manasdk / st2contrib

StackStorm integration packs for many common tools and also helpful tools to build integrations and automations with StackStorm.

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Contents of this repository are comprise of integrations and automations that are consumed by the StackStorm automation platform.


Actions, Sensors and Rules all organized neatly into to domain or tool specific packs.


Related tools that help make it easier to integrate and consume StackStorm content.

Tests and Automated Checks

To run tests and all the other automated checks which run on Travis CI, run the following command:

make all

Available Packs

Icon Name Description Keywords Author Latest Version Available Resources
ansible icon ansible st2 content pack containing ansible integrations ansible, cfg management, configuration management st2-dev 0.1 click
aws icon aws st2 content pack containing Amazon Web Services integrations. aws, amazon web services, amazon, ec2, route53, cloud st2-dev 0.2 click
azure icon azure st2 content pack containing Microsoft Azure integrations. microsoft, azure, cloud, libcloud, servers, virtual machines, azure virtual machines st2-dev 0.1 click
bitbucket icon bitbucket Pack which allows integration with Bitbucket. bitbucket, vcs, mercuriral, git, source control Aamir 0.1.0 click
bitcoin icon bitcoin bitcoin integration pack bitcoin st2-dev 0.1 click
chef icon chef st2 chef integration pack chef, chef-client, chef-solo, chef-apply, cfg management, configuration management, opscode st2-dev 0.1.1 click
csv icon csv st2 content pack containing CSV integrations csv, serialization, deserialization, text processing st2-dev 0.1 click
cubesensors icon cubesensors st2 content pack containing CubeSensors integrations cubesensors, iot, smart home, sensors, probes, home automation st2-dev 0.1 click
docker icon docker st2 content pack containing docker integrations docker, containers, virtualization, cgroups st2-dev 0.1 click
dripstat icon dripstat Integration with the Dripstat Application Performance Monitoring tool dripstat, java, monitoring, performance monitoring James Fryman 0.0.1 click
elasticsearch icon elasticsearch st2 elasticsearch integration pack elasticsearch, curator, databases st2-dev 0.1.2 click
email icon email E-Mail Actions/Sensors for StackStorm James Fryman 0.1.0 click
fireeye icon fireeye FireEye CM Series Integration James Fryman 0.1.0 click
git icon git st2 content pack containing git integrations git, scm st2-dev 0.1 click
github icon github st2 content pack containing github integrations github, git, scm st2-dev 0.2 click
google icon google st2 content pack containing google integrations google, search st2-dev 0.1 click
gpg icon gpg Pack for working with GPG. gpg, pgp, gnupg, privacy, encryption, crypto st2-dev 0.1 click
hubot icon hubot Hubot integration pack James Fryman 0.1.0 click
hue icon hue Philips Hue Pack hue, philips, iot James Fryman 0.0.1 click
ipcam icon ipcam st2 content pack containing integration for various home IP cams ipcam, ip cam, ip camera, camera, smart home, home automation st2-dev 0.1 click
irc icon irc st2 content pack containing irc integrations irc, internet relay chat, chat, messaging, instant messaging st2-dev 0.1 click
jenkins icon jenkins Jenkins CI Integration Pack James Fryman 0.1.0 click
jira icon jira st2 content pack containing jira integrations issues, ticket management, project management st2-dev 0.1 click
jmx icon jmx st2 content pack containing Java JMX integrations jmx, javajmx, java management extensions, mbean st2-dev 0.1 click
lastline icon lastline Lastline Security Breach Detection Integration James Fryman 0.1.0 click
libcloud icon libcloud st2 content pack containing libcloud integrations libcloud, cloud, dns, dnsaas, lbaas, load balancers, aws, amazon, s3, ec2, rackspace, cloudstack, openstack, cloudsigma, gce, google compute engine st2-dev 0.1 click
