malja / hw_editframe

Take-home assignment for interview in Editframe

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This repository consists of code implementing home assignment for the Editframe hiring process. The assignment itself can be found in /docs/ file.

Key points:

  • Implement the backend with the following REST API endpoints:
    • POST /videos
    • GET /videos
  • Implement script in TypeScript for:
    • Creating 7s long video using Editframe's SDK
    • Downloading video from Editframe's backend
  • Create frontend with a list of existing videos


Make sure you have installed the following tools and libraries before starting the project up:

  • Redis
  • ffmpeg


Rename file .env.default to .env and edit its content:

  • EDITFRAME_API_URI - Should contain value
  • EDITFRAME_CLIENT_ID - Put in your Editframe client ID.
  • EDITFRAME_API_TOKEN - Set to your Editframe token.
  • REDIS_HOST - The application requires that Redis server is up and running. Enter its IP address.
  • REDIS_PORT - Enter the port that Redis server is listening at.
  • BACKEND_API_PORT - Enter the port number that the backend should be listening at.

Example content:


Set-up process

Export NPM_TOKEN for Editframe SDK:


Install dependencies:

yarn install

Build task runner:

yarn workspace @ef/script_runner build

Following commands are blocking until Control+C'd. Either run them in the background (via adding & at the end) or execute each of them in a new terminal tab.

Run Redis server:

yarn run redis:start

Start queue task runner:

yarn run runner:start

Start backend:

yarn run backend:start

Start frontend:

yarn run frontend:start

Using frontend

The Frontend application should be available at http://localhost:3000. It allows you to create new videos and download already converted ones.


Example input:


My implementation of the assignment consists of the following parts:

  • Backend - NestJS application written in TypeScript. Its responsibility is to exchange data between Frontend and Editframe server. In addition, it's communicating via Queue (Bull) with Task Runner.
  • Task Runner is simple TypeScript file consuming events on Queue. When a new task is pushed, Task Runner requires new composition from Editframe, then downloads it and extracts audio into a separate file.
  • Frontend - NuxtJS application written in Typescript. It's using Vuetify components, TailwindCSS for (few) styles, and Axios for communication with the Backend.
                       ┌─────────────┐       ┌──────────────┐
                       │             │       │              │
     New      .─.      │   Backend   │       │    Queue     │
    Video    (   )────▶│             │──────▶│              │
   Request    `─'      │             │       │              │
                       └─────────────┘       └──────────────┘
                       ┌─────────────┐       ┌──────────────┐
                       │             │       │              │
                       │   Storage   │       │    Script    │
                       │             │◀─────▶│    Runner    │
                       │             │       │              │
                       └─────────────┘       └──────────────┘


  • I prefer having the same language on Frontend and Backend. This limits the selection of usable languages by a lot. JS, respectively TS was selected.
  • Based on the programming language, I selected NestJS as the backend library. It's a battery-loaded and production-ready library similar to Laraver.
  • Bull was selected as a Queue library for task exchange between Backend and Script Runner. With proper scaling, there could be hundreds and thousands of instances of Script Runner which should satisfy even heavy loads.
  • On the frontend, Vue in combination with NuxtJS was selected. I am fairly familiar with those libraries and using Vue rather than React seems logical for projects of this "scale".

Quirks and what could be done differently

For the sake of simplicity, many corners were cut. Naming few:

  • No proper management of logs. They are all over the place.
  • No scaling of Script Runner - there should be a pool of them.
  • Adding support for OpenApi documentation via Swagger.
  • Safer checks on user input when downloading the audio file. path.normalize should solve directory traversal, however, there are many other ways to harm the server.
  • Better Queue monitoring. At the moment, there is a Bull Dashboard available at http://localhost:8000/admin/queues. It's freely available without authorization.
  • Better configuration file handling. I have implemented simple type checking, but the property path is not typed via Typescript. There still may occur some problems when the programmer makes a typo in the key name.
  • Better error handling on FE. There is none at the moment.
  • Adding crash report utility - Bugsnag, Sentry, Splunk, ...
  • Adding tests

Why no PHP

I have tried implementing the Backend in PHP as well as in Node. The problem was, I started with the Node version. As far as I know, there is no direct Laravel -> Bull library. It would require some fiddling with sending raw Redis commands. That could be another improvement mentioned in the list above.


  • Documentation of Editframe SDK could be improved.
  • I would love to get some more information about why video conversion failed.
  • Editframe SDK should be generated in a way that following function definition with mouseclick leads to the function itself and not the list of all KEY : value pairs. It takes time to find appropriate function declarations with types.


Take-home assignment for interview in Editframe


Language:TypeScript 75.7%Language:Vue 24.3%