maksimhn / ember-object-computed-properties

Explore the Ember Object Model, and leverage it to do some basic binding through computed properties.

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Ember.Object and Computed Properties

Lesson Details


At this point, students have already learned how to:

  • Download and install ember-cli and its dependencies.
  • Name and describe the different parts of an Ember application.


By the end of this lesson, students should be able to:

  • Explain the purpose of Ember.Object
  • Create a new Ember Object using .create
  • Read and write property values from an Ember Object using .get and .set
  • Create a new Ember Class using .extend
  • Define a custom computed property on an Ember Class.
  • Create a new default computed property on an Ember Class.

Ember Objects and Classes

One of the neat features of Ember that we mentioned earlier is value binding - linking property A to property B so that if A is changed, B gets updated too. As you know, this is not what normally happens; if you define a variable xCount, set another variable yCount equal to xCount, and then change the value of xCount, the value of yCount does not change. How does Ember allow this to happen?

Suppose for a minute that instead of two variables, we had two objects, with methods get and set, like this:

var objX = {
  count: 5
  get: function(){
    return this.count;
  set: function(newVal){
    this.count = newVal;
    return this.count;
}, objY = {
  count: 5,
  get: function(){
    return this.count;
  set: function(newVal){
    this.count = newVal;
    return this.count;

As written, calling get and set on either object will get/set that own object's count property, but not the other object's. What if we wanted to ensure that both properties were always in sync?

One way we might accomplish that would be for each object to update the other any time that its own value is redefined.

var objX = {
  count: 5,
  get: function(){
    return this.count;
  set: function(newVal){
    this.count = newVal;
    if (objY.get() !== this.count) {objY.set(newVal);}
    return this.count;
}, objY = {
  count: 5,
  get: function(){
    return this.count;
  set: function(newVal){
    this.count = newVal;
    if (objY.get() !== this.count) {objY.set(newVal);}
    return this.count;

By wrapping the count value in an object, and hiding the actual reading and writing of the count variable behind functions, we can define additional functionality to run any time a property might be updated.

Ember utilizes this idea to great effect using a construct called Ember.Object. Here's an example of it in practice.

import Ember from 'ember';

var objX = Ember.Object.create({
  count: 5

objX.set('count', 10);
objX.get('count');      // 10

Essentially, Ember.Object is an 'Ember Class' - it defines a bunch of methods (such as get and set), and provides a sort of constructor (.create) for making new objects that can access all of the methods that Ember.Object defines. These new objects can also access any other properties that get passed when .create is invoked (in this case, count).

Let's put aside the topic of value binding for now - we'll touch on it again later. The important thing to understand right now is that value binding is one of the main reasons why Ember.Object exists and why so much of how Ember works is built on top of it.

We can define our own custom 'sub-classes' from Ember.Object by using another method, called .extend. Suppose that we wanted to create a 'Person' Ember Class, with a method called sayHello - we might write the following.

var Person = Ember.Object.extend({
  sayHello: function(){
    return "Hi, my name is " + this.get('name');

var frank = Person.create({
  name: "Frank"

frank.sayHello(); // "Hi, my name is Frank"

To create a new sub-Class based on the Person (Ember) Class we've just defined, we can simply call .extend again. A sub-class can add new methods or even overwrite old ones; when doing the latter, you can reference the method on the parent Class by calling this._super.

var Developer = Person.extend({
  code: function(){
    return "type type type"
  sayHello: function(){
    return this._super() + ", and I'm a developer"

var joe = Developer.create({
  name: "Joe"

joe.get('name'); // "Joe"
joe.sayHello(); // "Hi, my name is Joe, and I'm a developer"

The way that Ember uses Ember classes is very similar to how Rails uses Ruby classes. Essentially, Ember provides a number of in-built Ember Classes (e.g. Ember.Application, Ember.Route, Ember.Controller, Ember.View, Ember.Component), and each time we want to create a new Route/Controller/etc, we sub-class one of those existing classes using the .extend method.