mailgun icon mailgun st2 content pack containing mailgun integrations email, mail, mailgun st2-dev 0.1 click
mistral icon mistral Mistral integrations to operate mistral. mistral, workflows StackStorm 0.0.1 click
mmonit icon mmonit st2 content pack containing mmonit integrations monitoring, mmonit Itxaka Serrano Garcia 0.1 click
mqtt icon mqtt MQTT Integration for StackStorm James Fryman 0.1.0 click
nagios icon nagios Nagios integration pack. See for setup instructions. nagios, monitoring, alerting st2-dev 0.1 click
nest icon nest StackStorm integration with Nest Thermostats James Fryman 0.0.1 click
newrelic icon newrelic st2 content pack containing newrelic integrations new relic, monitoring, app monitoring, application level monitoring st2-dev 0.1 click
octopusdeploy icon octopusdeploy st2 content pack containing octopusdeploy integrations octopus, octopusdeploy, deployment, continous deployment, continous integration Anthony Shaw 0.1 click
openhab icon openhab Integration with OpenHAB openhab, iot, smart home, home automation James Fryman 0.1.0 click
openstack icon openstack st2 content pack containing openstack integrations cloud, nova, glance, neutron st2-dev 0.1 click
packer icon packer Hashicorp Packer builder integration packer, provisioning, pipeline, hashicorp James Fryman 0.1.0 click
pagerduty icon pagerduty Packs which allows integration with PagerDuty services. Aamir 0.1.0 click
puppet icon puppet st2 content pack containing puppet integrations puppet, cfg management, configuration management st2-dev 0.1 click
rabbitmq icon rabbitmq st2 content pack containing rabbitmq integrations rabbitmq, queuing, messaging, aqmp, stomp, message broker st2-dev 0.1 click
rackspace icon rackspace Packs which allows integration with Rackspace services such as servers, load balancers and DNS. jfryman 0.1.0 click
salt icon salt st2 salt integration pack salt, cfg management, configuration management jcockhren 0.3.1 click
sensu icon sensu st2 content pack containing sensu integrations sensu, monitoring, alerting st2-dev 0.1 click
servicenow icon servicenow ServiceNow Integration Pack James Fryman 0.1.0 click
slack icon slack st2 content pack containing slack integrations slack, chat, messaging, instant messaging st2-dev 0.1.1 click
SmartThings icon SmartThings Integration with SmartThings smartthings, iot, smart home, home automation James Fryman 0.1.0 click
softlayer icon softlayer st2 content pack containing Softlayer integrations. softlayer, cloud Itxaka Serrano Garcia 0.1 click
splunk icon splunk Splunk integration pack splunk st2-dev 0.1 click
st2 icon st2 StackStorm pack management st2-dev 0.1.0 click
[Travis CI icon]( CI) [Travis CI]( CI) Pack which allows integration with Travis CI. travis, travis ci, continous integration, ci Aamir 0.1.0 [click]( CI-pack)
trello icon trello Integration with Trello, Web based Project Management trello, kanban, productivity, collaboration James Fryman 0.2.0 click
twilio icon twilio st2 content pack containing twilio integrations st2-dev 0.1 click
twitter icon twitter st2 content pack containing twitter integrations twitter, social media, social networks st2-dev 0.1 click
urbandict icon urbandict st2 content pack containing urban dictionary integrations urban dict, urban dictionary, puns st2-dev 0.1 click
victorops icon victorops Packs which allows integration with Victorops events. victorps integration, open, ack and resolve incidents Aamir 0.1.0 click
webpagetest icon webpagetest st2 content pack containing webpagetest integrations webpagetest, benchmarking Linuturk 0.1 click
windows icon windows st2 content pack containing windows integrations windows, wmi, windows management interface, wql st2-dev 0.1 click
witai icon witai Wit AI Integration with StackStorm James Fryman 0.1.0 click
xml icon xml st2 content pack containing XML integrations xml, serialization, deserialization, text processing st2-dev 0.1 click

