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Hey, I'm Mohammed Amine MAGHOUS 👋


Amine's Twitter Amine's Linkdein Amine's stackoverflow Amine's leetcode


I’m a software engineer, passionate about building performant, scalable, maintainable and secure software;

  • 🌱 I’m currently enhancing my Java/Spring/Javascript/ReactJS skills;
  • 💬 If you are passionate about what you are doing and working hard to master it then you are my friend;
  • 📫 How to reach me: @mmaghous;
  • 📝Resume (outdated);


Hope is work and effort, and effort is never wasted

Books I've read partialy (more than 50%) or completly:

  • Technical:
    • C++ Concurrency in Action-Manning Publications by Anthony Williams (2012)
    • Principles of Parallel Programming-Pearson by Calvin Lin, Larry Snyder (2008)
    • Clean Code, A Handbook of Agile Software Craftmanship-Prentice by Robert C. Martin (2010)
    • The Pragmatic Programmer by David Thomas, Andrew Hunt (2019)
  • Self-development:
    • Think and grow rich by Napoleon Hill


"Great things happen when the world agrees"


"If you’re willing to embrace the grind, you can pull off the impossible"

Jacob Kaplan-Moss.

Twitter: magmine Linkedin: mmaghous GitHub magmine

Languages and Tools:

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