maksimr / karma-image-snapshot

Karma jasmine matcher that performs image comparisons based on jest-image-snapshot for visual regression testing

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Jasmine matcher that performs image comparisons based on jest-image-snapshot for visual regression testing

How to use

/** karma.config.js*/
module.exports = function(config) {
    frameworks: [/*✅*/'snapshot-jasmine', 'jasmine'],
    snapshot: {
      customSnapshotsDir: require('path').resolve(__dirname, '__image_snapshots__')
    browsers: [/*✅*/'SnapshotLauncher' /* or SnapshotHeadlessLauncher*/]

If you want to automatically remove outdated snapshots you should add special reporter

/** karma.config.js*/
module.exports = function(config) {
    reporters: [/*...*/, /*✅*/'outdated-snapshot']

Now you can use window.screenshot, window.setViewport functions and asynchronous jasmine matcher toMatchImageSnapshot in your tests

/** example.e2e.js*/
it('should compare image snapshots', async function() {
  const image = await window.screenshot();
  await expectAsync(image).toMatchImageSnapshot();

Working configuration and test example you can find in test directory


Available properties for snapshot and toMatchImageSnapshot you can look here

Browser flags & options

You can tune browser settings through flags & options

/** karma.config.js*/
module.exports = function(config) {
    customLaunchers: {
      Chrome: {
        base: 'SnapshotLauncher',
        options: /*✅*/{
          devtools: true
        flags: [/*✅*/'--font-render-hinting=none', '--no-sandbox']


You can use playwright instead of puppeteer

/** karma.config.js*/
module.exports = function(config) {
    customLaunchers: {
      Firefox: {
        base: 'SnapshotLauncher',
        browserType: require('playwright').firefox


Karma jasmine matcher that performs image comparisons based on jest-image-snapshot for visual regression testing

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:JavaScript 100.0%