ansible pack

ansible icon


Name Description
command Run ad-hoc ansible command (module)
command_local Run ad-hoc ansible command (module) on local machine
galaxy.install Download & Install role from ansible galaxy
galaxy.list Display a list of installed roles from ansible galaxy
galaxy.remove Remove an installed from ansible galaxy role
playbook Run ansible playbook
vault.decrypt Decrypt ansible data files
vault.encrypt Encrypt ansible data files

aws pack

aws icon


Name Description
ServiceNotificationsSensor Sensor which exposes an HTTP interface and listens for AWS service notifications delivered via AWS SNS


Name Description
create_vm Create a VM, add DNS to Route53
destroy_vm Destroys a VM and removes it from Route53
set_hostname_cloud Set the hostname on a VM and update cloud.cfg

azure pack

azure icon


Name Description
create_container Create a new storage container.
create_vm Create a new VM.
delete_container Delete a storage container.
delete_object Delete an object.
destroy_vm Destroy a VM.
list_container_objects List storage objects for the provided container.
list_containers List storage containers.
list_vms List available VMs.
reboot_vm Reboot a running VM.
upload_file Upload a file to the provided container.

bitbucket pack

bitbucket icon


Name Description
archive_repo Retruns a path to the downloaded archived repository
associate_ssh_key Associate a SSH key with your account
create_issue Create an issue
create_repo Create a Repository
create_service Create a service/hook for a given repository
delete_issues Delete issue for a given repository
delete_repo Delete a Repository
delete_services Delete services for a given repository.
delete_ssh_key Delete SSH key
list_branches List all branches for a given repository
list_issues List all issues for a given repository
list_repos List details of repositories for a user
list_services List all services for a given repository
list_ssh_keys List all SSH keys for a user
update_issue Update issue for a given repository
update_service Update hook/service for a given repository

bitcoin pack

bitcoin icon


Name Description
getaccountaddress Retrieves address of local wallet.
getwalletinfo Information of the local wallet.
sendtoaddresss Send some BTC to supplied address.

chef pack

chef icon


Name Description
apply Performs one-off resource converge on remote hosts.
client Performs chef-client run on remote hosts.
install Performs installation of chef-client on remote nodes
ohai Performs chef-solo run on remote hosts.
solo Performs chef-solo run on remote hosts.

csv pack

csv icon


Name Description
parse Parse CSV string and return JSON object.

cubesensors pack

cubesensors icon


Name Description
CubeSensorsMeasurementsSensor Sensor which polls CubeSensors API for new measurements and dispatch a trigger every time a new measurement is detected.


Name Description
get_device Retrieve details for a particular device (cube).
get_measurements Retrieve current measurements for a particular device (cube).
list_devices List information about all the available devices (cubes).

docker pack

docker icon


Name Description
DockerSensor Docker sensor


Name Description
build_image Build docker image action. Equivalent to docker build.
pull_image Pull docker image action. Equivalent to docker pull.
push_image Push docker image action. Equivalent to docker push.

dripstat pack

dripstat icon


Name Description
DripstatAlertSensor Sensor which monitors Dripstat API for active alerts

elasticsearch pack

elasticsearch icon


Name Description
indices.alias Index Aliasing
indices.allocation Index Allocation
indices.bloom Disable bloom filter cache
indices.close Close indices
indices.delete Delete indices Open indices
indices.optimize Optimize indices
indices.replicas Replica Count Per-shard Show indices
indices.snapshot Create snapshot of indices
search.body Search query (full body)
search.q Search query (lucene syntax)
snapshots.delete Delete snapshots Show snapshots

email pack

email icon


Name Description
IMAPSensor Sensor that emits triggers when e-mail message is received via IMAP
SMTPSensor Sensor that emits triggers when e-mail message is received via SMTP

fireeye pack

fireeye icon


Name Description
get_alert_query Request existing alert profiles with optional filters
get_submission_results Query results of completed job
get_submission_status Query status of running job
submit_malware Submit a Malware object to FireEye AX appliance
view_ax_config Returns a list of profiles and applications on AX devices

git pack

git icon


Name Description
GitCommitSensor Sensor which monitors git repository for new commits


Name Description
clone Clone a repository
get_local_repo_latest_commit Retrieve SHA of the latest commit for the provided branch in a local repository.
get_remote_repo_latest_commit Retrieve SHA of the latest commit for the provided branch in a remote repository.

github pack

github icon


Name Description
GithubRepositorySensor Sensor which monitors Github repository for activity


Name Description
add_comment Add a comment to the provided issue / pull request.
add_status Add a commit status for a provided ref.
create_issue Create a Github issue.
get_clone_stats Retrieve clone statistics for a given repository
get_issue Retrieve information about a particular Github issue.
get_traffic_stats Retrieve traffic statistics for a given repository

google pack

google icon


Name Description
get_search_results Retrieve Google search results for the provided query.

gpg pack

gpg icon


Name Description
decrypt_file Decrypt asymmetrically encrypted GPG file.
encrypt_file Encrypt a file using asymmetric encryption for the provided recipients.
import_keys Import keys into the keyring.
list_keys List all keys in the keyring.

hubot pack

hubot icon


Name Description
branch Determine which branch Hubot is currently running
deploy Manage Hubot installs on a per-pack basis
post_message Post a message to Hubot
post_result Post an execution result to Hubot
restart Restart hubot
update_ref Manage Hubot installs on a per-pack basis

hue pack

hue icon


Name Description
alert Send an alert to a light
brightness Change the brightness of a bulb
color_temp_kelvin Change the bulb color temperature to a specific temperature in Kelvin
color_temp_mired Change the bulb color temperature to a specific temperature in mired scale
current_state Get current state of bridge
find_id_by_name Find bulb ID based on nickname
list_bulbs List all registered bulbs
off Turn off a bulb
on Turn on a bulb
rgb Change bulb color based on RGB Values
set_state Send manual state to bulb
toggle Toggle on/off state of a bulb
xy Change bulb color based on CIE color space values

ipcam pack

ipcam icon


Name Description
capture_screenshot Capture a screenshot of the camera's FOV.

