malston / tmc-flux-homelab

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GitOps with FluxCD with Tanzu Packages or Helm Charts

This repo can be used to deploy Tanzu Packages and Helm Charts in a GitOps fashion.

alt text

Once Flux has been successfully enabled, add kustomizations in the following order, then remove in reverse to avoid package install/removal issues with prune enabled:

  1. Add Flux Kustomization(s) to the bootstrap folder that reference any ServiceAccount as a prerequisite to installing packages or charts
  2. Add Flux Kustomization(s) to the flux-config folder that references any PackageInstall or HelmRelease.

The current process to update the values is:

  1. Modify package values as desired under data-values folder

  2. Encode the entire values file in base64, e.g.

    cat  > <packagename>/<packagename>-data-values-secret.yaml <<EOF
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Secret
      annotations: <packagename>-packages
      name: <packagename>-packages-values
      namespace: packages
    type: Opaque

    For example:

    cat  > contour/contour-data-values-secret.yaml <<EOF
    apiVersion: v1
      contour-data-values.yaml: $(base64 < ./data-values/contour-data-values.yaml)
    kind: Secret
      annotations: contour-packages
      name: contour-packages-values
      namespace: packages
    type: Opaque

The FluxCD Kustomization manifests have the following dependencies configured:

  1. bootstrap folder - Installs service accounts needed to manage Tanzu Carvel packages
  2. flux-config folder - Installs all Tanzu packages a. bootstrap
    1. cert-manager
    2. fluent-bit
    3. contour a. Harbor b. Prometheus
      1. Grafana
