maguz95 / simple-vue3-timeago

Repository from Github https://github.commaguz95/simple-vue3-timeagoRepository from Github https://github.commaguz95/simple-vue3-timeago


simple-vue3-timeago is a simple react component used to format date with *** time ago or in *** time statement. eg: '3 hours ago' or 'in 3 hours'. This is zero dependency component but it's based on timeago.js which is a simple javascript module.

  • Realtime render.
  • Efficient. When the time is 3 hour ago, the interval will update after an hour (3600 * 1000 ms).
  • Locales supported (I plan to release more locales in the future).


npm install simple-vue3-timeago


yarn add simple-vue3-timeago


  import Vue3Timeago from 'simple-vue3-timeago';
  export default {
    components: {

  <div id="app">
      datetime="2022-02-20 11:32:00"
      locale="en_US" />

Component props

Prop name Description Type Required Default
datetime String|Date true
locale String false "en_US"
relativeDate The datetime to be calculated interval relative to String|Date false null
live Update the component live using the minLiveInterval Boolean false false
minLiveInterval The min interval in milliseconds to update the component Number false 10000

You can apply any style or CSS class to the component it will be applied to the root element.

Props not documented above are applied to the root element.




License:MIT License


Language:TypeScript 43.1%Language:JavaScript 41.2%Language:Vue 15.7%