mak-aravind / PieceTour

A demonstration about paradigm shift towards functional style of programming.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Piece Tour

Problem Statement:

The assignment is to write a program that finds at least one tour for a chess piece on a 10-by-10 chessboard. A tour is a path for a piece to visit all tiles on the board, following a set of rules for movement. Assume the piece can start in any tile. The four rules of movement for the piece are: a) The piece can move 3 spaces either North, East, South, or West. b) The piece can move 2 spaces diagonally: Northeast, Southeast, Southwest, or Northwest. c) Each space can only be visited once.

Solution using Warnsdorff's Algorithm:

The problem is solved using H C Warnsdorff's technique which does the following:

  1. Start from any tile and mark it as visited.
  2. To decide the next tile in path, look at all possible unmarked tiles based on moving rules.
  3. Rank each possibility by the number of next moves from that tile.
  4. Move to any tile with the lowest rank.
  5. Add chosen tile to piece's tour path (i.e marked) and repeat the process from last chosen tile.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.


All dependencies are mentioned in build.gradle

Install java 8
Install gradle 5.5


To build the project

gradle clean build

And to run the application

gradle run

Sample Output

mak@pop-os:~/MEGAsync/mak/project/PieceTour$ gradle run

> Task :run
Type grid size (Ex: 100 will be of 10 * 10): 
Run in Debug Mode (Y or N): 
Furnishing Chess Board before tour: 
The size of the chessboard grid
<RESULT>Furnishing Chess Board after tour: 
|60|26|15|65|25|14| 66|24|13|67|
| 5|95|58| 4|94|89|  3|73|88| 2|
|16|36|61|91|52|64| 92|68|50|23|
|59|27|41|98|57|72| 99|56|12|74|
| 6|96|53|35|93|90| 51|76|87| 1|
|17|37|62|84|42|63| 85|69|49|22|
| 7|81|43|34|80|83| 33|77|86|32|
|18|38|46|19|39|47| 20|70|48|21|
|44|29| 8|82|30| 9| 79|31|10|78|
Number of Positions visited 100
started with Row:4~~Column: 9

2 actionable tasks: 1 executed, 1 up-to-date

Running the tests

To run the tests

gradle test

The test report will be available in /build/reports/tests/test/index.html


Execute below command to generate a idea Intellij project:

gradle idea


Execute below command to get an executable jar file under project /build/libs folder

gradle shadowJar

Execute below command to execute as java application without scala dependencies from /build/libs location

java -jar TrueCaller-1.0-all.jar

Sample output

mak@pop-os:~/MEGAsync/mak/project/PieceTour/build/libs$ java -jar TrueCaller-1.0-all.jar 
Type grid size (Ex: 100 will be of 10 * 10): 
Run in Debug Mode (Y or N): 
Furnishing Chess Board before tour: 
The size of the chessboard grid
<RESULT>Furnishing Chess Board after tour: 
| 2|32|39|17|33|38|80|34|37| 81|
|29|19| 4|30|69| 5|53|68| 6| 54|
|40|16| 1|41|91|78|36|94|79| 35|
| 3|31|72|18|52|73|83|55|60| 82|
|28|20|50|75|70|95|90|67| 7| 99|
|43|15|26|42|92|77|59|93|88| 56|
|24|46|71|85|51|74|84|98|61| 11|
|27|21|49|76|65|96|89|66| 8|100|
|44|14|25|45|13|86|58|12|87| 57|
|23|47|64|22|48|63| 9|97|62| 10|
Number of Positions visited 100
started with Row:2~~Column: 2

Built With

  • Gradle - Dependency Management


  • Aravind Kumar Murugaiyan - Initial work - mak-aravind


A demonstration about paradigm shift towards functional style of programming.


Language:Scala 99.7%Language:Java 0.3%