malagant / matomo-docker-ansible

Self-hosted Matomo stack utilizing Docker, Ansible & Certbot for SSL

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Matomo Docker Ansible

An Ansible playbook for deploying a self-hosted Matomo stack using Docker, complete with an NGINX firewall, automatic SSL, MariaDB, and a Matomo sidecar for archiving.


  • Automatic SSL via certbot + letsencrypt
  • Docker & Docker Compose
  • Matomo
  • Matomo sidecar container for archiving and other cronjobs
  • Zero-downtime matomo updates


  • NGINX Firewall and Proxy server that has automatic SSL renewals via CertBot
  • Dockerized NGINX, Matomo, Matomo Sidecar for archiving & MariaDB

1. Installation

I've tested this playbook on a Ubuntu 22.04 VPS. It should work on Debian, but I haven't tried.


  • A GitHub account that exposes your public SSH key for server connection or add a local public key file by adjusting group_vars/all/users.yml
  • pipenv installed. Installation guide


  • Clone the repository and navigate to the Ansible folder.
  • Copy the .env.example file to .env and fill in the necessary variables.
    • This will define your public SSH keys via Github.
  • Copy the vault_pass.txt.example to vault_pass.txt
  • Set your host IP in hosts/production.

2. Server provisioning

The server provisioning playbook will run through the roles and setup users, install nginx, docker, certbot, cronjobs for docker cleanup, a systemd entry to restart docker compose on after the machine reboots.

Setup the python environment via pipenv

  • run pipenv shell from ansible folder
  • run pipenv install

Install ansible requirements

  • ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml

Provision the server ansible-playbook provision.yml -e "target_host=production"

  • This can take a while, but should then finish without errors.

3. Deployment

The deployment playbook (deploy.yml) will setup and start docker compose for this stack.

Setting up secrets

  • You can adjust the passwords in templates/db.env.j2 directly or make use of encrypted passwords via ansible vaults
  • Make sure you've created a new vault_pass file and set a secure password inside it
  • Then run ansible vault encrypt ./group_vars/production/secrets.yml. When running encrypt ansible will always ask for the vault_pass you've defined in the previous step. For other commands it will use the vault_pass.txt file, you can change this in the ansible.cfg.
  • If you want to edit it run ansible vault decrypt FILENAME or ansible vault edit FILENAME, it will read the password now from the

Running the deployment playbook

This playbook sets up the docker compose stack in /opt/matomo-stack

ansible-playbook deploy.yml -e "target_host=production"

This will:

  1. Create a docker-compose.yml file on the remote machine to run the stack
  • This is where nginx, mariadb, matomo (running twice in parallel) and a matomo container for archiving via cronjobs
  1. Copy the plugins folder
  2. Create and mount a folder for nginx logs
  3. Start the stack

Matomo setup

  • Navigate to the matomo_hostname url (set in .env)
  • The credentials should be populated from the group_vars/production/secrets.yml file

Updating Matomo

  • Updating via the admin UI works.
  • This is dangerous and can cause the app to break, only do this when you know how to resolve issues that can arise.

Staging environments to try out updates

This should be easily doable by adding another hosts entry and creating variables for group_vars/staging

  • TODO
  • As the matomo folder (var/www/html) is mounted in a volume that is used across containers (matomo, nginx, matomo-cron), updating only the image won't be enough. the volume would have to be deleted and re-created.
  • The database would also have to be copied as matomo updates oftentimes change the DB permanently

Customize the Matomo Admin UI

  • If your login page is publicly accessible, make sure to change the layout of the admin URL ASAP. I have had numerous instances now that were flagged by Google as phishing websites, which causes a big headache (can be resolved in the Search Console).
  • So make sure to customize the logo and favicon in the Matomo admin UI (System -> General Settings -> Branding settings)
  • There is a plugin that can be activated to change color of the header color as well (matomo-plugins/CustomHeaderColor)


  • Add your matomo plugins in the matomo-plugins folder. I have added an example plugin in there
  • Once you've added these, re-run the deploy playbook. This will re-create the docker-compose file, which will mount every plugin into the containers running matomo and restart the stack without downtime


  • There are 2 instances of nginx running

NGINX on the Docker host

  • Config file is copied from roles/nginx-setup/templates/server.conf.j2
  • When changes are made, re-run the provision playbook

NGINX in the docker stack

  • Config file is copied from templates/matomo.conf
  • When changes to this file are made:
  1. Re-run the deploy playbook
  2. restart nginx in the container (this will cause a little downtime)
# on the docker host
su ansibleadmin
cd /opt/matomo-stack

docker ps #get the container id of matomo-stack_nginx
docker exec -it CONTAINER_ID sh
# in the container
nginx -s reload


  • TODO: setup a backup playbook
  • Currently there is no playbook or task to get a backup of mariadb
  • I'd recommend manually dumping the database, a folder is mounted in the mariadb container so the dumps would be available on the host machine


Self-hosted Matomo stack utilizing Docker, Ansible & Certbot for SSL

License:MIT License


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