For instance, suppose that we want to create a new Route. Ember has a generator, much like Rails and Express, and we can use it to create a new Route by running ember g route about. As you can see, Ember has created a couple of new files for us; here's what app/routes/about.js looks like:

import Ember from 'ember';    // This line makes all predefined Ember code accessible in this file.

export default Ember.Route.extend({

export default is new ES6 syntax for exporting data from a module - whatever comes after default is what gets exported.

As you can see, in this file/module, we will be creating a new Ember Class that sub-classes (i.e. inherits) from Ember.Route; if we were to import this file from another file, this new Ember Class is what would get loaded.

YOUR TURN :: Ember Objects and Classes

If you haven't already, fork and clone this repository. Run npm install && bower install to load all of this app's dependencies. Next, start your app with ember serve, load up localhost:4200 in your browser, and open up the inspector to the Console. In the console window, create a new Ember Class called 'Pet' with properties name and age and methods eat and sleep (which return, respectively, 'nom nom nom' and 'zzz'). Instantiate that Class by creating a new Pet object with name 'Bruce' and age '9'. From the console, change Bruce's age to 10, and print out Bruce's new age using console.log.

Next, create a new Ember Class called 'Dog'; it should have a new method, bark, which prints out the text 'arf'. Create a new Dog object with name 'Jellybeans' and age '7'. Call Jellybeans's bark method.

When you finish, tilt your laptop screen down.

Computed Properties

As mentioned earlier, binding properties together is one of Ember's neat features, and Ember.Object's get and set methods are a big part of making that possible. One common way that binding is implemented is through the use of computed properties, another construct that Ember provides.

Consider the following Ember Class:

var Person = Ember.Object.extend({

var bob = Person.create({
  givenName: 'Bob',
  surname: 'Belcher'

Suppose we wanted bob to have a property called fullName which was equal to his given name plus his surname. We could obviously define a function in the Class definition to return that value.

var Person = Ember.Object.extend({
  fullName: function(){
    return this.get('givenName') + ' ' + this.get('surname');

var bob = Person.create({
  givenName: 'Bob',
  surname: 'Belcher'

bob.fullName(); // 'Bob Belcher'

The nice thing about using a function is that it will automatically recalculate its result based on the latest values of givenName and surname. However, we must invoke the fullName function in order to get that updated value. As it turns out, there are times in Ember when we will not be able to invoke a function directly - one extremely common case is referencing a value from within a template. In those cases, Computed Properties give us a convenient loophole. Here's how fullName might look when set up as a computed property.

var Person = Ember.Object.extend({
  fullName: Ember.computed('givenName', 'surname', function(){
    return this.get('givenName') + ' ' + this.get('surname');

var bob = Person.create({
  givenName: 'Bob',
  surname: 'Belcher'


As you can see, fullName is now accessible as if it were a normal property. The arguments in Ember.computed that come before the function tell Ember to watch the properties givenName and surname for changes; thus, the Computed Property fullName is updated when any of its watched properties is updated, rather than when the property is accessed with .get.

There are a variety of standard computed properties that Ember provides, all accessible by calling Ember.computed.___; here are a few common ones.

  • empty : return true if the dependent property is null or an empty string, array, or function
  • equal : tests equality
  • gt/gte/lt/lte : tests inequality (as specified)

If the value of a property is an array, there are even more computed properties available:

  • map
  • filter
  • sort

Speaking of arrays: suppose that you have an array of Ember Objects and want to access a property across all of those object. Ember provides a special key called @each that it can use to unpack those properties.

export default Ember.Object.extend({
  todos: [
    Ember.Object.create({ isDone: true }),
    Ember.Object.create({ isDone: false }),
    Ember.Object.create({ isDone: true })

  remaining: Ember.computed('todos.@each.isDone', function() {
    var todos = this.get('todos');
    return todos.filterBy('isDone', false).get('length');

For a full list of computed properties, you can check the API docs

YOUR TURN : Computed Properties

Define a new Ember Class and instantiate it. Then, create at least three new properties on your Ember Object. Finally, pick three computed properties from the API docs (or write three of your own) and add them to the new Ember Class you've defined.

Additional Resources


Explore the Ember Object Model, and leverage it to do some basic binding through computed properties.


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