magicmonty / sonicpi.nvim

A neovim Plugin for [Sonic Pi](

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This is a neovim plugin for Sonic Pi



This plugin is inspired by sonicpi.vim.


  • fully implemented in lua.
  • dynamic completion engine, powered by nvim-cmp.
    • help texts and completions are parsed from Sonic Pi's server code
  • not dependend on external tools
  • Compatible with Sonic Pi v4.0 and higher
    • can start and stop the Sonic Pi daemon process and sends the proper keep-alive packets in the background
  • Can show logs and cues coming from Sonic Pi


You will need at least version 0.6 of neovim with lua support and nvim-cmp. Use your preferred package/plugin manager to install this plugin. With packer.nvim, this looks like:

  config = function()
  requires ='hrdh7th/nvim-cmp',

You have to set the directory to the Sonic Pi server, so that the plugin can read the documentation and language arguments for the completion engine.


The default configuration is as follows, you can override it with your own settings if you wish

  server_dir = "", -- It will try to find the SonicPi server
  mappings = {
    { 'n', '<leader>s', require('sonicpi.remote').stop, default_mapping_opts },
    { 'i', '<M-s>', require('sonicpi.remote').stop, default_mapping_opts },
    { 'n', '<leader>r', require('sonicpi.remote').run_current_buffer, default_mapping_opts },
    { 'i', '<M-r>', require('sonicpi.remote').run_current_buffer, default_mapping_opts },

LSP setup

If you want to use the LSP, then install solargraph correctly and add the following to the on_init callback of your lsp config:

local function on_init(client)

  require('sonicpi').lsp_on_init(client, { server_dir = '/opt/sonic-pi/app/server' })

also you need to configure solargraph to accept single files with

single_file = true

in the solargraph settings for your LSP setup

CMP setup

If you want to use the completion engine, then you have to add the sonicpi source to your config:


  sources = {
    { name = 'sonicpi' }


This plugin has support for Luasnip. If you have luasnip istalled, then a selection of predefined snippets will be available.

Currently the following snippets are available:

  • clocks -> makes a live loop, which acts as a selection of clocks where you can synchronize to
  • ll -> makes a live loop
  • llc -> makes a live loop, which synchronizes to a specific clock cue
  • bd -> makes a live loop with a four on the floor base drum pattern
  • fx -> makes a generic with_fx block
  • echo -> makes a with_fx block with echo settings
  • reverb -> makes a with_fx block with reverb settings


You need to create a new file with a .sonicpi extension and open it in neovim. Then you can use the LSP and completion engine including the snippets.


  • SonicPiStartDaemon: Starts the Sonic Pi server processes and keeps them alive
  • SonicPiStopDaemon: Stops the Sonic Pi server processes
  • SonicPiHideLogs: Hides the log windows but keeps the buffers intact (logging continues in the background)
  • SonicPiCloseLogs: Closes all log windows and stops listening for log messages
  • SonicPiStopAndClose: A combination of SonicPiStopDaemon and SonicPiCloseLogs
  • SonicPiSendBuffer: Sends the content of the buffer to Sonic Pi for execution
  • SonicPiStop: Stops the current run

Default Mappings

Mode Key binding Description
n <leader>r Run current buffer
n <leader>s Stop execution
i <M-r> Run current buffer
i <M-s> Stop execution


A neovim Plugin for [Sonic Pi](


Language:Lua 99.8%Language:Vim Script 0.2%