irc pack

irc icon


Name Description
IRCSensor Sensor which monitors IRC and dispatches a trigger for each public and private message

jenkins pack

jenkins icon


Name Description
build_job Kick off Jenkins Build Jobs
list_running_jobs List currently running Jenkins jobs

jira pack

jira icon


Name Description
JIRASensor Sensor which monitors JIRA for new tickets


Name Description
create_issue Create a new JIRA issue / ticket.
get_issue Retrieve information about a particular JIRA issue.

jmx pack

jmx icon


Name Description
JMXSensor Sensor which monitors Java application for attributes / metrics exposed through JMX protocol


Name Description
invoke_method Invoke a provided MBean method exposed over JMX.

lastline pack

lastline icon


Name Description
get_completed Get artifact generated by an analysis result for a previously submitted analysis task.
get_progress Get a progress estimate for a previously submitted analysis task.
get_result Get results for a previously submitted analysis task.
get_result_artifact Get artifact generated by an analysis result for a previously submitted analysis task.
get_result_summary Get result summary for a previously submitted analysis task.
submit_file Submit a file to Lastline for analysis
submit_file_hash Submit a file hash to Lastline for analysis
submit_url Submit a URL for analysis to Lastline

libcloud pack

libcloud icon


Name Description
balancer_attach_member Attach a member to a load balancer
balancer_list_members List members of a load balancer
create_balancer Create a load balancer
create_dns_record Create a new DNS record.
create_vm Create a new VM.
delete_dns_record Delete an existing DNS record.
destroy_vm Destroy a VM.
enable_cdn_for_container Enable CDN for container and return the CDN URL
get_container_cdn_url Retrieve CDN URL for existing CDN enabled container
get_object_cdn_url Retrieve CDN URL for an object which is stored in a CDN enable container
import_public_ssh_key Import an existing public SSH key.
list_balancers List load balancers
list_dns_records List available DNS records for a particular zone.
list_dns_zones List available zones.
list_vms List available VMs.
reboot_vm Reboot a running VM.
start_vm Start a new VM.
stop_vm Stop a running VM.
upload_file Upload a file to the provided container

mailgun pack

mailgun icon


Name Description
send_email Send email via Mailgun HTTP API.

mistral pack

mistral icon


Name Description
get_task_results Get results of mistral task in an execution.
get_workbook_definition Get the definition of the mistral workbook.
get_workflow_results Get results of mistral workflow.
kill_workflow Kill a running mistral workflow.

mmonit pack

mmonit icon


Name Description
MmonitEventsSensor Sensor which monitors mmonit for events


Name Description
action_host Performs the specified action for the selected host services.
delete_host Returns details for the given host id.
dismiss_event Dismiss the given active event so it doesn't show up in the event list if active filter is set to 2.
get_event Returns details for a specific event.
get_host Returns details for the given host id.
get_status_host Returns detailed status of the given host.
get_uptime_hosts Returns services uptime for a particular host.
list_events Returns a list of events stored in M/Monit.
list_hosts Returns a list of all hosts registered in M/Monit.
list_status_hosts Returns the current status of all hosts registered in M/Monit.
list_uptime_hosts Returns hosts uptime overview. If a custom range is used, the difference between datefrom and dateto should be in minutes, not in seconds since 1 minute is the lowest data resolution in M/Monit.
session_delete Delete session attributes matching key. If no keys were specified, delete all stored attributes.
session_get Returns the session attribute matching the session_key argument. If no keys are specified, all stored attributes in the session are returned.
session_put Add or update the session attribute. If a named attribute already exist, its old value is replaced.
summary_events Returns the events summary for the last 24 hours.
summary_status Returns a status summary of all hosts.
test_connection_to_host Checks that M/Monit can connect to the host with the given network settings.
update_host Updates the host settings in the M/Monit database.

mqtt pack

mqtt icon


Name Description
MQTTSensor Listen for events on MQTT bus/topic


Name Description
publish Publish message to MQTT broker

nest pack

nest icon


Name Description
get_humidity Get the current humidity
get_mode Manage nest modes
get_temperature Get the current temperature.
set_away Set nest to away mode
set_fan Manage fan state
set_home Set nest to home mode
set_humidity Set humidity goal for nest
set_mode Set current operating mode
set_temperature Set current temperature.
show Show current Nest information
toggle_away Toggle current Home/Away status

newrelic pack

newrelic icon


Name Description
NewRelicHookSensor Sensor which watches for alerts from NewRelic.


Name Description
get_alerts Get alerts for app.
get_metric_data Get metric data for metric.

octopusdeploy pack

octopusdeploy icon


Name Description
NewDeploymentSensor A sensor for new deployments.
NewReleaseSensor A sensor for new releases.


