malnajdi / evoko-home-api-docs

Contains Evoko Home API documentation

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Evoko Home API docs

API documentation for Evoko Home version: v2.2.x


Welcome to the Evoko Home Open API!

Throughout this document you will find the available API methods for Evoko Home along with its parameters in a table. You will also find basic requests examples written for Node.js along with some common response objects.

👉 Disclaimer! The code examples provided in this document are written as basic examples and therefore shouldn't automatically be considered as production ready code, use your own judgement.

Evoko Home is the server side software necessary for using the Evoko Liso devices that sits between (or acts as) your booking system and configuration tool which your Evoko Liso units synchronizes with. The Evoko Home platform is built on the full stack JavaScript framework Meteor which uses the DDP protocol to send/receive requests.


Evoko Home attempts to follow semantic versioning (e.g. v2.0.0), for you as a developer this means that:

  • Breaking API changes can be expected at major version bumps (i.e. v1.x.y, v2.x.y, v3.x.y).
  • Non-breaking API additions can occur at minor version bumps (i.e. v2.0.x, v2.1.x, v2.2.x).

Evoko provides

  • The API itself as part of the Evoko Home server software.
  • API documentation on the various API methods and basic usage.
  • Technical support for issues with the API. This is limited to issues strictly related to the Evoko Home API or configuration. We cannot help with issues or bugs in integration platforms or third party libraries/solutions.

Evoko does not provide

  • Any programming services for the Evoko Home API.
  • Help with finding suitable developers for a Evoko Home API project.

Connect to Evoko Home via DDP

As mentioned in the introduction Evoko Home is built on full stack JavaScript framework Meteor which uses the DDP protocol to communicate and is not your typical REST API. To connect and send request you will need to use a DDP client - which one? you may ask, that's up to you to decide however in our examples we will use a ddp client available on npm.

To connect, you may use an unencrypted websocket (ws) on your unencrypted application port (default 3000) or use an encrypted websocket (wss) on your encrypted application port (default 3002) over TLS v1.2. For example:

  • Unencrypted: ws://localhost:3000/websocket
  • Encrypted: wss://server.domain.tld:3002/websocket

👉 Note! With the above linked ddp client we have been unsuccessful in connecting to localhost on the encrypted protocol/port (i.e. wss/3002) so for connecting to an Evoko Home server on localhost you may need to use the unencrypted protocol/port (i.e. ws/3000). For remote servers this should not be an issue in our experience.

To authenticate, you can use the username/password of any Global admin user that exists in Evoko Home. Another option is to use the pre-generated API user (defaultDevIntegrationUser) whos password (aka groupToken) can easily be found and copied under "Global Settings" in the Evoko Home web interface (recommended).

Request example

const DDPClient = require('ddp');
const sha256 = require('sha256');

const USERNAME = 'defaultDevIntegrationUser';
const PASSWORD = 'very-secret-token';
const URL = 'wss://server.domain.tld:3002/websocket';


const ddpclient = new DDPClient({
  autoReconnect: true,
  autoReconnectTimer : 500,
  maintainCollections : true,
  ddpVersion : 1,
  url: URL

ddpclient.connect(function(error, wasReconnect) {
  if (error) {
    console.log('DDP connection error!');

  if (wasReconnect) {
    console.log('Reestablishment of a connection.');
  } else {
      user: {username: USERNAME},
      password: {digest: PASSWORDHASH, algorithm: 'sha-256'}
    function (err, result) {
      if (result) {
      } else {

Response example

Your token is valid for 90 days. The id represents your user (in our case defaultDevIntegrationUser).

{ id: 'dM7mDamj24k3QnjvF',
  token: '042BVXEZdgFYJ2If8iFWkPfnyGzUsvVbqzEHbBq9PVM',
  tokenExpires: 2019-04-01T12:00:00.757Z,
  type: 'password' }

Error response example

// Invalid or non-existing username
{ isClientSafe: true,
  error: 403,
  reason: 'User not found',
  message: 'User not found [403]',
  errorType: 'Meteor.Error' }

// Invalid password
{ isClientSafe: true,
  error: 403,
  reason: 'Incorrect password',
  message: 'Incorrect password [403]',
  errorType: 'Meteor.Error' }

// User lacks permission
{ isClientSafe: true,
  error: 401,
  reason: 'User is not authorized!',
  message: 'User is not authorized! [401]',
  errorType: 'Meteor.Error' }

Register a client group - registerClientGroup2x

👉 Note! For authenticating with your own application, rather than registering your own integration group we recommend using the default API user (defaultDevIntegrationUser) and that you skip using this API method.

