json

Consolidated report in JSON format, if reportpath is false it will not generated.


Type: Boolean
Default value: false

When hit by a validation error, html-validator continue validating next file by default and this process continues until all files in the list completes validation. If 'stoponerror' set to true, validator will stop validating next file.


Type: Number
Default value: 3

Number of retries when network error occuers. Default case, after 3 reties validator will move to next file.


Type: String
Default value: ``


Type: String
Default value: ``

File that will wrap your files inside.

The file must contain a comment that will be replaced by each file content: <!-- CONTENT -->

Useful to validate partials because w3c validator need <html>, <head>, <body>...

Note: line reported will be the partial line, if you see a negative number this means that the error is in the wrapfile.


<!DOCTYPE html>
      <!-- CONTENT -->


Type: Array
Default value: ``

Array of page paths to be validated. When remote files are not present validator will append file names from local folder. remotePath is mandatory when this option is specified.


remoteFiles: ['html/moving-from-wordpress-to-octopress/',

you can also provide a file that contains an array of pages.

remoteFiles: 'validation-files.json'


Type: Array
Default value: ``

Helps to skip certain w3c errors messages from validation. Give exact error message or a regular expression in an array & validator will ignore those relaxed errors from validation.

relaxerror: ['Bad value X-UA-Compatible for attribute http-equiv on element meta.',
             'document type does not allow element "[A-Z]+" here']


Type: String
Default value: false

Set false for autodetect or chose one of this options:

  • HTML5
  • XHTML 1.0 Strict
  • XHTML 1.0 Transitional
  • XHTML 1.0 Frameset
  • HTML 4.01 Strict
  • HTML 4.01 Transitional
  • HTML 4.01 Frameset
  • HTML 4.01 + RDFa 1.1
  • HTML 3.2
  • HTML 2.0
  • ISO/IEC 15445:2000 ("ISO HTML")
  • XHTML 1.1
  • XHTML + RDFa
  • XHTML Basic 1.0
  • XHTML Basic 1.1
  • XHTML Mobile Profile 1.2
  • XHTML-Print 1.0
  • XHTML 1.1 plus MathML 2.0
  • XHTML 1.1 plus MathML 2.0 plus SVG 1.1
  • MathML 2.0
  • SVG 1.0
  • SVG 1.1
  • SVG 1.1 Tiny
  • SVG 1.1 Basic
  • SMIL 1.0
  • SMIL 2.0


Type: String
Default value: false

Set false for autodetect or chose one of this options:

  • utf-8
  • utf-16
  • iso-8859-1
  • iso-8859-2
  • iso-8859-3
  • iso-8859-4
  • iso-8859-5
  • iso-8859-6-i
  • iso-8859-7
  • iso-8859-8
  • iso-8859-8-i
  • iso-8859-9
  • iso-8859-10
  • iso-8859-11
  • iso-8859-13
  • iso-8859-14
  • iso-8859-15
  • iso-8859-16
  • us-ascii
  • euc-jp
  • shift_jis
  • iso-2022-jp
  • euc-kr
  • gb2312
  • gb18030
  • big5
  • big5-HKSCS
  • tis-620
  • koi8-r
  • koi8-u
  • iso-ir-111
  • macintosh
  • windows-1250
  • windows-1251
  • windows-1252
  • windows-1253
  • windows-1254
  • windows-1255
  • windows-1256
  • windows-1257


Type: boolean
Default value: false

If true, the task will fail at the end of its run if there were any validation errors that were not ignored via options.relaxerror.


In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint and test your code using Grunt.

Report issues here

Release History

  • 2015-04-25 v0.0.9 Updated to extended for generating the W3C error's source code context/reference from validated code. This will help users to find the error easily by just copy/paste from validated page source.
  • 2015-04-23 v0.0.8 Updated the Release History.
  • 2015-04-23 v0.0.7 Changed the version number to push to NPM, this Version is more stable than the previous versions because it has fix for Local repository validations.
  • 2015-03-29 v0.0.6 Updated Comments and headers of files.
  • 2015-03-23 v0.0.5 Updated Readme for new settings which has been added to generate the HTML reoprts for W3C errors, also added sample handlebar template for HTML report.
  • 2015-03-19 v0.0.4 Updatedto have capability to generate the Errors in HTML format using Handlebar as a dependency
  • 2015-03-19 v0.0.3 updated package.json for updated git information
  • 2015-03-19 v0.0.2 updated readme and package.json
  • 2015-03-19 v0.0.1 Updated Package.json and License file to publish the plug-in with new features.
  • 2014-05-27 v0.1.18 Version bump, Fixes #54
  • 2014-05-15 v0.1.17 Fixes #50, #52
  • 2014-04-23 v0.1.16 Fixes
  • 2014-04-03 v0.1.15 Updated dependencies (jshnt, nodeunit, request), gitignore, code cleanup etc..
  • 2014-03-23 v0.1.14 Updated with wrapfile & server url options.
  • 2013-12-26 v0.1.13 Fixed running multiple tasks fail due to validation failure.
  • 2013-12-17 v0.1.11 Option to set proxy, w3cjs updated to 0.1.22, added fail hard and some bug fixes
  • 2013-11-22 v0.1.9 Fix some bugs
  • 2013-11-22 v0.1.8 Added options for specify doctype and charset
  • 2013-11-22 v0.1.7 Added support for RegExp in relaxed validation
  • 2013-08-31   v0.1.6   Added relaxed validation, w3cjs updated from 0.1.9 to 0.1.10.
  • 2013-08-31   v0.1.5   Added remote validation support. Max network error retry count.
  • 2013-08-19   v0.1.4   Fixed issues. Added 'stoponerror' option, validation report added.
  • 2013-08-05   v0.1.2   Fixed issues.
  • 2013-04-20   v0.1.0   Initial release.

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W3C html validaton grunt plugin. Validate all files in a directory automatically.

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 76.8%Language:HTML 19.7%Language:Erlang 3.5%