Name Description
add_machine Add a new machine (tentacle) to an Octopus Environment
create_release Create a new release in Octopus.
deploy_release Deploy a release in Octopus.
list_deployments Get a list of deployments for a project
list_projects Get a list of projects in Octopus.
list_releases Get a list of releases for a project in Octopus.

openhab pack

openhab icon


Name Description
get_status Get status on an item
send_command Send a command to an item
set_state Set state on an item

openstack pack

openstack icon


Name Description
cinder Run OpenStack Cinder commands
get_instance_owners Returns the users associated with a list of instance ids
glance Run OpenStack Glance commands
nova Run OpenStack Nova commands
nova_confirm Confirms a resize or migrate
nova_instances Returns a list of instances by hypervisor
nova_migrate_server Evacuate guests from compute node

packer pack

packer icon


Name Description
build Build images from a packer template
fix Takes a template and finds backwards incompatible parts of it and brings it up to date so it can be used with the latest version of Packer
inspect Takes a template and outputs the various components a template defines
push Push a template to Hashicorp Atlas
validate Validate a packer template

pagerduty pack

pagerduty icon


Name Description
ack_incident ACK an incident on PagerDuty
get_open_incidents Retrive list of open incidents from PagerDuty
launch_incident Launch an incident on PagerDuty
resolve_incident Resolve an incident whose key is provided

puppet pack

puppet icon


Name Description
apply Apply a standalone puppet manifest to a local system.
cert_clean Revoke a host's certificate (if applicable) and remove all files related to that host from puppet cert's storage.
cert_revoke Revoke the certificate of a client.
cert_sign Sign an outstanding certificate request.
run_agent Run puppet agent.

rabbitmq pack

rabbitmq icon


Name Description
RabbitMQSensor Sensor which monitors a RabbitMQ queue for new messages


Name Description
list_exchanges List RabbitMQ exchanges
list_queues List RabbitMQ queues
publish_message Publish a message in RabbitMQ

rackspace pack

rackspace icon


Name Description
add_node_to_loadbalancer Add a new node to load balancer
create_dns_record Create a new DNS record.
create_dns_zone Create a new DNS zone.
create_loadbalancer Create a new loadbalancer.
create_vm Create a new VM / cloud server
delete_dns_record Delete a DNS record.
delete_dns_zone Delete a DNS zone.
delete_loadbalancer Delete a loadbalancer
delete_node_from_loadbalancer Delete a node from a load balancer
delete_vm Delete a vm.
find_dns_record_id Find a DNS record ID based on name
find_dns_zone_id Find a DNS zone id based on name
find_loadbalancer_id Find a loadbalancer id based on name
find_vm_id Find a virtual machine id based on name
get_vm_by_ip Retrieve information for a VM which matches the provided public IP.
get_vm_ids Retrieve IDs for all the available VMs. Optionally filter by metadata and count.
get_vm_info Retrieve information for a provided VM. Optionally filter on the metadata values.
get_vm_ips Retrieve public IP addresses for all the available VMs. Optionally filter by metadata and count.
get_vm_names List all the available vms by names. Optionally filter by metadata and count
list_dns_records List all records for a particular zone.
list_dns_zones List all the DNS zones.
list_vm_images List all the available VM images
list_vm_sizes List all the available VM sizes
list_vms List all the available vms. Optionally filter on the metadata values.
set_vm_metadata Set metadata values for the provided VM.
set_vm_metadata_item Set a value of a metadata item for a provided VM.