This method (registerClientGroup2x) is used to register a new client group and only have a single parameter which is the name of the group (e.g. myNewGroup).

If the request is successful a response object will be received, if it fails it will throw an error.

Request example
  function(err, result) {
    if (result) {
    } else {

Response example

{ groupName: 'myNewGroup',
  groupToken: 'zEd_vOJrwo4W3AbFsPPhpgRzacLwY7cfrQIIrxLDC7k' }

Error response example

{ isClientSafe: true,
  error: 'Unable to register client group with that name!',
  message: '[Unable to register client group with that name!]',
  errorType: 'Meteor.Error' }

Register an integration user - registerIntegrationUser

👉 Note! For authenticating with your own application, rather than registering your own integration user we recommend using the default API user (defaultDevIntegrationUser) and that you skip using this API method.

This method (registerIntegrationUser) is used to register a new integration user and only have a single parameter which is groupToken for the group the user should be registered to.

If the request is successful a response object will be received, if it fails it will throw an error.

Request example
  function(err, result) {
    if (result) {
    } else {

Response example

{ _id: 'QegBzfAgpjMh55Bun',
  createdAt: 2019-01-01T12:00:16.518Z,
   { password:
      { bcrypt: '$2a$10$0vYLzWlFA2cl//Hn6vO6QeW3yGpMxNNoQuKqbSQY./UzMA24j8jeC' } },
  username: 'deviceBReyXScTsy2yBhcvZ',
   { name: 'deviceBReyXScTsy2yBhcvZ',
     pin: '',
     rfid: '',
     type: 'APIIntegration',
     originalToken: null,
     clientGroup: 'myNewGroup',
     groupToken: 'zEd_vOJrwo4W3AbFsPPhpgRzacLwY7cfrQIIrxLDC7k' } }

Subscribe to collections

Evoko Home stores meetings, users, settings etc in what Meteor/MongoDB calls "collections". A collection can be considered as group or table and within a collection data can be stored sub-groups of JSON formatted "documents", each with its own unique ID.

For example, in Evoko Home each user is stored in their own document (which contains user information as their name, email, PIN, RFID etc) and all users are collectively grouped under a single collection called "users".

To get a better understanding of the Evoko Home database structure you can use a 3rd party tool like Robo 3T which is a MongoDB client that allows you to view the different database collections via a desktop app.

⚠️ Warning! Adding, deleting or editing anything directly in the database without the use of the specified Evoko Home API methods is strongly discouraged as it may lead to unforeseen consequences and is therefor not supported. When subscribing to a collection do so by a read-only approach.


Name Collection key Parameters Comment
bookings allBookings roomId or ALL Contains all current meetings. Note that only meetings 7 days into the future is synced to this collection from external booking system (e.g. Office 365).
rooms allRooms roomId or ALL Contains all rooms added in Evoko Home.
users users Contains all users added in Evoko Home.
settings specificSettings roomId Contains all settings profiles that are applied to rooms.
structures_flat structuresFlat Contains the room structures (i.e. Country, City, Building, Floor) and maps which rooms that are grouped under which structures.
customEquipment customEquipment Contains documents of any eventual custom room equipment that has been added in Evoko Home.

Request example

// Subscribes to the room with the roomId "MBPMGDaomwnHawrt6"
  function() {

Response example

{ MBPMGDaomwnHawrt6:
   { _id: 'MBPMGDaomwnHawrt6',
     name: 'Fika room',
     mail: 'fika-room@domain.tld',
     address: 'fika-room@domain.tld',
     id: 'Fika room',
     numberOfSeats: 4,
     alias: 'Fika room',
     isActive: true,
     isDeleted: false,
      { lights: true,
        projector: null,
        computer: null,
        teleConference: null,
        wifi: true,
        whiteboard: null,
        videoConference: null,
        display: null,
        minto: true,
        ac: true,
        information: null },
     structureId: 'xSEQpnFEZ2KFWroBo',
     userIds: [],
     assigned: true } }

Create a meeting - createBooking

This method (createBooking) is used to create a new meeting.

