maldoinc / python-request-mapper

Map and validate incoming request data to Pydantic models.

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Python request mapper

  • Map and validate incoming request data to Pydantic (v1 and v2) models.
  • framework-agnostic and comes with first-party support for Flask and AioHttp.
  • Async ready.

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# Add this in your app initialization code.
        # Automatically decorate views to avoid adding @map_request to every view.
        # Will not incur any performance overhead for views that don't use request-mapper.

        # If map_views is enabled, setup_mapper must be called after 
        # all views have been registered!
        # Register an error handler that returns 422 alongside pydantic validation errors
        # when the request cannot be mapped.

# Define models using Pydantic v1 or v2.
class PostCreateRequest(BaseModel):
    title: str
    content: str

class PostFilterQuery(BaseModel):
    status: PostStatus | None = None

# Map data from the current request.
def post_list_all(query: FromQuery[PostFilterQuery]) -> PaginatedResponse[Post]:
    # "query" is a valid pydantic model at this point.
    return PaginatedResponse(...)"/posts")
def post_create(body: FromBody[PostCreateRequest]) -> PostCreateResponse:
    # "body" is a valid pydantic model at this point.
    return PostCreateResponse(...)


  • pip install request-mapper.
  • In your application setup, call mapper.setup_mapper with the integration of your choice.
  • Decorate targets with @map_request (Optional when using flask integration).
  • Map request data using one of the provided annotated types.
    • FromQuery[T] or Annotated[T, QueryStringMapping]
    • FromBody[T] or Annotated[T, RequestBodyMapping]
  • Response is converted back to dict using Pydantic.
    • Override behavior by passing a custom response converter.



  • Pull data from flask's request args, json and form data.
  • Optional: Automatically map views without having to decorate them.
    • Views which do not use request mapper will not incur any performance penalty.
    • When using this feature the call to setup_mapper must be AFTER all views are registered.
  • Optional: Set up an error handler for validation errors which makes the api respond with a 422.


  • Async integration.
  • Pull data from the current request.
  • Note: When using function-based views, request must still be present as the first argument as required by aio.
  • Class-based views support
  class HomeView(web.View):
      async def get(self, request: FromQuery[QueryDummyModel]) -> web.Response:
          return web.json_response({"query": request.query})

Custom integrations

You can create your own integration by inheriting BaseIntegration and supplying an instance of that to the setup_mapper call.

Note that you must decorate your views with @map_request

Demo application

A demo flask application is available at maldoinc/wireup-demo

Related projects

Check out Wireup, a Dependency Injection library with a focus on developer experience, type safety and ease of use.


Map and validate incoming request data to Pydantic models.


Language:Python 97.7%Language:Makefile 2.3%