maissani / sogekata

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

SoGe Kata

CircleCI Greenkeeper badge

Javascript Kata destiné a émuler le retrait d'argent d un compte existant Pour réaliser ce kata les outils suivant ont ete utilisés:

  • cucumber : Pour parser la feature withdraw contenant les mots clefs Given, When, Then.
  • eslint: Pour s'assurer que l'ecriture du code respecte des conventions précises
  • chai: Pour les assertions lors d'un test

Le sujet du kata

Feature: Withdraw from account
  As a client of the bank
  I want to withdraw money from my account
  In order to have cash

  Scenario: An existing client withdraws from his account
      Given an existing client named "pierre-jean" with 100.0 EUR in his account
      When he withdraws 10.0 EUR from his account
      Then the new balance is 90.0 EUR

Principe respectés

Voici les principes qui ont été respectés:

  • Nommage des classes
  • Imutabilité
  • BDD


  $ git clone
  $ cd sogekata
  $ npm install


  $ npm test

The result should be like this

  > sogekata@1.0.0 test C:\Users\windowsusername\Documents\Devel\Sogekata // ie: I was on windows as soon as i made this kata
  > cucumber-js --format summary

  1 scenario (1 passed)
  3 steps (3 passed)



Language:JavaScript 85.8%Language:Gherkin 14.2%