mahuaibo / teleport

Teleport is a versatile, high-performance and flexible socket framework. It can be used for RPC, micro services, peer-peer, push services, game services and so on.

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Teleport is a versatile, high-performance and flexible socket framework.

It can be used for peer-peer, rpc, gateway, micro services, push services, game services and so on.




Test Case

  • A server and a client process, running on the same machine
  • CPU: Intel Xeon E312xx (Sandy Bridge) 16 cores 2.53GHz
  • Memory: 16G
  • OS: Linux, CentOS 6.4
  • Go: 1.9.2
  • Message size: 581 bytes
  • Message codec: protobuf
  • Sent total 1000000 messages

Test Results

  • teleport
client concurrency mean(ms) median(ms) max(ms) min(ms) throughput(TPS)
100 1 0 16 0 75505
500 9 11 97 0 52192
1000 19 24 187 0 50040
2000 39 54 409 0 42551
5000 96 128 1148 0 46367
  • teleport/socket
client concurrency mean(ms) median(ms) max(ms) min(ms) throughput(TPS)
100 0 0 14 0 225682
500 2 1 24 0 212630
1000 4 3 51 0 180733
2000 8 6 64 0 183351
5000 21 18 651 0 133886

test code

  • CPU torch of teleport/socket


svg file

1. Version

version status branch
v3 release v3
v2 release v2
v1 release v1

2. Install

go get -u

3. Feature

  • Server and client are peer-to-peer, have the same API method
  • Support custom communication protocol
  • Support set the size of socket I/O buffer
  • Packet contains both Header and Body two parts
  • Support for customizing head and body coding types separately, e.g JSON Protobuf string
  • Packet Header contains metadata in the same format as http header
  • Support push, pull, reply and other means of communication
  • Support plug-in mechanism, can customize authentication, heartbeat, micro service registration center, statistics, etc.
  • Whether server or client, the peer support reboot and shutdown gracefully
  • Support reverse proxy
  • Detailed log information, support print input and output details
  • Supports setting slow operation alarm threshold
  • Use I/O multiplexing technology
  • Support setting the size of the reading packet (if exceed disconnect it)
  • Provide the context of the handler
  • Client session support automatically redials after disconnection

4. Architecture

4.1 Keywords

  • Peer: A communication instance may be a server or a client
  • Socket: Base on the net.Conn package, add custom package protocol, transfer pipelines and other functions
  • Packet: The corresponding structure of the data package content element
  • Proto: The protocol interface of packet pack/unpack
  • Codec: Serialization interface for Packet.Body
  • XferPipe: Packet bytes encoding pipeline, such as compression, encryption, calibration and so on
  • XferFilter: A interface to handle packet data before transfer
  • Plugin: Plugins that cover all aspects of communication
  • Session: A connection session, with push, pull, reply, close and other methods of operation
  • Context: Handle the received or send packets
  • Pull-Launch: Pull data from the peer
  • Pull-Handle: Handle and reply to the pull of peer
  • Push-Launch: Push data to the peer
  • Push-Handle: Handle the push of peer
  • Router: Router that route the response handler by request information(such as a URI)

4.2 Execution level

Peer -> Connection -> Socket -> Session -> Context

4.3 Packet

The contents of every one packet:

// in socket package
type (
    // Packet a socket data packet.
    Packet struct {
        // packet sequence
        seq uint64
        // packet type, such as PULL, PUSH, REPLY
        ptype byte
        // URL string
        uri string
        // metadata
        meta *utils.Args
        // body codec type
        bodyCodec byte
        // body object
        body interface{}
        // newBodyFunc creates a new body by packet type and URI.
        // Note:
        //  only for writing packet;
        //  should be nil when reading packet.
        newBodyFunc NewBodyFunc
        // XferPipe transfer filter pipe, handlers from outer-most to inner-most.
        // Note: the length can not be bigger than 255!
        xferPipe *xfer.XferPipe
        // packet size
        size uint32
        next *Packet

    // NewBodyFunc creates a new body by header info.
    NewBodyFunc func(seq uint64, ptype byte, uri string) interface{}

