maheshbabu / aimms-eo

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

About this Repo

This is the Git repo of the Docker jobrunner image for the AIMMS Embedded Optimization service.

Building the docker image

The Dockerfile in this Git repo will automatically attempt to download the AIMMS linux installer from the AIMMS website. You need to specify the AIMMS version to download and build using the following docker build arguments:

$ docker build -t aimms: --build-arg AIMMS_VERSION_MAJOR=4.72 --build-arg AIMMS_VERSION_MINOR=1.1 .

Running the docker image

The Dockerfile and the file in this repo are configured to expose two volumes to the outside world, allowing for persistent storage. The two volumes are

  • /data
  • /model

In the /data volume the license configuration files should be available, see the section Setting up the licenses below. The /model volume is where the AIMMS application should be placed. For example:

$ docker run --rm -it -v/home/me/apps/TransportModel:/model -v/home/me/aimmsconfig:/data aimms: jobrunner Transport.aimms

to run the TransportModel example.

Jobrunner arguments

Starting the jobrunner without arguments will results into the following usage output:

usage: AimmsJobRunner [options] AimmsModel.aimms(pack) [arg1 ... argn]

with options:
   -l --licfolder   folder where the license-configuration folders can be found, defaults to /usr/local/Aimms
   -c --logconfig   file that specifies the log4cxx logging configuration, defaults to writing to stdout
   -m --maxthreads  maximum number of threads to use, defaults to the number of detected CPUs
   -p --procedure   name of the AIMMS procedure to run, defaults to MainExecution
   --keeplog        flag that cause some intermediate logfiles to not be deleted, can be useful for debugging
   all arguments after the modelfile will be passed on to AIMMS

AIMMS versions before 4.73 do not support the --logconfig (-c) option and they can not log to the console; it is therefore highly recommend to use 4.73 or later. The default of the --maxthreads option is the number of detected CPUs; for docker sessions this is typically the number of CPUs of the host machine. If you limit the available number of cpus to a docker session (e.g. docker run --cpu=4) you should also pass this on onto the AIMMS jobrunner, otherwise the AIMMS jobrunner will still try to execute with the ammount of threads equal to the number of detected CPUs and cause performance overhead.

Arguments passed to AIMMS

The arguments specified after the model name are directly passed to AIMMS and are accessible from within the AIMMS model by using the SessionArgument procedure. These arguments can be used to indicate input files or switches to let the job behave in a model specific way.

For example:

    if (not SessionArgument(1, JobControlFile) or not SessionArgument(2, InputDataFile)) then
        return 1;

    ! do something
    display JobControlFile, InputDataFile;

    return 0;
onerror err do

Deployment options

The Dockerfile defines two volumes to be present were the license configuration and the AIMMS model should be present. This provides a way to centralized administration of the AIMMS application(s) (versions) and their licenses. The implication is however that that volume should be available to every node in your cluster, which might require some additional setup to your cluster.

An alternative to that is to not use volumes at all, but to package everything in a derived docker-image. This however would require you to publish a new version of that image with an updated license file every year.

Of course it's also possible to make a hybrid variant where e.g. the model is embedded into the container-image, but the license information is provided by a volume. Perhaps this offers most flexibility to quickly update licenses when needed and benefit from some performance gains when the AIMMS model is contained in the image.

Also there is the choice to make between using an AimmsPack file and just the plain model folder. When using the AimmsPack the model and data are encrypted, but will be extracted by AIMMS at some point in order to execute the model properly. This can cause a small performance overhead for starting your model. It depends on your situation what is best for you.

To discuss deployment options and the various pros and cons, you can contact

Setting up the licenses

As part of the AIMMS Embedded Optimization service, AIMMS will provide you with a so called keyless license, that needs to be available for AIMMS to function properly. The keyless licenses consists of two files, similar to:


These files need to go into a subfolder 'Licenses' of the /data volume. Next you need to specify to AIMMS which license(s) to use by creating a licenses.cfg file into the subfolder 'Config' of the /data volume. The content of the licenses.cfg should be similar to:

1 local 015120001005.lic

where the name of the .lic should correspond with the .lic AIMMS provided. This should result in a file layout similar to:

root@509c08b1faae:/# find /data

Connecting with external databases

Below are listed some usefull Dockerfile snippets for further specializing your docker image to use AIMMS in combination with ODBC database drivers.


# install MySQL ODBC driver
ENV MYSQL_ODBC_CONNECTOR_VERSION=mysql-connector-odbc-5.3.14-linux-ubuntu18.04-x86-64bit
RUN cd /root \
    && wget${MYSQL_ODBC_CONNECTOR_VERSION}.tar.gz \
    && tar xvzf ${MYSQL_ODBC_CONNECTOR_VERSION}.tar.gz \
    && cp /root/${MYSQL_ODBC_CONNECTOR_VERSION}/lib/* /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/odbc/ \
    && /root/${MYSQL_ODBC_CONNECTOR_VERSION}/bin/myodbc-installer -d -a -n "MySQL" -t "DRIVER=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/odbc/;" \
    && rm -rf /root/${MYSQL_ODBC_CONNECTOR_VERSION}*

Microsoft SQL Server

# install Microsoft SQLServer ODBC driver
RUN cd /root \
    && curl | apt-key add - \
    && curl > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mssql-release.list \
    && apt-get update \
    && ACCEPT_EULA=Y apt-get install msodbcsql17 \
    && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*



Language:C 81.0%Language:Dockerfile 13.3%Language:Shell 5.7%