- Access and Refresh token impl
- Split Auth and Payment service into 2
- How will common deps be shared?
- Dockerize auth and payment service
- Write tests for Auth
- Implement Google Auth
- Gateway Service
- Commons Package
- Understanding Service-to-Service Communication
- Leveraging gRPC for Efficient Intra-Service Communication
- Payload validation
Service Discovery
Creating the Registry
Write Kubernetes for auth and payment service deployment
Write Github action to automatically deploy
Configure L7 Load Balancer to auth and payment service
Implement Split service
Write Tests
Dockerize Split service
Kubernetes for Split service
CI for Split service
Test and Deploy Both services
Performance testing
Load testing
Write UI
Integrate UI and services
Deploy UI using vercel
Implement Chat service between users for transaction
- Asynchronous Communication with Message Brokers
- Connecting to AMQP & Creating the Exchange
- Payment Notifications
- Implementing Retries & Dead Letter Queues
- Intro to Distributed Tracing with OpenTelemetry
- Setup and Send Telemetry data from the gateway
- Telemetry Middleware
- Sending Telemetry though RabbitMQ
- Structured Logging
- Architecture https://youtu.be/KdnxzgSNLTU
- OAuth - GOTH/https://github.com/motiv-labs/janus
- Architecture Building Microservices in Golang/Go
- The Anatomy of an API Gateway in Golang
- Build a gRPC API using Go and gRPC-gateway