maleck13 / upgrade_policy

OPA policy examples

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OPA policy examples for upgrades

What is in this repo

There is an upgrade policy and then sets of data representing a fleet of different services that are in various states. The policy can make a decision who should be upgraded and to what version based on this data.

What does the policy do

Phased Roll Out

Roll out the upgrade in phases. Each phase is represented by a group of fleet members that share a common risk tolerance.

The policy looks at the available versions. It then groups the entire fleet for each version it has based on:

  • A risk attribute on each fleet member
  • If the fleet member could upgrade to the version
  • If they have already upgraded to the version.

It then takes each fleet member on a specified cluster and finds out what the next version for that fleet member is. Then it checks if the fleet member is in an active group:

  • for the version this member is going to, are they in the first group
  • If not has the group previous to this member's group met the success threshold


Finally it checks if they are eligible to receive the upgrade:

  • Does the cluster this fleet member is on have the required dependencies
    • platform version
    • other supporting services
  • is this fleet member on a cluster labelled with the correct environment

Data Model

The data models for this policy are stored under the policy/data directories. There are several states for the data in order to show how the policy adjusts based on changing state.

The Input Model

The dynamic input for policy decisions is stored under the input directory. This input has a cluster id and a service name. The policy loads the right fleet data based on the service name and filters down it result set by the cluster id.

The response Model

The response to an available upgrades query looks like:

  "result": [
      "id": 1,
      "risk": 7,
      "targetVersion": {
        "dependencies": {
          "observability": ">=1.2.0",
          "strimzi": ">=2.5.1"
        "meta": {
          "criticalSecurityUpgrade": false,
          "environments": [
          "serviceImpacting": false
        "next": [],
        "service": "streams",
        "version": "3.6.0"

Future Enhancements

This is just a POC to show how this could be done via rego and OPA. Some enhancements I will be exploring include:

report a reason if no available upgrades

report a reason for any member that failed the policy

change success to be based on eligible members only

Add unit testing

Look at optimizations:

  • Using maps over arrays

Try it out

opa run --server policy/upgrade.rego policy/data/apiservice/versions.rego policy/data/apiservice/fleet.rego policy/data/streams/fleet.rego policy/data/streams/versions.rego

  • In a separate window. Make a request to get available upgrades:

curl localhost:8181/v1/data/upgrade/rollout/availableUpgrades -d @./input/input.json -H 'Content-Type: application/json' | jq

You will see all the available upgrades are for fleet members on cluster 0 with a risk of 7 set.

  • Change the input vi input/input.json and set the cid to 1
  • Rerun the query and it will return 1 fleet member on that cluster with risk of 7
  • change the data

opa run --server policy/upgrade.rego policy/data/apiservice/versions.rego policy/data/apiservice/fleet.rego policy/data/streams/fleet_1.rego policy/data/streams/versions.rego

  • Change the input vi input/input.json and set the cid to 0

  • Rerun the query

  • No there is only 1 cluster on cid 0 as the other cluster has successfully upgraded.

  • change the data again so that now all the 7s in the fleet have upgraded.

opa run --server policy/upgrade.rego policy/data/apiservice/versions.rego policy/data/apiservice/fleet.rego policy/data/streams/fleet_2.rego policy/data/streams/versions.rego

  • Rerun the query and now you will get a set of clusters with risk level 5

  • next we change the data to make the cluster 0 inelligable for the upgrade by changing the version of a dependency needed by the version 3.6.0. These dependencies are stored in the version information

opa run --server policy/upgrade.rego policy/data/apiservice/versions.rego policy/data/apiservice/fleet.rego policy/data/streams/fleet_3.rego policy/data/streams/versions.rego

  • Rerun the query and now we will get no available upgrades for cluster 0 as the cluster cannot meet the requirements for the version

  • Change the input to cid 1 and we still have one available upgrade as that cluster can meet the requirements.

  • Finally change the data one last time. Now cluster 0 is still ineligible and all the members of cluster 1 have successfully upgraded. If we re-run the query (changing the input as needed for each cluster), there are no more available upgrades as the phase with members of risk 7 has not hit the success threshold.

opa run --server policy/upgrade.rego policy/data/apiservice/versions.rego policy/data/apiservice/fleet.rego policy/data/streams/fleet_4.rego policy/data/streams/versions.rego


OPA policy examples


Language:Open Policy Agent 92.7%Language:Go 7.3%