salt pack

salt icon


Name Description
bootstrap Bootstrap servers with runner
client Run salt LocalClient functions
local Run Salt Exection Modules through Salt API
local_archive.gunzip Run Salt Execution modules through Salt API
local_archive.gzip Run Salt Execution modules through Salt API
local_archive.rar Run Salt Execution modules through Salt API
local_archive.tar Run Salt Execution modules through Salt API
local_archive.unrar Run Salt Execution modules through Salt API
local_archive.unzip Run Salt Execution modules through Salt API
local_archive.zip_ Run Salt Execution modules through Salt API
local_cloud.action Run Salt Execution modules through Salt API
local_cloud.create Run Salt Execution modules through Salt API
local_cloud.destroy Run Salt Execution modules through Salt API
local_cloud.network_create Run Salt Execution modules through Salt API
local_cloud.profile_ Run Salt Execution modules through Salt API
local_cloud.virtual_interface_create Run Salt Execution modules through Salt API
local_cloud.volume_attach Run Salt Execution modules through Salt API
local_cloud.volume_create Run Salt Execution modules through Salt API
local_cloud.volume_delete Run Salt Execution modules through Salt API
local_cloud.volume_detach Run Salt Execution modules through Salt API Run Salt Execution modules through Salt API
local_cmdmod.run_chroot Run Salt Execution modules through Salt API
local_cmdmod.script Run Salt Execution modules through Salt API
local_cp.get_file Run Salt Execution modules through Salt API
local_cp.get_url Run Salt Execution modules through Salt API
local_cp.push Run Salt Execution modules through Salt API
local_cp.push_dir Run Salt Execution modules through Salt API Run Salt Execution modules through Salt API
local_cron.rm_env Run Salt Execution modules through Salt API
local_cron.rm_job Run Salt Execution modules through Salt API
local_cron.set_env Run Salt Execution modules through Salt API
local_cron.set_job Run Salt Execution modules through Salt API
local_data.cas Run Salt Execution modules through Salt API
local_data.dump Run Salt Execution modules through Salt API
local_data.getval Run Salt Execution modules through Salt API
local_data.update Run Salt Execution modules through Salt API Run Salt Execution modules through Salt API
local_event.fire_master Run Salt Execution modules through Salt API
local_event.send Run Salt Execution modules through Salt API
local_file.access Run Salt Execution modules through Salt API
local_file.chgrp Run Salt Execution modules through Salt API
local_file.chown Run Salt Execution modules through Salt API
local_file.directory_exists Run Salt Execution modules through Salt API
local_file.file_exists Run Salt Execution modules through Salt API
local_file.find Run Salt Execution modules through Salt API
local_file.manage_file Run Salt Execution modules through Salt API
local_file.mkdir Run Salt Execution modules through Salt API
local_file.remove Run Salt Execution modules through Salt API
local_file.replace Run Salt Execution modules through Salt API Run Salt Execution modules through Salt API
local_file.symlink Run Salt Execution modules through Salt API
local_file.touch Run Salt Execution modules through Salt API
local_file.truncate Run Salt Execution modules through Salt API
local_grains.append Run Salt Execution modules through Salt API
local_grains.delval Run Salt Execution modules through Salt API
local_grains.get Run Salt Execution modules through Salt API
local_grains.remove Run Salt Execution modules through Salt API
local_grains.setval Run Salt Execution modules through Salt API
local_hosts.add_hosts Run Salt Execution modules through Salt API
local_hosts.get_alias Run Salt Execution modules through Salt API
local_hosts.get_ip Run Salt Execution modules through Salt API
local_hosts.rm_host Run Salt Execution modules through Salt API
local_hosts.set_host Run Salt Execution modules through Salt API
local_htpasswd.useradd Run Salt Execution modules through Salt API
local_htpasswd.userdel Run Salt Execution modules through Salt API
local_mine.delete Run Salt Execution modules through Salt API
local_mine.get Run Salt Execution modules through Salt API
local_mine.send Run Salt Execution modules through Salt API
local_mine.update Run Salt Execution modules through Salt API
local_network.connect Run Salt Execution modules through Salt API
local_network.interface_ip Run Salt Execution modules through Salt API
local_network.ipaddrs Run Salt Execution modules through Salt API Run Salt Execution modules through Salt API
local_network.subnets Run Salt Execution modules through Salt API
local_pillar.get Run Salt Execution modules through Salt API
local_pip.freeze Run Salt Execution modules through Salt API
local_pip.install Run Salt Execution modules through Salt API
local_pip.uninstall Run Salt Execution modules through Salt API
local_pkg.install Run Salt Execution modules through Salt API
local_pkg.refresh_db Run Salt Execution modules through Salt API
local_pkg.remove Run Salt Execution modules through Salt API
local_puppet.disable Run Salt Execution modules through Salt API
local_puppet.enable Run Salt Execution modules through Salt API