If the request is successful a response object will be received, if it fails it will throw an error.


Name Type Mandatory Comment
roomId String Yes The document id of the room (same as the _id string).
startDate String Yes Meeting start date in ISO 8601 format (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssZ).
endDate String Yes Meeting end date in ISO 8601 format (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssZ). The minutes in this property must be set in even quarters (i.e. either 00, 15, 30 or 45).
subject String No The meetings subject. If left empty or excluded the subject will use the Liso default (Booked on screen).
confirmed Boolean No true considers a meeting as checked-in and false the opposite. If excluded from the request, then it will default to false for future meetings and true for instant meetings (i.e normal Liso behavior).
pin Number No* PIN number associated with the user in Evoko Home. Required if authentication for instant meetings (bookMeetingSettings.auth) and/or future meetings (bookFutureMeetingSettings.auth) is enabled (true). If authentication is disabled (false), then this value can be set to null or the parameter be excluded.
rfid String No* RFID associated with the user in Evoko Home. Can be used instead of pin if RFID authentication is enabled, otherwise the value can be set to null or the parameter be excluded.
metadata Object No Contains one boolean parameter demoMode which should be set to false.

Request example
      roomId: 'MBPMGDaomwnHawrt6',
      startDate: '2019-01-01T15:00:00:00+00:00',
      endDate: '2019-01-01T15:30:00+00:00',
      subject: 'Fika meeting!',
      confirmed: false,
      pin: 9999,
      rfid: null
  function(err, result) {
    if (result) {
    } else {

Response example

The id is the newly created meetings document identifier (i.e _id / bookingId).

{ type: 'success',
  message: 'MeetingSuccessCreated',
  body: { id: 'FoyY5889YsSFL3rj4' } }

Error response example

// A meeting already exists
{ isClientSafe: true,
  error: 400,
  reason: 'MeetingSuccessExists',
  message: 'MeetingSuccessExists [400]',
  errorType: 'Meteor.Error' }

Update a meeting - updateEvent

This method (updateEvent) is used to update existing meetings.

If the request is successful a response object will be received, if it fails it will throw an error.


Name Type Mandatory Comment
bookingId String Yes The document id of the meeting (same as the _id string).
id String Yes The id of the meeting in the integrated booking system (e.g. Office 365).
startDate String Yes Meeting start date in ISO 8601 format (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssZ).
endDate String Yes Meeting end date in ISO 8601 format (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssZ). The minutes in this property must be set in even quarters (i.e. either 00, 15, 30 or 45).
pin Number No* PIN number associated with the user in Evoko Home. Required if authentication for extending ongoing meetings (extendOngoingMeetingSettings.auth) and/or extending future meetings (extendFutureMeetingSettings.auth) is enabled (true). If authentication is disabled (false), then this value can be set to null or the parameter be excluded.
rfid String No* RFID associated with the user in Evoko Home. Can be used instead of pin if RFID authentication is enabled, otherwise the value can be set to null or the parameter be excluded.
ongoing Boolean No Will be true if the meeting is in progress, otherwise false.
metadata Object No Contains one boolean parameter demoMode which should be set to false.

Request example
      bookingId: 'FoyY5889YsSFL3rj4',
      startDate: '2019-01-01T15:00:00+00:00',
      endDate: '2019-01-01T15:45:00+00:00',
      pin: null,
      rfid: null,
      ongoing: false
  function(err, result) {
    if (result) {
    } else {

Response example

{ type: 'success',
  message: 'MeetingSuccessUpdate',
  body: null }

Error response example

// Unable to extend meeting e.g due conflict with another existing meeting
{ isClientSafe: true,
  error: 400,
  reason: 'MeetingInvalidExtend',
  message: 'MeetingInvalidExtend [400]',
  errorType: 'Meteor.Error' }

Delete a meeting - deleteEvent

This method (deleteEvent) is used to delete existing meetings.

