mahdimehrabi / gin-gorm-boilerplate

A boilerplate for gin + gorm + postgres + docker

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Gin Gorm Boilerplate with clean architecture

A clean archtiecture and well documented gin boilerplate with lot of good features ready for you to use and improve your speed of development


make sure you installed docker and docker-compose


clone repository in your system git clone

create env files base on example

cd gin-gorm-boilerplate
cp env.example .env
cp env.test.example .env.test

if you want to run on localhost set Environment=development and if you want to run in production model set Environment=production in .env file

create docker volume for database data docker volume create psql_data

build and run docker-compose
for development:docker-compose up -d
for production: docker-compose -f up -d

run migrations

make migrate-up

see docker logs docker-compose logs -f and wait for your application to be ready and check your application work by sending get request to localhost:port/api/ping (default port is 8000)


install gin swagger .
generate swagger docs swag init .
see swagger documention for get information about already implemented rest api services localhost:port/swagger/index.html .



we have two env file for this application.
.env: for production and development environment
.env.test: for test
don't change Envrionment key of .env.test it must be test
we have an infrastracture for env in core/infrastracture/env.go that is responsible for load environment variable in to struct for more clean and easier access around application .

dependency injection

we used uber fx for dependency injection to have more clean application I sugget you read whole documention of fx package

docker compose implemention for development and production

for production use set Environment=production and use docker-compose -f up -d to run app for development set Environment=development and use docker-compose up -d to run app

delve debugger + source watcher for reload

we have a powerful source watcher for reload server and delve debuger configuration
docker/dev/ handle watching and running delve server you can use configuration in .vscode directory for configure your vscode to connect to debugger for debugging in normal and even debugging your tests

advanced jwt authentication + middleware

we have an app called authApp that is responsible for jwt authentication and related stuff like sending forgot password email, change password,password strength checker and etc. you can see its rest api services in swagger

saving device name ip and city on login

on users login ,client(frontend) must send login device name and we store that + user IP on login and this app have some routes to let user see and manage his logged in devices + information (like IP,country,city) and remove them one by one or all of them (like social media apps)

registeration by verifying email

we have complete registeration service for sending email , resending email , verify token and ... that implemented in authentication app

swagger documention generator

swagger documention of apps are stored in core/models/swagger you can edit them or add new one . I suggest you read for more information.

easy custom validator implemention

we have advanced validation system that integerated with gin and [go-playground validation]{}, for example we have a custom validator that is responsible for checking the of a field is unique in database table, you can use it in your request model like below:

type CreateUserRequestAdmin struct {
	IsAdmin        bool   `json:"isAdmin"`
	Email          string `json:"email" binding:"required,uniqueDB=users&email"` //users=>table name , email => column name

you can implement your custom validator by creating your validator in core/validators/ and introduing them in depndency injection by adding them to core/validators/validators.go file , you can understand how to create them by reading the example validators that are exist in validators directory and for more information you can read [gin]{} and [go-playground validation]{} documents.

logger + sentry

we have logger infrastructre that is responsible for storing logs in sentry I will encourage you to create a [sentry]{} account and create a project and add your dsn to .env file SentryDSN=yourDsn
logger is only responsible to capure 500 errors that handled by you in controllers, we configured sentry to capture unwanted panics in core/bootstrap.go file.

migration versioning

migrations are store in core/migrations and we use this [package]{} for our migration and we have some commands to generate and run them in Makefile

easy response

look at core/response/responses.go file you can use these functions to have a clean responses for success and error rest response


you can create your middleware in any app you want in apps directory but if you think the middleware you want to develop is a generic middleware I suggest you put your middleware in generic app.
after creating your middleware don't forget to add it do dependency injection , you can add it by editing core/middlewares file.

database transaction middleware

this middleware is responsible for database transaction you use it on your route and if the resonse of the route is not successful it roolback the transaction.


check out apps/userApp/repositories/user.go and getAllUsers method


you can create your custom cmd commands by editing Makefile and adding your functions to cmd package for example we have a command for create-app

image resizer

implemented in UploadProfilePicture method of apps/userApp/controllers/profile.go


an advanced integeration test implemented using [testify]{} package you can use these command for running tests

make test-all : run all tests of application

make test-all-debugger: run all tests of application with delve debugger server so you can connect your editor/IDE to it for debugging

make kill-test-debugger: kill opened test delve debugger server


A boilerplate for gin + gorm + postgres + docker


Language:Go 97.7%Language:Dockerfile 1.2%Language:Makefile 0.9%Language:Shell 0.3%