magespawn / SatIntel

SatIntel is an OSINT tool for Satellites πŸ›°. Extract satellite telemetry, receive orbital predictions, and parse TLEs πŸ”­

Repository from Github https://github.commagespawn/SatIntelRepository from Github https://github.commagespawn/SatIntel


 .       .                   .       .      .     .      .                      .              .
    .           .            .     ________ 
                  .               /////////                .         .      .       .       .          .
        .   ________   .  .      /////////     .    .
           |.____.  /\         /////////    .                      .               .               .
  .       //      \/  |\     /////////
         //          \ |  \ /////////         _______ _______ _______ _____ __   _ _______ _______       .
        ||           | |  ///////// .     .   |______ |_____|    |      |   | \  |    |    |______ |     
   .    ||           | |//  /////             ______| |     |    |    __|__ |  \_|    |    |______ |_____  .       
        \\         / //     \/   .                    
          \\.___./ //\      ,_\     .     .                                                            .
  .       .    \ //////\   /    \                 .    .      Satellite OSINT CLI Tool          .            .
          .    ///////// \|      |    .                    
       .      ///////// .  \ __ /          .               Made by Angelina Tsuboi (G4LXY)              .
 .           /////////                              .               .                   .
   .   .    /////////     .     .                           .                   .                   .     .
           --------   .                  ..             .               .                .
    .        .         .                       .                                 .                .

SatIntel is a OSINT tool for satellite reconnaissance made with Golang. The tool can extract satellite telemetry, receive orbital predictions, and parse TLEs.


  • Satellite Catalog Retrieval from NORAD ID or Selection Menu
  • Display Satellite Telemetry
  • Visual and Radio Orbital Predictions
  • Parse Two Line Elements (TLE)


SatIntel Image


Make an account at Space Track save username and password.

Create an account at N2YO and save API key.

Update main.go to have proper credentials

os.Setenv("SPACE_TRACK_USERNAME", "username")
os.Setenv("SPACE_TRACK_PASSWORD", "password")
os.Setenv("N2YO_API_KEY", "api-key")

To build from source, you will need Go installed.

$ export GO111MODULE=on 
$ go get ./...
$ go run main.go

APIs Used

  • Space Track: Retrieve Satellite Catalog and TLE Information
  • N2YO: Retrieve Passes Predictions

Satellite OSINT Explained

To get a general overview of the underlying concepts of this tool, read this article.

Upcoming Features

  • Map Layout of Satellite Positioning
  • Including the SGP4 Algorithm for Position Prediction


SatIntel is an OSINT tool for Satellites πŸ›°. Extract satellite telemetry, receive orbital predictions, and parse TLEs πŸ”­



Language:Go 100.0%