makethunder / docker-remote-syslog

Dockerfile to watch and transmit logs on the host or other containers via remote_syslog2.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Dockerfile to watch and transmit logs on the host or other containers via remote_syslog2.

Based on remote_syslog2 written by Papertrail.


Simply watch /var/log/foo

docker run -d -v /foo/foo.log:/foo.log shopigniter/remote_syslog \
    -d {{destination_hostname}} -p {{destination_port}} /foo.log

Watching multiple files

docker run -d -v /var/log:/var/log -v /app/err.log:/app_err.log shopigniter/remote_syslog \
    -d {{destination_hostname}} -p {{destination_port}} \
    /var/log/php_errors.log /var/log/apache2/access.log /app_err.log

Custom Hostname

docker run -d -v /foo/foo.log:/foo.log shopigniter/remote_syslog \
    -d {{destination_hostname}} -p {{destination_port}} --hostname=foo /foo.log

With TLS

docker run -d -v /foo/foo.log:/foo.log shopigniter/remote_syslog \
    -d {{destination_hostname}} -p {{destination_port}} --tls=true /foo.log

Linking containers

docker run -d --name="myapp" -v /var/log -p 80:80 jaredm4/apache-php55
docker run -d --volumes-from="myapp" shopigniter/remote_syslog \
    -d {{destination_hostname}} -p {{destination_port}} /var/log/php_errors.log

Further command options and help

docker run shopigniter/remote_syslog --help


Dockerfile to watch and transmit logs on the host or other containers via remote_syslog2.