magicien / GLTFSceneKit

glTF loader for SceneKit

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Problematic Models

AlicanC opened this issue · comments


Hey, thanks for the great library! I have been experimenting with some models from Sketchfab with the sample macOS app and I've found a few models that have problems.

The following models have no texture:

The following model crashes:

It would be great if we could figure out what's going on.

Thanks in advance!

Hi, AlicanC. Thank you for your comment.
I checked the models and I had the same issue.

The problem is that GLTFSceneKit doesn't support KHR_materials_pbrSpecularGlossiness extension so far. I'm going to implement it.

I'm not sure about the crashed one, but I guess it's because the app outputted too many logs. Without debugging, it can show the model.


Hey, I have made a non-complete implementation that fixed two of those that didn't show texture:

Great Job!
I guess glossinessFactor should look like this;
material.roughness.contents = createGrayColor(white: (1.0 - data.glossinessFactor))
but I'm not sure how to use specularFactor.


I will try it if I find any models that have non-default values for those.

Great! Now we can calculate baseColor and metalness.
For performance, it seems to be better to convert image data before sending textures to GPU, but it makes it difficult to animate values.
Making a shaderModifier to convert values could be good for the first step.

I made add-specular-glossiness-support branch.

The spider model seems to have too large textures. When I tried downsized textures (8192 x 8192), it worked. I'm thinking of adding a feature to downsize large textures.


I merged add-specular-glossiness-support branch to master.
Now you can see textures for the first 3 models.