local_puppet.fact Run Salt Execution modules through Salt API
local_puppet.noop Run Salt Execution modules through Salt API Run Salt Execution modules through Salt API
local_puppet.status Run Salt Execution modules through Salt API
local_puppet.summary Run Salt Execution modules through Salt API
local_ret.get_fun Run Salt Execution modules through Salt API
local_ret.get_jid Run Salt Execution modules through Salt API
local_ret.get_jids Run Salt Execution modules through Salt API
local_ret.get_minions Run Salt Execution modules through Salt API
local_saltutil.sync_all Run Salt Execution modules through Salt API
local_saltutil.sync_grains Run Salt Execution modules through Salt API
local_saltutil.sync_modules Run Salt Execution modules through Salt API
local_saltutil.sync_outputters Run Salt Execution modules through Salt API
local_saltutil.sync_renderers Run Salt Execution modules through Salt API
local_saltutil.sync_returners Run Salt Execution modules through Salt API
local_saltutil.sync_states Run Salt Execution modules through Salt API
local_saltutil.sync_utils Run Salt Execution modules through Salt API
local_schedule.add Run Salt Execution modules through Salt API
local_schedule.delete Run Salt Execution modules through Salt API
local_schedule.disable_job Run Salt Execution modules through Salt API
local_schedule.enable_job Run Salt Execution modules through Salt API
local_schedule.run_job Run Salt Execution modules through Salt API
local_service.available Run Salt Execution modules through Salt API
local_service.restart Run Salt Execution modules through Salt API
local_service.start Run Salt Execution modules through Salt API
local_service.status Run Salt Execution modules through Salt API
local_service.stop Run Salt Execution modules through Salt API
local_shadow.del_password Run Salt Execution modules through Salt API
local_shadow.gen_password Run Salt Execution modules through Salt API
local_shadow.set_expire Run Salt Execution modules through Salt API
local_state.highstate Run Salt Execution modules through Salt API
local_state.single Run Salt Execution modules through Salt API
local_state.sls Run Salt Execution modules through Salt API
local_supervisord.add Run Salt Execution modules through Salt API
local_supervisord.custom Run Salt Execution modules through Salt API
local_supervisord.remove Run Salt Execution modules through Salt API
local_supervisord.reread Run Salt Execution modules through Salt API
local_supervisord.restart Run Salt Execution modules through Salt API
local_supervisord.start Run Salt Execution modules through Salt API
local_supervisord.stop Run Salt Execution modules through Salt API
local_systemd.available Run Salt Execution modules through Salt API
local_systemd.disable Run Salt Execution modules through Salt API
local_systemd.enable Run Salt Execution modules through Salt API
local_systemd.restart Run Salt Execution modules through Salt API
local_systemd.start Run Salt Execution modules through Salt API
local_systemd.stop Run Salt Execution modules through Salt API
local_systemd.systemctl_reload Run Salt Execution modules through Salt API
local_test.cross_test Run Salt Execution modules through Salt API
local_test.echo Run Salt Execution modules through Salt API Run Salt Execution modules through Salt API
local_useradd.add Run Salt Execution modules through Salt API
local_useradd.chshell Run Salt Execution modules through Salt API
local_useradd.delete Run Salt Execution modules through Salt API
runner Run Salt Runner functions through Salt API
runner_cache.clear_all Run Salt Runner functions through Salt API
runner_cache.clear_grains Run Salt Runner functions through Salt API
runner_cache.clear_mine Run Salt Runner functions through Salt API
runner_cache.clear_mine_func Run Salt Runner functions through Salt API
runner_cache.clear_pillar Run Salt Runner functions through Salt API
runner_cache.grains Run Salt Runner functions through Salt API
runner_cache.mine Run Salt Runner functions through Salt API
runner_cache.pillar Run Salt Runner functions through Salt API
runner_cloud.action Run Salt Runner functions through Salt API
runner_cloud.full_query Run Salt Runner functions through Salt API
runner_cloud.list_images Run Salt Runner functions through Salt API
runner_cloud.list_locations Run Salt Runner functions through Salt API
runner_cloud.list_sizes Run Salt Runner functions through Salt API
runner_cloud.profile Run Salt Runner functions through Salt API
runner_cloud.query Run Salt Runner functions through Salt API
runner_cloud.select_query Run Salt Runner functions through Salt API Run Salt Runner functions through Salt API
runner_jobs.list_jobs Run Salt Runner functions through Salt API
runner_manage.down Run Salt Runner functions through Salt API
runner_manage.status Run Salt Runner functions through Salt API
runner_manage.up Run Salt Runner functions through Salt API
runner_manage.versions Run Salt Runner functions through Salt API
runner_pillar.show_pillar Run Salt Runner functions through Salt API
runner_pillar.show_top Run Salt Runner functions through Salt API
runner_thin.generate Run Salt Runner functions through Salt API

