This plugin is now just drafts (or proof of concept) of an idea that has been spinning in my head for a long time. "What if I sync Mac OS (iOS) tags with Obsidian tags?".
Warning: Anything you do yo do at your own risk! Please test plugin on sandbox before use on your prod vault. Or do backup :)
- Two commands:
Write Mac OS tags
- wrtie all tags (frontmatter and body) from current Obsidian note as mac os file tags.Write Mac OS tags for current folder
- some as previsoly but for all file in current folder.
- Sync tags while file saved.
- Setting options overwrite or not existing mac os tag.
- Setting options with tags list allowed for sync. Maybe black/whit list.
I will be grateful for any contribution!
Сreate issues, write comments, send feature requests also a pull requests.