If the request is successful no response object will be received, if it fails it will throw an error.


Name Type Mandatory Comment
bookingId String Yes The document id of the meeting (same as the _id string).
pin Number No* PIN number associated with the user in Evoko Home. Required if authentication for extending ongoing meetings (endOngoingMeetingSettings.auth) and/or extending future meetings (endFutureMeetingSettings.auth) is enabled (true). If authentication is disabled (false), then this value can be set to null or the parameter be excluded.
rfid String No* RFID associated with the user in Evoko Home. Can be used instead of pin if RFID authentication is enabled, otherwise the value can be set to null or the parameter be excluded.
ongoing Boolean No Will be true if the meeting is in progress, otherwise false.
metadata Object No Contains one boolean parameter demoMode which should be set to false.

Request example
      bookingId: 'FoyY5889YsSFL3rj4',
      pin: 9999,
      rfid: null,
      ongoing: true
  function(err, result) {
    if (result) {
    } else {

Response example

{ type: 'success',
  message: 'MeetingSuccessDelete',
  body: null }

Check-in a meeting - confirmMeeting

This method (confirmMeeting) is used to check-in an existing meeting.

If the request is successful a response object will be received, if it fails it will throw an error.


Name Type Mandatory Comment
bookingId String Yes The document id of the meeting (same as the _id string).
pin Number No* PIN number associated with the user in Evoko Home. Required if authentication for check-in (confirmMeetingSettings.auth) is enabled (true). If authentication is disabled, then this value can be set to null or the parameter be excluded.
rfid String No* RFID associated with the user in Evoko Home. Can be used instead of pin if RFID authentication is enabled, otherwise the value can be set to null or the parameter be excluded.
metadata Object No Contains one boolean parameter demoMode which should be set to false.

Request example
      bookingId: 'QGnHDQDdZ3FhAXpv3',
      pin: null,
      rfid: null
  function(err, result) {
    if (result) {
    } else {

Response example

{ type: 'success',
  message: 'Booking is successfully confirmed!',
  body: null }

Error response example

// No PIN provided
{ isClientSafe: true,
  error: 400,
  reason: 'PinIsRequired',
  message: 'PinIsRequired [400]',
  errorType: 'Meteor.Error' }

// Invalid PIN
{ isClientSafe: true,
  error: 400,
  reason: 'PinWrongNumber',
  message: 'PinWrongNumber [400]',
  errorType: 'Meteor.Error' }

// Invalid RFID
{ isClientSafe: true,
  error: 400,
  reason: 'RFIDWrongNumber',
  message: 'RFIDWrongNumber [400]',
  errorType: 'Meteor.Error' }

Search for available rooms - getAvailableRoomsAdvancedNew

This method (getAvailableRoomsAdvancedNew) is used to get available rooms based on a time interval and room properties such as location, capacity and equipment.

If the request is successful a response object will be received which contains two arrays (fullMatchArray and partialMatchArray), if it fails it will throw an error.

The first array (fullMatchArray) contain rooms that fully match the conditions, the second array (partialMatchArray) contain rooms that partially match the conditions. Rooms that fail at least 1 condition but does not fail more than 3 will be returned as a partial match (with the exception of location and time interval which will filter results regardless).


Name Type Mandatory Comment
room Object Yes This parameter is mainly by the Liso to declare which device search is executed from. We recommend you set the value to {_id: 'not-a-liso'}.
startDate String Yes Start date in ISO 8601 format (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssZ).
endDate String Yes End date in ISO 8601 format (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssZ).
location Object Yes Object with the following parameters country, city, building and floor. The value can be set to each respective structureId or false to filter results.
seats String Yes Available values are 1-5, 5-10, 10-20, 20-50, 50+ to filter rooms based on their seat capacity.
equipment Object Yes Object with the following parameters lights, projector, computer, teleConference, wifi, whiteboard, videoConference, display, minto, ac and information. The value for these parameters are boolean, set to true to return rooms with this equipment and set to false (or remove the parameter) to not include in the search filter.
customEquipment Array Yes The array can be left empty (e.g. []) which will ignore any custom equipment when filtering. To filter based on some custom equipment item, include the object (e.g. [{_id: '8X8r9q2KSQAh8M9Lw', name: 'Fika', isChecked: true}]) and set isChecked to true.
metadata Object Yes Contains one boolean parameter demoMode which should be set to false.