sensu pack

sensu icon


Name Description
aggregate_list List Sensu Aggregate Stats
check_aggregates Get Sensu check aggregates
check_aggregates_delete Delete Sensu check aggregates
check_aggregates_issued Get a specific Sensu check aggregate
check_info Get Sensu check info
check_list List Sensu checks
check_request Schedule a Sensu check request
client_delete Delete a Sensu client
client_history Get Sensu client history
client_info Get Sensu client info
client_info Get Sensu client info
client_list List Sensu clients
event_client_list List Sensu events for a given client
event_delete Delete a Sensu event
event_info Get Sensu event info
event_list List Sensu events
health Sensu System Health
info Sensu System Info
silence Silence a Sensu client or check
unsilence Unsilence a Sensu client or check

servicenow pack

servicenow icon


Name Description
delete Delete an entry from a ServiceNow Table
get Get an entry from a ServiceNow Table
insert Insert an entry to a ServiceNow Table
update Update an entry in a ServiceNow Table

slack pack

slack icon


Name Description
SlackSensor Sensor which monitors Slack for activity


Name Description
post_message Post a message to the Slack channel.

smartthings pack

smartthings icon


Name Description
SmartThingsSensor Sensor listening for HTTP events from SmartThings


Name Description
command Send a generic command to a device
disengage_lock Disengage (lock) a device that can be locked
engage_lock Engage (lock) a device that can be locked
find_id_by_name Lookup a specific device ID based on its name/type
get_device_info Get information on a specific device
list_devices List devices of a specific type from SmartThings
set_mode Set current temperature.
set_temperature Set current temperature.
toggle_lock Toggle a lock
toggle_switch Toggle a switch
turn_off_switch Turn off a light
turn_on_switch Turn on a switch

softlayer pack

softlayer icon


Name Description
create_instance Creates a new instance
create_keypair Creates a keypair by name
delete_keypair Deletes a keypair by name. If there are mutiple keys with the same name it will only delete the first
destroy_instance Destroys an instance

splunk pack

splunk icon


Name Description
search Splunk one-shot search

st2 pack

st2 icon


Name Description
actions.list Retrieve a list of available StackStorm actions.
call_home Sends anonymous data install data to a StackStorm write-only S3 dropbox
executions.get Retrieve details of a single execution.
executions.list Retrieve a list of executions.
executions.re_run Re-run an action execution.
kv.delete Delete value from datastore
kv.get Get value from datastore
kv.get_object Deserialize and retrieve JSON serialized object from a datastore
kv.grep Grep for values in datastore
kv.set Set value in datastore
kv.set_object Serialize and store object in a datastore
rules.list Retrieve a list of available StackStorm rules
sensors.list Retrieve a list of available StackStorm sensors.
upload_to_s3 Sends collected data to write-only StackStorm S3 bucket

travis_ci pack

travis_ci icon


Name Description
cancel_build Cancel a build.
disable_hook Disable hooks for a git repo.
enable_hook Enable hook for a git repo.
get_repo Retrieve details for a provided repository.
list_branches List all branches for a given repository.
list_builds List details of all the available builds.
list_hooks List available hooks for the authenticated user.
list_repos List repositories for the provided user.
restart_build Restart a Build

trello pack

trello icon


Name Description
TrelloListSensor Sensor which monitors Trello list for a new actions (events)


Name Description
add_board Create a new board
add_card Add a new card to a list
add_list Add a new list to a board
close_board Close a board
close_card Close a card
close_list Close a list belonging to a board
find_board_by_name Lookup a board ID based on name. Returns one or more IDs
find_card_by_name Lookup a Card ID based on name. Returns one or more IDs
find_list_by_name Lookup a list ID based on name. Returns one or more IDs
move_card Move a card from one board/list to another board/list
view_boards Return a dictionary of all boards and their IDs
view_cards View all cards on a board
view_lists View all lists belonging to a board
view_organizations List all organizations for user

twilio pack

twilio icon


Name Description
send_sms This sends a SMS using twilio.

twitter pack

twitter icon


Name Description
TwitterSearchSensor Sensor which monitors twitter timeline for new tweets matching the specified criteria


Name Description
direct_message Direct message a user.
follow Follow a user.
update_status Update your status (post a new tweet).

urbandict pack

urbandict icon


Name Description
get_definitions Retrieve definitions from urbandict for the provided term.

victorops pack

victorops icon


Name Description
ack_incident Acknowledge a triggered event on victorops
open_incident Triggers the event on VictorOps with the given parameters
recover_incident Recover a triggered event on victorops

webpagetest pack

webpagetest icon


Name Description
list_locations List available testing locations.
random_test Test a domain on WebPageTest from a random location.
request_test Test a domain on WebPageTest.

windows pack

windows icon


Name Description
wmi_query Run a WMI query on a particular Windows host.

witai pack

witai icon


Name Description
text_query Send a text query to API

xml pack

xml icon


Name Description
parse Parse XML string and return JSON object.

License, and Contributors Agreement

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this work except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License in the LICENSE file, or at

By contributing you agree that these contributions are your own (or approved by your employer) and you grant a full, complete, irrevocable copyright license to all users and developers of the project, present and future, pursuant to the license of the project.


StackStorm integration packs for many common tools and also helpful tools to build integrations and automations with StackStorm.

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Python 97.1%Language:Groovy 1.7%Language:Shell 0.7%Language:Makefile 0.5%