manciuszz / HotReplacer

A script which allows to execute custom functions (i.e. replacing words on the fly) on any input fields (i.e web browser address bar, notepad, chat boxes etc..).

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A proof of concept script which allows to execute custom functions (i.e. replacing words on the fly) on any input fields (i.e web browser address bar, notepad, chat boxes etc..).

Preview - Tested on AutoHotkey v1.1.28.00



At the moment, there are currently only three text functions (as I'd like to call it) implemented:

  • to loop a template N times ~loop(N, $variableName).
  • to replace text inside your clipboard ~replace("str1", "str2").
  • to translate input text via Google Translate ~translate("input text", "from_language", "to_language").

Replace text function example:

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas sed risus pretium, feugiat nulla sit amet.
~replace("amet", "YOLO")

would result in

Lorem ipsum dolor sit YOLO, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas sed risus pretium, feugiat nulla sit YOLO.

The key here is typing ~replace("string_to_search_for", "will_be_replaced_with_this") on the fly.

This function also accepts REGEX:

Lorem ipsum dolor sit am t, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas sed risus pretium, feugiat nulla sit am t.
~replace(`am\st`, "YOLO")

would result in

Lorem ipsum dolor sit YOLO, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas sed risus pretium, feugiat nulla sit YOLO.

Notice that in order to use REGEX you have to encase your query in back-tic's like so `my regex syntax`

Loop text function example:

$port2 = `8080`
$port = `$port2`
$type = `tcp`
$importantIP = ``
$my_ips = `[, $importantIP]`
$my_ports = `[$port, 9090]`
$template = `### tuple ### allow $type $my_ports any $my_ips
-A ufw-user-input -p $type --dport $my_ports -j ACCEPT`

~loop(3, $template)

would result in

### tuple ### allow tcp 8080 any
-A ufw-user-input -p tcp --dport 8080 -j ACCEPT
### tuple ### allow tcp 9090 any
-A ufw-user-input -p tcp --dport 9090 -j ACCEPT
### tuple ### allow tcp 8080 any
-A ufw-user-input -p tcp --dport 8080 -j ACCEPT

Translate text function example:

~translate("Hello world", "auto", "fr") ; would result in "Bonjour le monde"
~translate("Hello world", "fr") ; same as above, second parameter is default "auto" and would result in "Bonjour le monde"

Note: It should work with multi-line strings too!

How it works

It uses enhanced AHK Hotstrings to allow REGEX and Functions/Labels operations with hotstrings), Clip() in an attempt to have more reliable clipboard operations, Translate.ahk to take advantage of Google Translate service and AutoHotInterception libraries, to keep track of what the user is typing on a DRIVER LEVEL, because using Hotkey API doesn't seem to work on all applications, such as Opera Browser.

Why not just use built-in editor replacer feature?

Recently, I needed to edit a file where I had this template where one or two places needed to be changed, so I kinda wished I had the ABILITY TO TYPE the action, such as replace this and that without playing with the editors interface whatsoever. I felt that doing something like empowering simple text with the ability to execute functions would allow to do some cool stuff, besides making me a lot faster and more productive.


  • Implement variable recognition to translate text function
  • 'Eval' text function that would evaluate AHK code dynamically to bring more power to the table?


A script which allows to execute custom functions (i.e. replacing words on the fly) on any input fields (i.e web browser address bar, notepad, chat boxes etc..).


Language:AutoHotkey 99.9%Language:PowerShell 0.1%