Request example
      room: { _id: 'not-a-liso' },
      startDate: '2019-01-01T12:00:00+00:00',
      endTDate: '2019-01-01T12:30:00+00:00',
      location: { country: false, city: false, building: false, floor: false },
      seats: '1-5',
      equipment: {
        wifi: false,
        whiteboard: false,
        videoConference: false,
        computer: false,
        projector: false,
        teleConference: false,
        information: false,
        minto: false,
        display: false,
        lights: false,
        ac: false
      customEquipment: [],
      isFiltered: true,
      metadata: { demoMode: false }
  function(err, result) {
    if (result) {
    } else {

Response example

{ fullMatchArray:
   [ { _id: 'MBPMGDaomwnHawrt6',
       name: 'Fika room',
       alias: 'Fika room',
       mail: 'fika-room@domain.tld',
       address: 'fika-room@domain.tld',
       id: 'Fika room',
       isActive: true,
       isDeleted: false,
       numberOfSeats: 4,
       equipment: [Object],
       customEquipment: [Array],
       structureId: 'xSEQpnFEZ2KFWroBo',
       userIds: [],
       assigned: true } ],
   [ { _id: '7Ag8arosM5DW5KtCs',
       name: 'Another fika room',
       alias: 'Another fika room',
       mail: 'another-fika-room@domain.tld',
       address: 'another-fika-room@domain.tld',
       id: 'Another fika room',
       isActive: true,
       isDeleted: false,
       numberOfSeats: 8,
       equipment: [Object],
       customEquipment: [Array],
       structureId: 'vj69HgSWyN5GhRZ5H',
       userIds: [],
       assigned: true } ] }

Edit room equipment status - editRoomEquipmentReport

This method (editRoomEquipmentReport) can be used to edit the status of a rooms equipment as working/fixed (true), broken (false) or disabled (null).

If the request is successful a response object will be received, if it fails it will throw an error.


Name Type Mandatory Comment
roomObject Object Yes Object containing the following 3 parameters _id, equipment and customEquipment for the room which equipment you wish to edit.
adminReportFlag Boolean No Determines whether admin authentication is required (true) or not (false) when reporting equipment.
pin Number No* PIN number associated with the user in Evoko Home. Required if authentication for reporting equipment (reportSettings.auth) is enabled (true). If authentication is disabled, then this value can be set to null or the parameter be excluded.
rfid String No* RFID associated with the user in Evoko Home. Can be used instead of pin if RFID authentication is enabled, otherwise the value can be set to null or the parameter be excluded.
metadata Object Yes Contains one boolean parameter demoMode which should be set to false.

Request example
      roomObject: {
        _id: 'MBPMGDaomwnHawrt6',
        equipment: {
          wifi: true,
          whiteboard: true,
          videoConference: true,
          computer: false,
          projector: null,
          teleConference: true,
          information: null,
          minto: true,
          display: null,
          lights: true,
          ac: null
        customEquipment: [
            _id: '8X8r9q2KSQAh8M9Lw',
            name: 'Fika',
            isChecked: true
            _id: 'uStt5CX9CDpKapaCX',
            name: 'More fika',
            isChecked: null
      adminReportFlag: false,
      pin: null,
      rfid: null,
      metadata: { demoMode: false }
  function(err, result) {
    if (result) {
    } else {

Response example

// When reported as fixed
{ type: 'success',
  message: 'RoomSuccessEquipUpdateRepaired',
  body: null }

// When reported as broken
{ type: 'success',
  message: 'RoomSuccessEquipUpdateBroken',
  body: null }

Error response example

// Non-admin attepts to report stuff as fixed when adminReportFlag = true
{ isClientSafe: true,
  error: 403,
  reason: 'NoAuthorizedResourceAccess',
  message: 'NoAuthorizedResourceAccess [403]',
  errorType: 'Meteor.Error' }


Contains Evoko Home API documentation