// in xfer package
type (
    // XferPipe transfer filter pipe, handlers from outer-most to inner-most.
    // Note: the length can not be bigger than 255!
    XferPipe struct {
        filters []XferFilter
    // XferFilter handles byte stream of packet when transfer.
    XferFilter interface {
        Id() byte
        OnPack([]byte) ([]byte, error)
        OnUnpack([]byte) ([]byte, error)

4.4 Protocol

You can customize your own communication protocol by implementing the interface:

type (
	// Proto pack/unpack protocol scheme of socket packet.
	Proto interface {
		// Version returns the protocol's id and name.
		Version() (byte, string)
		// Pack pack socket data packet.
		// Note: Make sure to write only once or there will be package contamination!
		Pack(*Packet) error
		// Unpack unpack socket data packet.
		// Note: Concurrent unsafe!
		Unpack(*Packet) error
	ProtoFunc func(io.ReadWriter) Proto

Next, you can specify the communication protocol in the following ways:

func SetDefaultProtoFunc(socket.ProtoFunc)
func (*Peer) ServeConn(conn net.Conn, protoFunc ...socket.ProtoFunc) Session
func (*Peer) DialContext(ctx context.Context, addr string, protoFunc ...socket.ProtoFunc) (Session, *Rerror)
func (*Peer) Dial(addr string, protoFunc ...socket.ProtoFunc) (Session, *Rerror)
func (*Peer) Listen(protoFunc ...socket.ProtoFunc) error

5. Usage

  • Create a server or client peer
var cfg = &tp.PeerConfig{
	DefaultReadTimeout:  time.Minute * 5,
	DefaultWriteTimeout: time.Millisecond * 500,
	TlsCertFile:         "",
	TlsKeyFile:          "",
	SlowCometDuration:   time.Millisecond * 500,
	DefaultBodyCodec:     "json",
	PrintBody:           true,
	CountTime:           true,
	ListenAddrs: []string{

var peer = tp.NewPeer(cfg)

// It can be used as a server

// Also, it can also be used as a client at the same time
var sess, err = peer.Dial("")
if err != nil {
	tp.Panicf("%v", err)
  • Define a controller and handler for pull request
// Home controller
type Home struct {

// Test handler
func (h *Home) Test(args *[2]int) (int, *tp.Rerror) {
	a := (*args)[0]
	b := (*args)[1]
	return a + b, nil
  • Define controller and handler for push request
// Msg controller
type Msg struct {

// Test handler
func (m *Msg) Test(args *map[string]interface{}) {
	tp.Infof("receive push(%s):\nargs: %#v\nquery: %#v\n", m.Ip(), args, m.Query())
  • Define a handler for unknown pull request
func UnknownPullHandle(ctx tp.UnknownPullCtx, body *[]byte) (interface{}, *tp.Rerror) {
	var v interface{}
	codecId, err := ctx.Unmarshal(*body, &v, true)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, tp.New*Rerror(0, err.Error())
	tp.Infof("receive unknown pull:\n codec: %s\n content: %#v", codecId, v)
	return "this is reply string for unknown pull", nil
  • Define a handler for unknown push request
func UnknownPushHandle(ctx tp.UnknownPushCtx, body *[]byte) {
	var v interface{}
	codecId, err := ctx.Unmarshal(*body, &v, true)
	if err != nil {
		tp.Errorf("%v", err)
	} else {
		tp.Infof("receive unknown push:\n codec: %s\n content: %#v", codecId, v)
  • Define a plugin
// AliasPlugin can be used to set aliases for pull or push services
type AliasPlugin struct {
	Aliases map[string]string

// NewAliasPlugin creates a new NewAliasPlugin
func NewAliasPlugin() *AliasPlugin {
	return &AliasPlugin{Aliases: make(map[string]string)}

// Alias sets a alias for the uri.
// For example Alias("/arith/mul", "/mul")
func (p *AliasPlugin) Alias(alias string, uri string) {
	p.Aliases[alias] = uri

// Name return name of this plugin.
func (p *AliasPlugin) Name() string {
	return "AliasPlugin"

