manaswipatil11 / CODSOFT

This repository contains a record of my completed tasks in CodSoft. It serves as a comprehensive guide to the work I've done and can be a valuable resource for tracking my progress and sharing my achievements with others.

Repository from Github https://github.commanaswipatil11/CODSOFTRepository from Github https://github.commanaswipatil11/CODSOFT

CodSoft Completed Tasks

This repository contains a record of my completed tasks in CodSoft. It serves as a comprehensive guide to the work I've done and can be a valuable resource for tracking my progress and sharing my achievements with others.


Movies Rating Prediction

In this project, I have used 'Support Vector Regressor' to predict the Ratings of a particular Movie


Sales Price Prediction

Here, I've used 'ANN' to learn and predict the Car's Sale Price.


Credit Card Fraud Detection

'Decision Tree Classifier' was the best fit with the accuracy score of 0.998

I hope my work helps you as you explore the realms of Data Science.


This repository contains a record of my completed tasks in CodSoft. It serves as a comprehensive guide to the work I've done and can be a valuable resource for tracking my progress and sharing my achievements with others.


Language:Jupyter Notebook 100.0%