magoyette / chapbook-tweego-builder

A Twine/Twee project to use the Chapbook story format with Tweego compiler.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Chapbook Tweego Builder

A project for the Chapbook Twine/Twee story format Chapbook. It uses the compiler Tweego to build stories.

This project is now archived and no longer maintained.


  • Build Chapbook stories with the Tweego compiler
  • Proof stories with the Poof story format
  • CSS files are linted by Stylelint and vendor prefixes are added by Autoprefixer
  • Sass can be used instead of CSS
  • JavaScript files are linted with ESLint and minimized with Babel
  • Live reload in the browser when files are changed
  • Build many stories with a single Node project


This project is a work in progress and is currently only compatible with Linux. If you're not familiar with Node and Webpack, it might be better to take a look at tweego-installer and tweego-setup.

I plan to eventually rewrite in JavaScript the Linux Bash scripts on which the project depends.


Q: Is there a reason why this project is specific to the Chapbook story format?

A: I only write Twine/Twee stories with Chapbook, so this project is only tested with Chapbook.


The project can be installed by executing the following commands.

# Install the dependencies with NPM
npm install

# Downloads Chapbook, Tweego and Poof
npm run download


The project can be built with the build script.

# Run Webpack, then Tweego with the Chapbook story format
npm run build

# Starts a server with live reload on the Chapbook HTML file
npm run start

Watching for changes with live reload

Watching changes to JavaScript, SASS, SCSS or CSS files requires starting Webpack in watch mode in a dedicated shell.

npm run watch:webpack

Watching changes on the Twee files requires starting Tweego in watch mode. Tweego will also detect the changes on the files built with Webpack (JavaScript and CSS files). Tweego in watch mode also requires a dedicated shell.

npm run watch:chapbook

A server that will detect changes and reload them automatically can be opened in its own shell.

npm run start


A build with the Poof story format can be done with the poof script.

Unlike the Chapbook build, the Poof build doesn't execute Webpack.

# Run Webpack, then Tweego with the Poof story format
npm run poof

# Starts a server with live reload on the Poof HTML file
npm run start:poof

It's also possible to watch for changes with Poof by using watch:poof instead of poof.

# Run Webpack, then Tweego with the Poof story format
npm run watch:poof

# Starts a server with live reload on the Poof HTML file
npm run start:poof

Working with multiple stories

Multiple stories support allows to use Chapbook Tweego Builder to build multiple stories.

That's useful if you want to store each story in a distinct Git repository, but keep using a single Node project to build them.

Here's an example of a structure with many stories:

  • stories (folder ignored by the Git repository of chapbook-tweego-builder)
    • story1 (the Git repository of a story)
      • scripts
      • styles
      • twee
    • story2 (the Git repository of another story)
      • scripts
      • styles
      • twee
  • src (default story provided with chapbook-tweego-builder)

The stories folder is configured to be ignored by the Git repository of chapbook-tweego-builder. The stories can be stored under stories each in their own repository.

The src folder is used by default by Chapbook Tweego Builder. That example story is used for the purpose of testing Chapbook Tweego Builder.

Switching between stories

The switch goal allows to configure which story should be built with chapbook-tweego-builder. Only one story can be built at a time.

The argument passed to npm run switch is the path to the root folder of the story. That path must contains 3 subfolders: scripts, styles and twee.

# Switch the current story to story1
npm run switch stories/story1

# Switch the current story to story2
npm run switch stories/story2

# Run goals like usual
npm run build

That goal will set a NPM config variable named chapbook-tweego-builder:storyPath in the file ~/.npmrc. That will override the variable storyPath in the config object of package.json. storyPath is set by default to src, which is the example story of Chapbook Tweego Builder.



webpack is used to bundle SASS, CSS and JavaScript files.

The JavaScript bundle uses the file ./src/scripts/index.js as its entry and will generate the bundled file scripts.bundle.js.

The CSS bundle uses the file ./src/styles/styles.scss as its entry and will generate the bundled file styles.bundle.css.


Babel transpile and minimize the JavaScript files. Babel is configured to support the browsers defined from the browserslist in package.json.


JavaScript files are linted with ESLint.

Node Sass

node-sass is used to convert SASS and SCSS files to CSS files.


CSS, SASS and SCSS fiels are linted with Stylelint.


Autoprefixer adds vendor prefixes to the CSS rules.


A Twine/Twee project to use the Chapbook story format with Tweego compiler.

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 61.7%Language:Shell 37.9%Language:SCSS 0.4%