// PostReadPullHeader converts the alias of this service.
func (p *AliasPlugin) PostReadPullHeader(ctx tp.ReadCtx) *tp.Rerror {
	var u = ctx.Input().Header.Uri
	if p.Aliases != nil {
		if a = p.Aliases[u]; a != "" {
			ctx.Input().Header.Uri = a
	return nil
  • Register above handler and plugin
aliasesPlugin := NewAliasPlugin()
aliasesPlugin.Alias("/alias", "/origin")
	pullGroup := peer.PullRouter.Group("pull", aliasesPlugin)
	pushGroup := peer.PushRouter.Group("push")
	pushGroup.Reg(new(Msg), aliasesPlugin)

6. Demo


package main

import (

    tp ""

func main() {
    go tp.GraceSignal()
    // tp.SetReadLimit(10)
    tp.SetShutdown(time.Second*20, nil, nil)
    var cfg = &tp.PeerConfig{
        DefaultReadTimeout:  time.Minute * 5,
        DefaultWriteTimeout: time.Millisecond * 500,
        TlsCertFile:         "",
        TlsKeyFile:          "",
        SlowCometDuration:   time.Millisecond * 500,
        DefaultBodyCodec:    "json",
        PrintBody:           true,
        CountTime:           true,
        ListenAddrs: []string{
    var peer = tp.NewPeer(cfg)
        group := peer.PullRouter.Group("group")

// Home controller
type Home struct {

// Test handler
func (h *Home) Test(args *map[string]interface{}) (map[string]interface{}, *tp.Rerror) {
    h.Session().Push("/push/test?tag=from home-test", map[string]interface{}{
        "your_id": h.Query().Get("peer_id"),
        "a":       1,
    return map[string]interface{}{
        "your_args":   *args,
        "server_time": time.Now(),
    }, nil

func UnknownPullHandle(ctx tp.UnknownPullCtx) (interface{}, *tp.Rerror) {
    var v = struct {
        ConnPort   int
        RawMessage json.RawMessage
        Bytes      []byte
    codecId, err := ctx.Bind(&v)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, tp.NewRerror(1001, "bind error", err.Error())
    tp.Debugf("UnknownPullHandle: codec: %d, conn_port: %d, RawMessage: %s, bytes: %s",
        codecId, v.ConnPort, v.RawMessage, v.Bytes,
    return []string{"a", "aa", "aaa"}, nil


package main

import (

    tp ""

func main() {
    go tp.GraceSignal()
    tp.SetShutdown(time.Second*20, nil, nil)
    var cfg = &tp.PeerConfig{
        DefaultReadTimeout:  time.Minute * 5,
        DefaultWriteTimeout: time.Millisecond * 500,
        TlsCertFile:         "",
        TlsKeyFile:          "",
        SlowCometDuration:   time.Millisecond * 500,
        DefaultBodyCodec:    "json",
        PrintBody:           true,
        CountTime:           true,

    var peer = tp.NewPeer(cfg)
    defer peer.Close()

        var sess, err = peer.Dial("")
        if err != nil {
            tp.Fatalf("%v", err)

        var reply interface{}
        var pullcmd = sess.Pull(
                "conn_port": 9090,
                "bytes":     []byte("bytestest9090"),

        if pullcmd.Rerror() != nil {
            tp.Fatalf("pull error: %v", pullcmd.Rerror())
        tp.Infof("9090reply: %#v", reply)

        var sess, err = peer.Dial("")
        if err != nil {
            tp.Panicf("%v", err)

        var reply interface{}
        var pullcmd = sess.Pull(
            struct {
                ConnPort   int
                RawMessage json.RawMessage
                Bytes      []byte

        if pullcmd.Rerror() != nil {
            tp.Fatalf("pull error: %v", pullcmd.Rerror())
        tp.Infof("9091reply test_unknown: %#v", reply)

// Push controller
type Push struct {

// Test handler
func (p *Push) Test(args *map[string]interface{}) {
    tp.Infof("receive push(%s):\nargs: %#v\nquery: %#v\n", p.Ip(), args, p.Query())

7. License

Teleport is under Apache v2 License. See the LICENSE file for the full license text


Teleport is a versatile, high-performance and flexible socket framework. It can be used for RPC, micro services, peer-peer, push services, game services and so on.

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Go 100.0%